Violin; raw novice.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Retired, Aug 27, 2021.

  1. Retired

    Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

    May 30, 2019
    West Yorkshire

    Thanks Logan it's kind of you; I hope you're well.

    I'm too worn out to lift a violin let alone play it at the moment so thought I'd pop onto the forum whilst having a rest and a mug of tea.

    We've just had two terrific storms came up the valley with very high wind; yesterday finding the roof still on our bungalow I wandered up the mountain to see if the daffodils and crocus were pushing through; they're through in the front garden and on the patio. As I wandered round I collected small branches and twigs but as I neared the big willow tree I noticed something light coloured on the ground; it was very spongy wood. Inspecting the willow tree I found a huge split in one of its main trunks making the whole section lean precariously.

    Last night was forcast the second storm so nothing for it but to put on my winter clothes and sort it out before the wind blew the tree into our neighbours rear garden; it was bitterly cold but the wind had dropped making it calm so I wanted to take advantage of this short window.

    I rigged up two ropes having climbed a ladder to secure the ropes as high as I could reach on the willow tree and secured these to two nearby trees. I used my 20" petrol chainsaw and dropped the smaller leaning section clearing this away for safety then I dropped the main section; this willow is a "Crack willow" and looking on the web I find they are very prone to this kind of splitting also they are rated only to grow for about 30 years; this willow must be 50' tall and 50 years old.

    I did a lot of chainsaw work and also used the loppers to cut it all into sections I could move but by now I was too tired and cold to carry on also I was losing daylight so safer to call it a day.

    This morning I had done the three supermarkets shopping and back home by 8:30 then after a mug of tea back up the mountain; our rear garden is so steep just standing upright is challenging but this job needed sorting out. By dinner time I'd shredded all the brash and spread this as garden mulch; I'd taken the bulk of the cut logs to the bottom of our pathway ready to be collected by our woodburning friend; I couldn't do any more being tired out but after dinner now fully charged I completed the chainsaw work and took the remaining logs dow the path; this really was hard graft; carrying the logs down the garden then down steps to the wheelbarrow was not pleasant neither was any part of this job; I was buffeted by the icy blast all the while.

    Tree work._0003.JPG
    Here's what I found when I opened up the main trunk; it's a good job I decided to take it down.
    Tree work_025.JPG
    Our garden is very steep as seen judging by the rooftops; the right hand side of the tree was on the point of falling over the fence which would not endear me to our neighbours and also cause damage to our fence.
    Tree work_026.JPG
    Not nice to find at any time but definitely not in bitterly cold weather on this exposed valley side.
    Tree work_028.JPG
    Some of the brash awaiting shredding.
    Tree work_029.JPG
    Fortunately the rest of this tree is still standing and I hope it's still standing when our two days of summer arrive; I'll take the lot down for safety rather than wait until I'm forced to do the job in bad weather.
    Tree work_030.JPG
    Our woodburning friend is a regular visitor collected our storm damaged trees. Short lengths of the trunk are heavy and the steepness of the garden makes a bad job a lot worse.

    I was hoping I could get on with learning to play my violins but I can dream on; there's always something needs doing; our bungalow and gardens demand constant work. At 74 I'm now tiring more quickly but thankful I'm still fit and heathy enough to still carry out this heavy work. I won't be happy until the rest of this willow tree is disposed of; I dislike taking trees down because I've always liked trees.

    I'm still practicing the violin though as often as I can and I'm making steady progress; it amazed me when I first used the Tascam to record then play back through the amplifier my violin practice; it sounded totally different to what I hear as I play and highlighted I wasn't as good as I thought I was but now hearing playback I'm improving. The 1890 German violin is a beauty and the new strings are settling down nicely; I just want leaving alone to practice but there's always something more pressing needing doing.

    It's surprising what a magic mug of tea can do; I felt tired and worn out an hour ago but I'm fit again and most of the aching has left me; I'm just a bit out of practice tree felling.

    It's nice to have a bit of time to pop onto the forum again.

    Kind regards, Colin.
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    • Logan

      Logan Total Gardener

      May 27, 2017
      redditch Worcester
      Hi Retired, I'm fine thank you, had my other cataract surgery done 2 weeks ago today and going well.

      Glad that you're doing well with your violins and it's a shame when a tree falls down.
      Yes gardens take up a lot of time and we're all not getting any younger. Take care
      • Friendly Friendly x 1
      • Retired

        Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

        May 30, 2019
        West Yorkshire

        You'll be over the moon Logan to finally have your cataracts sorted out; it must be a huge relief; I'm delighted for you.

        Our friend has just done three trips to collect the logs so we're clear once again for the time being but it's still windy; 3 o'clock this morning I was awakened by the high wind coming up the valley and it's still blustery but a bit warmer although exposed to the wind it's cold.

        The daffodils and crocus are pushing through in the rear garden; I tried my best to dance around these whilst tree felling; I love to see these appearing because I know springtime is on its way which always cheers me up.

        I agree Logan; we aren't getting younger and my bones let me know this morning when I got out of bed; I could hardly move aching so badly; this usually happens to me after a winter lay off then I start once again doing heavy work in the gardens; normally it lasts a couple of days until it wears off then I'm fit and active.

