Violin; raw novice.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Retired, Aug 27, 2021.

  1. Retired

    Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

    May 30, 2019
    West Yorkshire

    Thanks Logan; I hopr you have a good day.

    It's nice to have a decent friend you can trust like Marion; our two friends Alan & Pauline are due to arrive shortly so I'm grounded but for something we like; they live 100 miles away and it's always a pleasure to have them visit; the day soon disappears though.

    We don't have problems with our blueberries Logan because they come from Morrison's. :)

    I'm pleased to have full access to the workshop again now the bench is out but as to maintenance it never lets up here; always so many jobs demanding attention and once again our dire weather won't leave me in peace; I spent hours yesterday working on our wrought iron railings using my big angle grinder to remove heavy rust then hours of hand sanding whilst working in a stiff breeze and with hot sun on me at times; by the time I finished my hands were stiff making it difficult to bend my fingers and my arms ached but I was pleased the railings were now ready to receive a repaint. I kept forgetting about the railings because they are out of site to the opposite side of the bungalow from where we use the pathway I installed; the railings are to the steps up to the bungalow and we seldom use the steps but as usual the terrible weather had attacked the railings. To finish off I treated the bare metal with industrial quality rust converter.

    I've just had a look after yet more rain during yesterday evening and last night; it's made a mess of all my hard work but then the weather always does this to torment me causing more work on top of work.

    Bare metal_0001.JPG Bare metal after angle grinding.

    More work._0001.JPG
    The rust converter has also reacted badly with the galvanizing whilst the rain has already caused more rust and washed the rust converter onto the flags. More work._0002.JPG
    What a mess for me to sort out.

    Every job I do bites me taking much longer than it should; if we could afford it we'd have a huge glass dome built over our bungalow and gardens then stuff the climate I'm absolutely fed up of it.

    With stiff fingers and aching arms I enjoyed the best violin practice ever last night; on Monday night I had the worst ever violin practice session when the "D" string refused to play; it just didn't want to know; I'm finding violin playing to be very challenging indeed but it's definietely not boring.

    Friends due so got to go.

    Kind regards, Colin.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Logan

      Logan Total Gardener

      May 27, 2017
      redditch Worcester
      Hi Colin
      Thanks about my friend Marion and I hope that you both had a good day with your friends.

      You've done a lot of work on those railings.

      I wonder sometimes if it's best just to buy blueberries, when the berries are ripening I have to cover the row of plants with horticultural fleece to stop the black birds from eating them and then it's difficult to water the pots.

      Glad that you had a nice practice with your violin on Monday and sometimes it doesn't go well and hope that your fingers and arm has recovered.
      Have a good evening
      • Friendly Friendly x 1
      • Retired

        Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

        May 30, 2019
        West Yorkshire

        You're welcome Logan and thanks for the good evening wishes; I hope your evening is better than ours though; the rain has been coming down so hard I've just come out of the studio; listening to the rain punding down on the studio roof just above my head sums up my bad luck with our dire climate.

        It depends when growing things like blueberries; if you enjoy growing them then you'll not worry too much about inconveniences like having to store water and protect them from attack by birds and bugs. I was in Morrison's this morning and they have a mix of two fruit items for £3; I collect bluberries; strawberries; bananas and apples; no hassle at all just pay at the checkout and let others do the picking etc.

        We have friends a brother and sister both fully retired; the brother lives for his allotment and supporting Burnley FC; all year every year he's occupied by his allotment; when the weather is bad which is is most of the year he's planning his crops and buying seeds and other things he needs; when the weather improves he's busy fighting weeds; weather and anything that will attack his crops; after putting in a huge amount of time and effort then his crops all come up at once to the point he gives a lot away to friends and neighbours who are pleased to hold their hands out for items free of charge but I appreciate it's his hobby and his interest; we disagree about the football though which I think is played by a set of over paid fairies who dance around like idiots just because they've kicked a ball into a net and he pays a lot of money travelling to matches and for tickets but it's his choice and he's happy.

        Is it worth the time and effort Logan with your blueberries and having to collect and store water or could you spend time on something else; your choice of course.

        I enjoy my violin practices even when they are poor; like you with your blueberries it's something I'm interested in and it costs a lot of money with little to show for it other than the sheer pleasure of doing it; any hobby is better than watching rubbish on TV.

        Yesterday morning after more sanding I finally applied the first primer coat of paint using a brush and 2" roller; it was cold during the morning with the prevailing breeze giving the usual chill factor; I was wrapped up in my site coat; no sooner had the paint gone on that down came the rain but I wasn't too worried because the solvent based paint dries rapidly so no harm done but how typical of my luck. Yesterday afternoon in total contrast I was baked by scorching sun but still with the breeze; I sure was hot and again as the last of the paint went on down came a shower; GRRRR.

