Stuffing cushions.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Retired, Jul 31, 2021.

  1. Retired

    Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

    May 30, 2019
    West Yorkshire

    My wife and I both retired have just about everything we need or even want but with our 45th wedding anniversay approaching I asked my wife what she would like; anything at all. As usual she said a trip to M&S so we visited Pudsey the first time since Covid and what a huge disappointment; the ladies clothing section appeared to be virtually trousers/slacks and at around 7pm the store was our own when we entered; we couldn't see another customer; how sad because we've always liked and shopped at M&S. We spent very little.

    My wife did mention our sofa cushions were sagging and she would be happy to have the cushions restuffed; the sofa cost £2,000 twenty years ago and is still in general good condition but I suggested why not just buy a new sofa? Now the fun began; due to Covid we really didn't want to visit stores so we browsed the web and couldn't find a sofa we liked better than the one we already had.

    Why not have our sofa re-upholstered? Locally we have at least four upholster's so we visited one and discussed this with a guy who was nearing retirement age; his younger business partner out on a job; we chose very heavy commercial quality upholstery fabric and explained our sofa was a big three seater; we were roughly quoted £1,200 which wasn't a problem but I said I'd send pictures of our sofa by email which I did.

    His partner replied quickly saying the cushions looked as though they needed replacing so now the cost was £1,800 which still wasn't a problem; then we were informed lead time would be at least ten weeks which would bring us into winter so at this point we decided to give it more thought.

    I worked in local mills for many years being able to weave; pattern warp; dye etc so was used to different fabrics and materials; I browsed eBay and bought 5KG of hollow fibre cushion/teddy bear stuffing. Five minutes each adding additional stuffing to our three cushions job done; the cushions aren't foam. The new stuffing cost under £23 and most of it is surplus; it took much less stuffing than expected and the actual stuffing used must have cost under £5.

    Two days ago I stuffed the cushions but without experience I over stuffed them so this morning I've removed some of the new stuffing and the cushions are now comfortable once again.

    Sofa cushions_0002.JPG
    The cushions were depressed in their middle seen here and when seated on compressed a lot further. Sofa cushions_0003.JPG
    I added too much new hollow fibre but the job was incredibly easy; inside each cushion is a liner but I just inserted the stuffing between the fabric and liner; if the stuffing starts to push through then I can easily open up the liner and restuff. Sofa cushions_0006.JPG
    The cushions having put on too much thickness but easy enough to adjust.


    My wife is delighted and it cost so little in the end; when we first married we had very little money but now in retirement we struggle to spend money; what a strange life.

    I thought I'd add this little story just for interest.

    Kind regards, Colin.
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    • Upsydaisy

      Upsydaisy Total Gardener

      Apr 26, 2017
      Living in hope of world wide peace.
      Hampshire. Zone 8b
      Yes much cheaper @Retired , hubs did all ours in our snug lounge a few years back. Ours is over 25 years old, and due to my line of work also had over 30 little ones sitting, laying and, occasionally :nonofinger:, bouncing on it, revamped it's as good as new now.:dbgrtmb:
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      • alana

        alana Super Gardener

        May 5, 2008
        Head Gardener
        Far East of Suffolk
        I've never done upholstery but after taking the tatty, old fabric off my cane furniture I decided to give it a go. I bought some end of roll, heavy duty fabric off ebay and, using the old fabric as a pattern, I managed to do a reasonable job. The hardest part was doing the button backs, which is a two person job, but with a little help I did it. I reused the zips and bought new piping cord but the entire job for doing two chairs cost less than £30 pounds. Lovely, comfortable chairs given a new lease of life.:smile:
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        • Retired

          Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

          May 30, 2019
          West Yorkshire

          Well done alana; now you've done some upholstery I bet you do more; it's amazing the savings doing the work oneself; I'd encourage anyone to try something different. :yes:

          Did you use a piping foot on a sewing machine to add the piping?

          Kind regards, Colin.

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