Hi, For a while now I've been absolutely driven mad by reCapcha forcing me to play computer games with buses; cars; fire hydrants; cycles; traffic light and crossings etc; the images are of poor quality meaning I can try up to seven times before being permitted to access things like my emails and eBay or even forums; I've just tried logging onto another forum I'm a member of and when these silly images appeared decided it wasn't worth the hassle. I didn't invite these onto my computer they just appeared. Above are two of three I've faced this morning; the third as I say was the last straw when I tried to access a forum and gave up in disgust. I'm currently using Firefox with DuckDuckGo. I've nothing against online security but this is going too far. Can I dump reCapcha and if so how do I do it please? Kind regards, Colin.
I get them occasionally and I agree the images are blurred rubbish mostly. I think they are there to stop robots. You're not a robot,....... ...are you?
It's nothing to do with your side of things I'm afraid. It's the website security so if you want access then you need to pass the security tests.
Hi, Many thanks for your replies; I think I must be a robot pete by the way I work; when I'm switched on there's no stopping me. Five lots of these silly images this morning to drive me around the bend. I might have found a way around them though after some web browsing; open the site with the reCaptcha but then bookmark the site; in future simply click on the bookmark; I'll report back if it works if not you'll hear a loud scream. Kind regards, Colin.
It started for me on Virgin media when checking emails about a month ago but I've never seen it on this site
Hi, Thanks John; it started with me months ago then disappeared but I think I did something like changing password? It's back though with a vengeance also like you I've nver seen it on this site. It's just another of life's annoyances and there are plenty of them. I've been using "Gimp" for many years but recently this has taken over my picture opening; it's brilliant but it takes so long to load so I did more web searching this morning and found if I entered "Default" in the bottom LH search box this popped up; Now I'm back to Windows Photo Viewer. I've just noticed I'm also on Microsoft Office Outlook for my emails. Everything though takes a great deal of time to sort out. Kind regards, Colin.
I believe the site has to have the relevant software installed, which obviously is a cost. Some sites ask you to fill out one after not logging on for a period others might ask for one after so many log ons. I don't think I've had them repeatedly on a site.
Hi, Thanks NigelJ; I do log on quite a number of times each day checking for mail etc. It's strange though that after a period of no reCaptchas they've started to appear once again. I've been using Firefox for ages but a few days ago I noticed the browser used was Google so I dumped it; I'm still using Firefox but now with DuckDuckGo. For years I liked using Chrome until I found out just how nosy Google are tracking everything I do so dumped Chrome only to end up using Google on Firefox; it's impossible to relax where computers are concerned; I also use TOR and I have NordVPN. For even more security I use CyberScrub Privacy Suite for erasing old data etc. I check our accounts at least once per day which is just as well because a few years ago I stopped two unauthorized payments amounting to £1,000 whilst they were still "Pending". No one is safe these days. This morning I logged straight onto my emails so a better start to the day. Kind regards, Colin.
I can't answer any of your questions (Luddite is my middle name) but I use Outlook and have never been asked to see whether I'm a robot.
Hi, Thanks shiney; how secure is Outlook? I'm just the opposite of you because I'm a guy who installed lots of equipment and machinery; Home - National Coal Mining Museum I started work aged 15 at Grange Ash Colliery in Grange Moor but this was on the point of closing so aged 16 I was transferred nearby to The Caphouse Colliery where I was apprentice mechanical engineer helping to modernize this pit to machinery. A very hard way to earn a living working in a pit not just visting. Kind regards, Colin.
As far as I know reCaptchas are related to the sites you use not your browser, search engine or operating system. I use Windows 11 and Firefox (been with Firefox since it started). While Duck Duck Go say they don't track you; it is nowhere as good as Google for doing searches. As I am a well behaved computer user I feel no need to use TOR or a VPN, I have nothing to hide and am not bothered if Google log me looking at a paper on South African Irids at 0730 on a Sunday mornin. However yes I do have something that seriously erases data leaving the hard drive polished and shiney, I also use a password storage programme so that even I don't know what my passwords are (they all seem to be the same ********** when used) and I clean the registry regularly and have a complete back up.
Hi, Thanks NigelJ. I'm still using Win10 with Firefox. I too am well behaved using the computer but security became a real issue when two unathorized payments amounting to £1,000 appeared on our account this was a real wake up call. I then found TOR and VPN's. For a long time I used Google Chrome and agree Google is very fast indeed for searching; DuckDuckGo and a VPN do slow the searches down quite noticiably and now I'm starting to regret taking all these extra security precautions because unless I just use Firefox then places like our bank and PayPal phone me requesting I reply to the pin number they issue which is a real palaver. The NordVPN also adds a bit more frustration in that it often refuses to load and when it does load it's slow also it's not cheap. Perhaps I'm just better off checking our bank accounts daily as I already do and dispense with the VPN and TOR? Kind regards, Colin.
The problem with Duck Duck Go is not speed, it's that the results are not always what you want, especially for technical subjects. Iuse an ad blocker (in Firefox) and block cookies. I remember talking to someone in a bank who reckoned that much of the fraud problems orginated with suppliers and someone there earning a few bob on the side supplying details to nefarious members of the community.