        This morning having completed the supermarket shopping by 8:30 I enjoyed a mug of tea then out at 9 o'clock to apply the first top coat of oil based black gloss; 11:30 as I ran the roller for the last time the rain hadn't the decency to wait until I'd put the paint away; it didn't half come down onto the wet sticky paint this oil based gloss takes quite a while to harden; this afternoon I inspected the damage to find the paint didn't actually look too bad but it was well pock marked much to my disgust; every time I do exterior painting down comes the rain just as I knock off; I've got my own personal black cloud and I'm not kidding. It's now 7:19 and I'm typing with the desk lamp switched on because it's so dark.

        I'm tormented by the weather whilst outdoors and I'm tormented by the weather even whilst trying to practice playing my violin indoors; I could scream but it wouldn't change anything it's just my bad luck regarding timing of things I do.

        I'll give the new paint quite a while to harden then I can sand it down and apply the final coat of gloss assuming my cloud doesn't see me; perhaps I should have my old coal miners lamp and sneak out at night to do painting outdoors? Yes it's a moan but I'm totally sick of this constant bad weather but it is called Yorkshire after all so what else could I expect living here; our two days of summer though are truly wonderful.

        I hope Barley is now chipper once again and enjoy the rest of your evening.

        19 May 2022_0001.JPG

        19 May 2022_0002.JPG
        19 May 2022_0003.JPG
        19 May 2022_0004.JPG

        Two coats of Zinsser Bulls Eye white primer; I've not taken a picture of it in black because it keeps raining.

        Kind regards, Colin.
      • Logan

        Logan Total Gardener

        May 27, 2017
        redditch Worcester
        HII Colin
        Shame about the rain that you've been having, it's been raining here on and off.

        Thanks about me growing blueberries and I do enjoy growing them. The birds are the only thing that them so I'm very lucky with that.

        Hobbies are important what ever it is and you enjoy your violin practice.
        Gardening is my hobby and I do it nearly every day. We hardly watch TV programmes, a lot of YouTube videos about gardening, some dog ones but not the very silly ones.

        The railings are looking good and hope that the weather doesn't get you down too much.

        A retired man I was talking to the other day and he said that he gave away most of the veg that he grew last year. But he said that he didn't mind because it keeps him busy.

        Thanks about Barley, he's doing well now.

        Have a good evening
      • Retired

        Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

        May 30, 2019
        West Yorkshire

        Thanks Logan,

        I'm pleased Barley is now doing OK; it's always upsetting when a pet isn't well because after all pets are family.

        It's certainly good growing weather; your blueberries should do well given the rain and sunshine; our gardens are going ballistic putting growth on with the grass; hedges and laurels needing regular trimming but it's nice to break away from our long dreary winter and see some colour.

        Like you Bron and I seldom watch normal TV but most of the time choose interesting viewing through YouTube; I believe there's talk about doing away with the TV licence and not before time because it's just a rip off when other stations have to fund themselves.

        Thanks; yes the railings look a lot better but I'm still tormented by our dire weather; because the rain came down before I could put the brush and roller away i couldn't inspect the work but then later I found I'd missed a bit which really annoyed me so this morning first thing I went out to touch in but once again the rain had soaked everything so I can't even touch in the paint; it drives me mad being tormented so much by the weather;

        Not raining.JPG

        7:27 this morning here's a clip from my monitor; it wasn't raining at all and now another message states light rain but still not raining; it's just one huge joke; if I do some exterior painting then it will rain. I bang on about our dire climate because it torments me so much; it's 11C at the moment but feels much cooler in the prevailing breeze; since early on this morning I've been tidying the workshop so the benches are clear; I can't do with benches cluttered up.

        If everyone had an interesting hobby I'm sure there would be fewer suffering from depression; I've been seriously ill for the first 57 years of my life from severe asthma to crohn's disease unti Bron found the cure it being dairy intolerance but all through the illness I had very little time off work unless I was in hospital but I always kept very busy even away from work and now retired 21 years I'm as busy as ever; too busy in fact to really settle down to learning to play my violins but I'm now getting on top of all the jobs which need doing but as usual slowed down by the weather meaning jobs take a lot longer to accomplish; with jobs hanging over me I find it difficult to relax; I want to crack on not be constantly held up the way I am.

        Every day is the same for us; no such things as weekends any more just get out of bed each day and pick up where left off the previous day; I'm not in the least complaining about this because in spite of the wearher we enjoy a good life together.

        Have a great weekend Logan.