        I thought I'd finished with all the heavy tree work but now I've more tree work to look forward to in a few months time; this work never lets up.

        I'm becoming obssessed with violins and look forward to daily practicing; I've mentioned before my dream is to play "Lara's Theme" on a violin I make myself; I've got the new violin wood from Poland and have been gathering tools I'll need but it's much too cold to play around in the workshop; I want to make a violin as a pleasure not a punishment so I'll have to wait quite a while yet before winter passes and bad weather takes over; bad weather usually is a bit warmer for us but not guaranteed; when I made and assembled one of our garden huts in mid summer it was 10C and I was pelted with hail stones and lots and lots of rain.

        Daylight hours are starting to lengthen at last slowly taking us out of the black hole; if only our climate was more friendly I could do a lot more.

        Kind regards, Colin.
        • Like Like x 1
        • Logan

          Logan Total Gardener

          May 27, 2017
          redditch Worcester
          Hi Retired
          Thank you and yes I can see colours clearly now and everything else, just have to have reading glasses get them sorted in 2 weeks.

          That's great about your friend collecting all the logs and it's nice to see bulbs coming up.
          You get a lot of windy weather where you live.

          You are always busy with something and that's good.

          It's good about you playing your violin and practice makes perfect.

          It's good that the days are drawing out.
          Take care
          • Friendly Friendly x 1
            Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
          • Jocko

            Jocko Guided by my better half.

            Jan 2, 2022
            Retired engineer. Now Vice CEO of the garden.
            Danderhall on southern edge of Edinburgh. Zone 8a.
            I have always had a fancy for building an acoustic guitar but don't have the skills I have built a few electric guitars but now only have my firstborn.

            Jocko Tru-caster 27-1-16.jpg
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            • Creative Creative x 1
            • Tomcat

              Tomcat Gardener

              Nov 20, 2021
              Cultivating a sense of humus
              Very nice @Jocko ! . Is it a one piece body ? .
              • Like Like x 1
              • Agree Agree x 1
              • Logan

                Logan Total Gardener

                May 27, 2017
                redditch Worcester
                • Agree Agree x 1
                • Retired

                  Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                  May 30, 2019
                  West Yorkshire

                  Thanks Logan; it's so easy to take seeing and hearing for granted; I'm careful to protect both during my endeavours; I always wear safety shoes too even in the workshop. You'll be skipping around like a kid now full of life; I'm pleased for you.

                  It's still breezy this morning and overcast but as long as it doesn't snow I can cope; the car is fitted with Michelin Cross Climate tyres just in case and I've bought a spare snow shovel; a snow shovel is brilliant for moving piles of mulch; we've had wagon loads of wood chippings delivered by local tree surgeons these dropped on to level ground then using the snow shovel it's quick and easy to load a wheelbarrow the shovel is light which is a huge bonus.

                  Thanks for sharing the guitar picture Jocko it's a beauty and you'll be very proud of it. I'd like to encourage you to have a go at making an acoustic guitar; I've never attempted to make a violin from scratch but I'll gather the skills needed as I go along; now well into winter and not spending time in the workshop I'm spending time researching and have watched lots of very useful YouTube videos; I've already bought the wood I need and this company also supplies guitar wood; an excellent company to deal with;


                  Here's just one of many YouTube videos you might like;

                  The heating is on in the studio so I hope to spend some time in there today practicing with the violin and recording; I'm trying to spend less time being a keyboard warrior but I do enjoy the forums I'm a member of; I'm not under pressure to learn how to play or to make a violin it's just a wonderful hobby to be involved in.

                  Kind regards, Colin.
                  • Like Like x 1
                  • Logan

                    Logan Total Gardener

                    May 27, 2017
                    redditch Worcester
                    Thank you Colin and yes I will be skipping around.

                    Good that you can practice today.

                    The weather is nicer at the moment so I can do a few things around the garden.

                    Can't be sure when you will get snow where you are. It's good that you wear safety shoes and clothing.

                    I bought some safety glasses when I garden, in the past I've had particles of soil and poked myself in the eye with a raspberry cane.
                    Enjoy your playing
                    take care
                    • Friendly Friendly x 1
                    • Jocko

                      Jocko Guided by my better half.

                      Jan 2, 2022
                      Retired engineer. Now Vice CEO of the garden.
                      Danderhall on southern edge of Edinburgh. Zone 8a.
                      It is a one-piece Swamp Ash body. I had considered an acoustic guitar kit. A guitar in an hour! It took me about 5 months to build Blondie.
                      • Like Like x 2
                      • Tomcat

                        Tomcat Gardener

                        Nov 20, 2021
                        Cultivating a sense of humus
                        Just noticed the unusual machine heads , never seen that kind before ! .
                        • Like Like x 2
                        • Jocko

                          Jocko Guided by my better half.

                          Jan 2, 2022
                          Retired engineer. Now Vice CEO of the garden.
                          Danderhall on southern edge of Edinburgh. Zone 8a.
                          They are Steinberger gearless machine heads. Work like a micrometer.

