Pond water test

Discussion in 'Water Gardening' started by Gizmo, Aug 18, 2021.

  1. Gizmo

    Gizmo Gardener

    Sep 19, 2020
    Hi with blanket weed I was advised to go to pond expert from this forum and forgot who advised but I bought 3 items x 2 as was not sure which one would be better..

    We have got raised beds for flowers and veg but never tried copper tape for slug and snails

    With flowers we have something very hungry and eating holes in the leaves of this plant but can't see anything really without coming out at midnight with touch IMG_20210822_172256.jpg
  2. ricky101

    ricky101 Total Gardener

    Jun 15, 2016
    Did any of those products cause the blanket weed to disappear ? though no idea why you would want buy, let alone use, 3 different types and two lots of each ? One bottle or pack should have treated your small pond for at least a year ?

    The copper tape, self adhesive, widely available and costs about £1 per meter, just fix it say half way up the sides of your raised beds or an area where it does not get knocked etc.
    We use it on our large pots of Hostas which has always kept the snails away, though be aware they can come down a fence panel and get in that way.
    Don't forget you will already have slug and snails and their eggs in your raised bed soil so you need to deal with them manually. Try say a warm damp/wet summers evening just after dusk is the best time to spot them .

    Your 'cat' netting mesh looks quite large so expect a lot of bugs can get in easily, but so can the predators
    Just let nature do its thing, no one has perfect plants. You could also try a diy garlic spray on the plants the snails go after, if that does not affect the pooch.

    Out of interest, our 'soft' tap water is PH 7.6 and TDS 90, the pond ( no fish but plenty of frogs etc) PH 7.0 TDS 170.

    • Useful Useful x 1
    • Gizmo

      Gizmo Gardener

      Sep 19, 2020
      Thanks for the reply. I had a look on my other post about pond weed it was ricky101 who posted a blog on pond expert website.. I looked. Around and it was said what product to get for blanket weed as I was not sure. Which one would be best or how long it would last so I bought 2 x. 3 times..
      I done a pond calculation on water and it says our pond holds 532 gallons... I looked on items I bought for instructions and for the liquid in the bottle it says add 10 mil per 50 gallons. Of water repeat 1 time a week if. Needed..
      The flakes needed replacement after 3 months...
      The balls. Need replacement after 1 week.. We are only following instructions..
      Thanks IMG_20210823_104835.jpg IMG_20210823_104814.jpg IMG_20210823_104736.jpg IMG_20210823_104723.jpg
      • Informative Informative x 1
      • ricky101

        ricky101 Total Gardener

        Jun 15, 2016
        Blog ? no I only posted a Link to direct you to that Pond Expert site for some futher info on pond algae problems.

        Which of those products have you used and have any of them worked ?

        Not sure of your pond size, but looking at your other posts it might be 6 x 5 x 2 ft ?
        Do not know if thats the outside or inside measurements as you have built it with those thick sleepers.
        That said, calculated on 6x5x2 as inside measurments, that only gives 374 gallons, a good bit under your 532 gallons ?
        Looking at those products each bottle should last 2-4 months even based on your 532 gallons.

        Don't know if you saw last Sundays edition of the TV gardening program Beechgrove which briefly showed their large ornamental pond covered with thick blanket weed.
        Even Monty Dons Gardeners World wildlife pond is often shown with him draging out blanket weed, so it shows there is no easy answer to such problems.

        The pics of your pond now looks quiet good, so would not worry about a few plant losses with all those others still there, unless more die off.
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          Last edited: Aug 23, 2021
        • Gizmo

          Gizmo Gardener

          Sep 19, 2020
          Hi look on my post about pond weed and on post I think number 4 is says about blog.. But no worries I looked on pond expert for advice about blanket weed and bought the items shown in last post.. I think it is keeping weed at bay but not getting rid of it all I have tried all of the products bought..
          With the pond size I don't know if anyone remembers but I had problems in digging down due to rolled chalk I could only dig down 10 inch so I added sleepers which are 5 rows up total depth of pond is 30 inch x 6 x 5 foot from outside of sleepers so I used a pond calculator to see how much water was in pond and it turned out to be over 500 gallons according to calculation..
          We don't really watch TV.. Thanks for the advice

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