Workshop music.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Retired, Aug 25, 2021.

  1. Retired

    Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

    May 30, 2019
    West Yorkshire

    At last I've been playing with a violin. I've just replaced the broken strings on the Rainbow violin and used my new electronic Aroma AT-01A Tuner to set it up; it's taken quite a while to get it in tune but then I'm a raw novice and have succeeded; tomorrow I'll tune my new Hidersine violin no longer worried about breaking strings; I've been practicing holding the bow correctly which at first felt very strange and unnatural indeed but now I'm making squeaking noises so I've enjoyed my first step.

    When I first saw the green violin posted for sale I was very suspicious wondering why a violin would be sprayed mettalic green; I'm used to car bodywork so could damage have been filled in? I was totally ignorant that a company actually made and sold violins in a number of colours; the label inside the violin declared it was a Rainbow violin so I had a browse online and was absolutely amazed to have bought this excellent violin for such a very low price; I expected having to restore it but all it needed was two new strings; the case shows plenty of wear but the violin is in lovely virtually umarked condition; I'm enjoying playing with it.

    Buy Rainbow Original 4/4 size Violin Outfit | FREE DELIVERY

    The repaired chisel has been collected and I did mention if he breaks it again I've moved. Today I've made three doors for the studio bench; tomorrow the glue will have set so I can finish them off and get them ready to be hung; I'm keen to get into the new studio where I can spread out a bit in comfort. Another day has slipped quietly by.

    Kind regards, Colin.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Sheal

      Sheal Total Gardener

      Feb 2, 2011
      Dingwall, Ross-shire
      I think you've done your duty with the chisel. Repairing it once is a kind thing to do but you're right putting the lid on more come backs. :thumbsup:

      They tick on by much too fast, don't they?
      • Agree Agree x 2
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        Last edited: Sep 19, 2021
      • Retired

        Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

        May 30, 2019
        West Yorkshire

        Thanks Sheal; yes I've seen the back of the chisel and can now get stuck into finishing the studio. I've just come out of the workshop bringing the three new bench doors which now need hanging.

        I couldn't agree more; the days fly by at an alarming rate; the years too now disappear quickly.

        Kind regards, Colin.

        Bench doors_0001.JPG
        Yesterday I made the three doors. Bench doors_0002.JPG
        Adding "V" grooving for a bit of visual interest costing nothing other than time which I'm always short of but the extra touches are always worth it. I have five routers this Makita being the smallest but it's a delight to use for light routing and trimming jobs. Bench doors_0006.JPG
        Three doors completed having just been sanded and dusted off. Bench doors_0008.JPG
        The doors need hanging then they and the bench fronts can be painted; the bench tops are to be varnished. Dinner time and another morning has flown by; if only I didn't need to eat and sleep I could do so much more. :biggrin:
        • Like Like x 4
        • Retired

          Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

          May 30, 2019
          West Yorkshire

          It turning into a nice day after heavy rain this morning I decided to attack the mile a minute vine AGAIN; I've been fighting this vine for years; each time I knock it back it just laughs at me and starts growing again; I thought I'll just pop up the mountain with the "Pistol" herbicide and treat it to another drink; I mixed the herbicide in the pressure sprayer and as I started to pump up pressure the container split at the bottom spraying my trousers; socks and shoes; I decanted as quickly as I could then went up and sprayed the vine then it was a change of clothes and wash my legs and feet; every job I do turns into a number of jobs but then nothing changes.

          Kind regards, Colin.
          • Friendly Friendly x 2
          • Retired

            Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

            May 30, 2019
            West Yorkshire

            I rememberred to ask my wife who isn't colour blind to have a look at the baskets this afternoon Sheal and they are all the same colour; the studio lighting plays tricks on the camera in fact the lighting will need upgrading; I often think living in Yorkshire I need my old coal mining lamp and helmet in order to see what I'm doing and this many times even in summer.:)

            I've managed to hang the three doors to the bench front and add catches today so the studio is nearing completion; door knobs still to make. I intended painting the fronts of the benches and varnishing the tops but my wife is happy with the bare timber saying it matches in better with the bare timber wall framing and beamed ceiling so it saves a job; another day has flown by but I'm now practicing each day with the violin; I keep having lots of problems tuning the violin with the electronic tuner which is taking up most of my practice time but no doubt I'll get used to it and eventually speed up; we're still watching lots of YouTube violin tutorials which are helping a lot; it all feels so strange just now with me being such a raw novice but I'm making bits of improvement each time I practice and not making as many squealing noises; so much to learn all at once; it's a ballistic learning curve but I'm enjoying myself and whilst playing with the violin I'm not grafting.

            I hit the ground running as I got out of bed this morning at 6 o'clock so it's time now to settle down to a YouTube movie; the TV is just full of soccer and I've just been insulted having paid the full TV colour licence when I see so little of normal rubbish TV. Compared to watching TV had I painted the bench fronts this would have been more entertaining and interesting watching the paint dry.

            Kind regards, Colin.
            • Friendly Friendly x 1
            • Logan

              Logan Total Gardener

              May 27, 2017
              redditch Worcester
              Looking good Colin.
              • Friendly Friendly x 1
              • Retired

                Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                May 30, 2019
                West Yorkshire

                Thanks Logan :)

                The new studio is now finished; I completed it at dinner time today. The new car radio is hooked up to the Sony speaker and playing my MP3 60's favourites from memory stick; I replaced two old 13A double unswitched sockets with two new MK double gang switched sockets. Being a tight Yorkshireman I made the new door handles from an off cut of 3/4" square length of softwood to match the doors; I used the router with a cove cutter installed to run a cove on opposite edges then cut three new handles at 3" long and sanded them smooth removing all sharp corners; I drilled clearance holes for two screws each right through the doors then simply screwed on the handles. Next I infilled around the vice to tidy it up.

