Ha Ha , cant get hold of enough dead chickens. Not enough people working in the disgusting chicken rearing and killing industry since Brexit. Good job too, hope they go down the pan and take KFC with them.
Equally well it could be none of us have ever tried Nandos. I had to look them up: they have now appeared in Exeter and Plymouth.
Got to admit, although I had seen Nando's I didn't realise that they only sold chicken. Not a vegetarian by any means, but the stuff they sell has to be from factory farms. Can't say I like that kind of thing.
I didn't want to join in because the issue was too intellectually taxing and controversial! I will reluctantly confess that I'm totally with you on the Nandos issue, however there's just no need to bring KFC into this, the Zinger Burger's a culinary classic! That makes them sound like some sort of disturbingly invasive species, which is incredibly close to the truth... Nick
I think someone in Nando's stock management is having a bad day. After all, we have been reading about supply chain issues since brexit, covid and Suez mishap started causing problems. It's understandable that a supermarket may have problems to secure some lines, but Nandos pretty much only sell one thing: chicken. "Hmm... need to prepare for potential supply issues and stock up on... hmmm... paper napkins with Nando's logo (tick!), colourful logoed bunting (tick!), iceberg lettuce and... what was it again... "
Never been into nandos,kfc,mc-mac or any other that sell ping food I buy a whole chicken stick it in the oven for 9 hours and it does 4 meals £2.75p for the chicken
Thank you Nick. A story ... My long term friends ... of many years ago from Bucks ... three of us worked for a diamond mining company in West Africa in the late 80s and we got together once a month at each other's homes. We always got KFC Still see one couple who come here. We still buy buckets a couple of times a year.
I told T'other Half about this and he said had I said he actually met "The Colonel" when he was a child.
Never been to any of those fast food outlets baring a Mac black coffee in Fez in Morocco!!!!! I had to look Nandos up too.
I also had not heard of Nandos. I find the chicken in macs and kfc to salty, no salt in our house hold. We eat a lot of chicken but only tend to buy the thighs, drumsticks and wings for cooking. Use a lot of belly pork also but fish is my favourite. Going to Leeds market in the morning, after, talapia, snapper, octupus and squid tentacles.
I've never heard of Nandos but I don't go to that type of place anyway. Actually over the past year or two I've gradually gone off meat, I don't know why ... and these days it turns on my stomach to see it I eat fish though but it isn't the same as meat somehow.