        Kind regards, Colin.
        • Like Like x 1
        • Logan

          Logan Total Gardener

          May 27, 2017
          redditch Worcester
          Hi Colin
          Thanks about Barley and yes they're a part of our family.

          Thanks about my blueberries and yes they'll do well with the rain that we have had.
          Yes it's nice to get into the garden when we can and it has helped me through a few tough years before I met hubby.

          That's a shame that you couldn't finish touching up the paintwork.
          Yes the wind can put a chill factor to the sun, even here.

          Apart from seeing my friend every other Saturday the weekend is just the same as the rest of the week.
          Have a good weekend
        • Retired

          Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

          May 30, 2019
          West Yorkshire

          Thanks Logan; hobbies are a very good way of putting problems out of mind and a good hobby fully embraced makes time disappear at an alarming pace; I've got many hobbies I enjoy but unfortunately not enough time to enjoy them all at once; when I start a new hobby I can browse YouTube for lots of very useful information but these days like on here we have many Internet forums to join for specific help and guidance; I've recently joined a stringed instrument forum which is proving a huge help with my violin playing; I've also joined a home recording studio forum which again is proving highly useful and interesting; these forums also can save a great deal of money in avoiding buying kit with lack of knowledge or experience

          I've now got three violins my favourite is the 1880 German "Trade" violin these made for orchestras; Bron's really spoiled me but as I say I'm finding it difficult getting time to go into the studio but yesterday I had the best day ever enjoying two 45 minute practices and although I'm still a novice it was one of those rare days where I could do no wrong with both practices; I'm playing the scales and also can play Twinkle twinkle little star but I'm progressing and can play part of Lara's Theme; I go over and over these always learning a little more; when to clean the violin strings and bow hair; when to apply rosin; I can tune the violins with my electronic violin tuners but I'm starting to recognize the notes and violin music scores are now making sense to me.

          Screeching and scratching etc seem so long ago now as I gain more experience; I'm no longer as tense and starting to relax even playing without shoulder rest; with the new studio kit set up I play and record then I can play back to show progress or not but it's all so very interesting to me but I become frustrated having to do so much maintenance around home and gardens; it's beautiful here but at high cost in terms of time; we could afford to get someone in but we don't trust modern trades people whom we see along the street wandering around with mobile phone to their ear.

          I'm finding recording with the new microphone into the Tascam pocket studio and playing back through the new monitors becoming easier; the violin and bow are also no longer as stange; when I first tried playing the violin I was like all novices quite useless making strange unpleasant noises; I could only play for about five minutes at a time before my left arm and hand started to really hurt whilst I tried to strangle the violin; my practices yesterday at 45 minutes each didn't hurt me so I'm definitely making good progress.

          I was never a fan of classical music but now Bron and I enjoy watching YouTube videos such as these.

          Here's what I dream of playing;

          Bron will spoil me further in August for my 75th birthday this time I'd love a three stringed Balalaika; I'm getting into using my studio recording kit so I'd like to play Lara's Theme on my violin and hopefully in time also play Lara's Theme on the Balalaika then mix them on the Tascam; I never give up learning.

          Kind regards, Colin.
        • Logan

          Logan Total Gardener

          May 27, 2017
          redditch Worcester
          Hi Colin
          Glad that things are going right with your violin practice and it's getting easier playing the violin and that you can play twinkle twinkle little Star.
          Yes everyone needs a hobby.
          Have a good evening
        • Retired

          Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

          May 30, 2019
          West Yorkshire

          Many thanks Logan; I hope you and Barley have a super day today.

          Things are easing a bit regarding the constant work; yesterday I enjoyed two violin practices and I plan to practice more today; I've already done the supermarket shopping and was home by 7:10 getting off to a good start today.

          I'm absolutely amazed this morning; yesterday I washed and dried the car it scrubbing up well looking like new; as I did this I could hear the birds thinking they are planning a bombing run as soon as I disappear; the car was still clean but not quite dry after overnight rain but what a surprise; yesterday was forecast showers but not a drop of rain fell; had I done any exterior painting it would have poured down.

          Two garden huts now to paint so I'll be ordering the paint today; we've decided to use Benjamin Moore paint at £102 per gallon plus postage.

          Aura® Exterior - Benjamin Moore UK

          I first used this paint in 2016 when I gave the bungalow exterior a comprehensive makeover and it sure is wonderful paint; not cheap but well worth the money; I've used preservatives for years on our fences and huts but it's a waste of time; this time I'll do a top job using the paint even if it takes a lot of time then I can tick the job off and forget about it. The garden bench looks so lovely so we'll use the same colours; brilliant green with black for hinges and lock covers.