                A good tidy up followed washing the window frame paintwork and cleaning the windows; Henry the vac obliged to finish the job off. It's taken a week and a half to do this studio but the hours I've put in will be well worth it.

                I've practiced a bit more this afternoon with the violin and feel if I stick at it I'll eventually learn to control the bow and get the angle of the violin right; I keep watching YouTube violin tutorials but I think I'm doing OK so far; most of all I'm enjoying it. My wife is delighted with her area of the studio and we'll both populate the studio with materials and tools etc we use. I have a nice stool in the workshop so I'll bring this up to the studio and start to settle in; new better lighting is definitely needed.

                Kind regards, Colin.

                My drawing_0002.JPG
                My wife is very artistic but here's a sketch I drew a few years ago wanting to have a go but since then not had time to do more. My wife kindly framed it for me. Studio completed_0001.JPG
                Studio completed and very tidy ready for occupation. The end wall is my area and I'll seat myself there to work in comfort. Studio completed_0002.JPG
                My wife's section with her office chair in readiness.

                Car radio_0001.JPG
                The new car radio in a softwood surround to match the rest of the woodwork. Car radio_0002.JPG
                The Sony speaker located against the ceiling; I beamed and cladded the ceiling many years ago. I can now relax and move on to practicing playing the violins and also look forward to making a violin from scratch. We're never bored but keep running out of time.
                • Like Like x 5
                • Logan

                  Logan Total Gardener

                  May 27, 2017
                  redditch Worcester
                  Looks great Colin.
                  • Friendly Friendly x 1
                  • Sheal

                    Sheal Total Gardener

                    Feb 2, 2011
                    Dingwall, Ross-shire
                    A grand job, well done Colin. :thumbsup:
                    • Friendly Friendly x 1
                    • Retired

                      Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                      May 30, 2019
                      West Yorkshire

                      Thanks Logan & Sheal; very much appreciated. :)

                      Yesterday I installed 3 new 4' long LED strip lights and wow what a difference; I also washed and polished the car over the weekend hence the torrential rain whilst out shopping this morning.

                      My chum David kindly sent me the link seen above this morning; it's absolutely brilliant; I'm much better playing the tunes on real motorcycles than I am playing them on a violin.

                      I think I've now reached the point when any normal person would quit learning to play a violin and walk away; I'm too stupid to know when to quit so I'm sticking with it; I'm still having problems with bow control and even holding the violin; last night I decided to try using one of the shoulder rests and out of only two ways to attach it to the violin of course I got it wrong but this is how I learn so much; make every mistake possible first. YouTube videos are a great help and I can play them over and over as required costing nothing; I'd considered taking one on one to one violin lessons but at £30 per hour I'm sure I'd need a mortgage; the violin teachers though I consider underpaid compared to our solicitor who charged £200 per hour only to have me married to a different woman in our wills?

                      I've been practicing on both violins; I'd installed new G&D strings on the second hand Rainbow violin and making noises with it but having watched lots more YouTube videos decided to renew the A&E strings too; I was amazed to find both these to be E strings so I'm learning. The Mongolian unbleached horse hair has just arrived so I'll soon be ready to attempt rehairing the Rainbow bow but I need a suitable comb first.

                      Last night I wandered into the studio to practice but made a real mess of it; I've been working so hard both my arms quickly tired; relaxed arms and hands are definitely needed but I was very tense indeed; I'll keep practicing every day though.

                      Last weekend flew by at an alarming rate; washing and polishing the car; installing LED lighting plus household chores; I also spent ages blasting the workshop using the compressor airline kicking up a dense cloud of dust and debris; I do this twice yearly to clean the workshop blowing the debris onto the driveway where I can access it easily; I wear a dust mask; it took four attempts before the cloud settled and I was satisfied it was clean enough.

                      Clean workshop_0001.JPG
                      The workshop is now tidy again with bench tops clear so I can now concentrate on practicing the violin. Clean workshop_0002.JPG
                      I love playing with all my toys but I can't be in two places at once and although fully retired I simply don't have all the time I'd like. LED lighting_0001.JPG
                      The new LED strip lights fully installed; it all takes time; I'll install a new 13A double socket in my bench area.

                      I'll have a browse to see if there's a violin forum I can join because I want to learn.

                      Kind regards, Colin.
                      • Like Like x 3
                      • Retired

                        Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                        May 30, 2019
                        West Yorkshire

                        Just an update to say I'm going to be busy on another forum it's Fiddlerman forum where I hope to learn to play the violin (Learn to play the violin for free).

                        I like Gardeners Corner a lot and enjoy time on here but unfortunately I can't keep up with demands on my time but I plan to keep popping in from time to time even if only to say Hi.

                        I'm finding a violin is the most difficult stringed instrument to play and it lives up to this but I'm determined to succeed so I'll concentrate on learning.

                        Kind regards to everyone and thank you, Colin.
                        • Like Like x 3
                        • clanless

                          clanless Total Gardener

                          Jan 20, 2013
                          Gentleman of leisure.
                          North Wales
                          Throughly enjoyed this thread.

                          Don't stay away too long - be interested to see how you are progressing with the violin :blue thumb:
                          • Agree Agree x 2
                          • Sheal

                            Sheal Total Gardener

                            Feb 2, 2011
                            Dingwall, Ross-shire
                            By the next time we hear from you Colin perhaps you'll have a tune to play us. Good luck! :)

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