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                          • Retired

                            Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                            May 30, 2019
                            West Yorkshire

                            Thanks Logan; they'll be no holding you now you can see; I'm heading the same way as you with cararacts; it must be over eight years ago Boots optician said I was starting with cararacts but not to worry for quite a while. When I renewed my driving licence I decided for safety to have my eyes tested again; rather than use Boots I decided to support a local option so booked the appointment; a very small family business and as soon as I entered the tiny reception I didn't like him; he was dealing with a lady customer so I stood back observing covid distancing; he looked up at me from his seat just looking not saying anything so I introduced myself to when he said take a seat.

                            I sat in silence for quite a while until he finally spoke saying sign here so I signed on one of the silly screens which never work for me then back to solitary confinement on the seat; at one point his lady wife/partner briefly appeared glanced at me without a word then disappeared again. Eventually he finally thought it time to test my eyes but by now I just wanted to get away and after being treated to this silent solitary confinement I made it clear I just wanted an eyetest and no glasses; ice age was here but he led me down the steepest narrowest staircase I've ever seen into what must have been the cellar; it was so small at the bottom he had to reach through the door in order to push equipment out of the way before I could squeeze in; I'm like a stick insect so anyone with a bit of weight possibly wouldn't make it down the stairway and would need a crowbar to get through the door.

                            Credit to him he gave me a decent eyetest; I asked him if my cataracts were any worse and to my astonishment he said he couldn't say if I had cataracts or didn't have cataracts; I then asked for the prescription but he hung back saying he wanted to point out he was only responsible for the eyetest and if I wanted to buy online at £30 or so he wasn't responsible; I was only too happy to leave this miserable pair who online are described as a friendly family business.

                            I won't go out of my way ever again to try to support a local business; years ago I wanted a Fein Mutimaster top these online at £200 with next day delivery; I visited out local Timothy Wood store; there was a large pile of these exact machines stacked near the door as I entered; I'd taken along £220; they were priced at £240 so I explained I'd only got £220 cash on me and this was refused so next day the Fein arrived for £200. No wonder people are buying online; all he had to do was to hand one over and issue paperwork; I'd have paid the £20 extra and still been a customer; I've never been back since and neither will I visit this optician I've had enough.

                            I can see an halo around car headlights so I do need to have another eye test for safety to myself and to others; Boots will do the next test for me. When I visited the optician I had over £300 cash on me plus my debit card and had he been friendly and confimed cataracts I'd have bought glasses from him but this pair need Ken Dodd's tickling stick.

                            I thought it was thunder last night but it was more powerful wind coming up the valley; I thought it's after the rest of the willow tree but this morning our trees are still upright much to my surprise.

                            Your guitar is a lovely piece of kit Jocko; how often do you play and do you play in a group or just play as an hobby.

                            I've enjoyed a violin practice this morning and now after a mug of tea I'm heading back into the studio; I took a lot of time and trouble creating the studio and so now UK energy costs are going ballistic; whatever the cost I'm having lights and heating on I'm sick of people telling us how to spend our hard earned money looking after the planet.

                            Got to go before another day slips by.

                            Kind regards, Colin.
                            • Like Like x 1
                            • Logan

                              Logan Total Gardener

                              May 27, 2017
                              redditch Worcester
                              Hi Colin and thanks about my eyesight.
                              It' would be best to go to your other opticians sounds as if they knew more.
                              If you can see haloes around street lamps then you have cataracts.

                              Enjoy your violin practice, in my spare time I like to sing mostly to the carpenters, when i was 20 I had a opportunity to join a band but i turned it down, but I don't regret it.
                              Have a good day
                              • Friendly Friendly x 1
                              • Retired

                                Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                                May 30, 2019
                                West Yorkshire

                                Thanks Logan; yes I'll go to Boots optician for my next eye test and in future stick with Boot's I've learned my lesson.

                                I think you did the right thing avoiding joining a band; too many end up on booze or drugs when successful not knowing how to handle sudden fame and having money to burn; better to be poor and happy. I enjoyed two violin practice sessions yesterday; I practice for about half an hour because I can concentrate better with shorter practices; I've tried practicing for longer but find I lose the plot and go backwards; I do like violins though and yesterday made a bit of progress; learning to play a violin is very difficult indeed and could explain why so many cheap violins are for sale on eBay & Gumtree; a novice buys a cheap violin these as low as £37 brand new and find they can't get any sense out of the violin so lose interest and the violin is then on sale.

                                Bron generously bought me an Hidersine Vivente at £160 brand new so it wasn't a bargain basement eBay violin and at first I was over the moon to finally own a violin but a few weeks later found I could only get sense out of the E & A strings; the D & G strings were terrible. It cost £100 to have it set up and tuned by a professional luthier who gave it the kiss of life so now the violin had cost £260. Bron's since spoiled me rotten and bought me a German 1880 orchestral quality violin; the new carbon fibre bow alone cost £285 but now I really am enjoing violins. I've a great deal to learn but can highly recomend a decent violin as a very interesting hobby.

                                You too have a lovely day Logan.

                                Kind regards, Colin.
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