hi i am very new with these drives and would like to ask when you add your movies to the server do you have to add all movies example under movies or can you add different folders for different movies . do the makers of these drives see what you are looking at in your collection . and will it go through kodi as i am running win 10 kodi matrix 19 thanks for your advice
You can set up different folders (I have movies, TV, Kids and christmas) and just plonk the files into the relevant place. In kodi you need to set up each path in the menu and fiddle with other settings. Personally I prefer Plex as I find it works a bit better; for example in kodi I found that movies would always update as new stuff is added but the TV shows were a bit random. Incidentally you can have the best of both - use kodi but with the add on 'plex for kodi' and the plex media server.
thanks for your reply would you know if anyone can see whats on the drive server , and i got abit lost when you said about this use kodi but with the add on 'plex for kodi' and the plex media server. ? do you have to pay for plex .. do they see whats on the server ? thanks
Anyone you give permission will be able to access the server. Usually this is you as administrator plus family if needed. I use Plex media server installed on the nas. If I had a better Nas then I wouldn't use Kodi at all. As it is, my set up works best using Kodi as the player and accessing the media server. I use a video add on, installed onto to Kodi, called 'plex for kodi' and all it does is make Kodi look and function as Plex does. Entirely personal choice. You can look at alternative media servers and players (emby for example) Plex uses something called a Plex pass with various payment options. I don't have one as I only use it on my android TV and it works fine.
Thanks for your replys. Do you use vpn or encryption for your items on nas drive.. We have no idea where to find anything else like TV. TV shows. Xmas.etc We only have movies.. But thinking of hackers gaining access to server.. Thanks for your help and advice
You really only need a VPN if you're downloading stuff that perhaps you shouldn't, or if you are particularly worried about privacy. It doesn't affect the nas as it's basically just a local network. Any remote access to the nas (eg you suddenly want a copy of a file stored on your Nas but you happen to be on holiday) should already be encrypted and certainly it will be password protected. As a rule, hackers just aren't interested in Joe Public's files, they'd be more likely to try and hack passwords from Google etc
Thanks for the reply and advice.. We have collected a few movies over the years from ebay etc online shop and I put them into half size cases to safe space.. Regards to other sites we only use YouTube for some different movies.. Occasionally we'll use xhamster but again story based movies like classic style..
Thanks for the reply I ripped our collection of movies a long time ago but left what TV shows we got which is not alot.. I though as I might be having problems with external HD leads are becoming a bit loose I thought about another external HD but bought a nas from ebay which I know not alot about at the moment.. Reason why we still have dvd movies still in cases as for back up as they would cost alot to replace... I will see how I get on with nas drive Thanks for your advice