          When Bron generously bought me my first violin for my 74th birthday last year it was the brand new Hidersine Vivente with case and bow etc costing £160; I initially thought it absolutely wonderful and really cherished it but within a couple of weeks it all went sour; I could only play the "E" and "A" strings the "D" and "G" strings just didn't want to know and I admit I was upset and disappointed thinking the problem was me and that I'd never play a violin but joining the stringed instrument forum I was recommended to have a luthier check the violin over before doing anything else; another £100 spent but the transformation was absolutely out of this world; the violin as supplied factory new was junk; even the sound post had been rammed in. The new set of strings cost £60 with £35 for setting up but I was happy to hand over £100.

          Since Bron spoiled me with the 140 year old German violin I've been concentrating playing this but yesterday I decided to try the Hidersine once again. With the Hidersine having been set up by the luthier I did try playing both violins but being an absolute violin novice I couldn't tell the difference between the two but yesterday I could easily differentiate between the two; the Gernan violin is much louder and powerful making it more difficult to play; the Hidersine is much more mellow and forgiving; I'm now delighted with both violins and in future will play both of them; I also have a £25 metalic green violin (Rainbow violin) I bought through Gumtree just to play around with; this cost the previous owner £160 new but now it's virtually useless; I made the mistake of buying cheap Hidersine strings at £20 the set and think these must be similar strings to the strings fitted to my new Hidersine Vivente they are so poor and also the bow needs rehairing but for £25 I'm not complaining; I'm sure with the bow sorted and decent strings fitted it will be transformed; during the time since playing a violin for the first time I've made a great deal of positive progress to the point now of having three violins and a nice recording studio.

          Bron wants to spoil me once again for my birthday in August so I fancy a really nice Balalaika; my updated plan now is to record Lara's Theme on my violins and also record Lara's Theme on a Balalalaika then use the Tascam pocket studio to do the mixing; even further ahead I could also play Lara's Theme on Bron's Yamaha keyboard and mix this too; I'm eagerly looking forward to spending more time in the studio; so much to learn; it's an whole new world to play in. I'm obssessed with the idea of playing Lara's Theme it's my favourite music/song and it haunts me; perhaps I need stronger medication.

          Kind regards, Colin.
          • Like Like x 1
          • Logan

            Logan Total Gardener

            May 27, 2017
            redditch Worcester
            Hi Colin
            Thanks I had a good day doing some gardening and walking the boys, hubby's been working so had extra walks to do but I don't mind.

            I hope that you did as well.

            That's great about your violins and that you're getting through the up keep of your property.

            It's nice when you can do what you really want to do.

            Have a good evening
          • Retired

            Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

            May 30, 2019
            West Yorkshire

            Thanks Logan; you'll be pleased to get out with your boys especially now Barley is a lot better; I'm pleased your hubby is also up and about doing work.

            Yesterday was truly horrible as it's been ever since I started doing painting jobs outside; the BBC forecasters are useless; they forecast light rain when in fact not a drop falls then they forecast a dry day with 2% chance of rain and it buckets down. I painted the wrought iron railings which went badly because of sudden rain; yesterday light rain was forecast but fed up with their guesses I was out at 9 o'clock and got stuck into painting the top hut; I'd already suffered painting the bottom hut. The forecast was also for a moderate breeze; I'm glad it wasn't for windy; I thought I'd end up nailing my cap on as I worked in the perishing strong wind which was blowing the big oak tree around above my head allowing lots of bits to land in the paint; I was doing well in spite of everything until 11 o'clock when there was a huge downpour; I quickly dumped my kit in the hut and locked up but in the couple of minutes by the time I came indoors I was well and truly wet.

            Rather than just moan and mope around I was out again straight after dinner and completed the paint job so now both huts have their first coat of paint.

            Hut May 2022_0003.JPG
            Sorry about picture quality but this is how it is in our black hole called West Yorkshire. UK. Hut May 2022_0005.JPG
            I had two half gallons of Benjamin Moore paint left over so here's one half gallon as undercoat. I emailed Benjamin Moore giving Brilliant Green BS221 as the colour we'd like but BM replied very quickly saying sorry they can't match this colour but BM are very good to deal with and are kindly sending me colour swatches to choose from; when the swatches arrive I'll order two gallons of paint. In total I'm applying three coats of paint to each hut so it's like giving six single coats but then living here for 35 years I still haven't found an easy job to do. Over £300 just for paint but I want only the best because I don't want to be treating these huts every year with preservative which quickly washes off.

            When I made these huts first job was to dig out of the mountain a level foundation; the huts are only 5' x 6' but please see the retaining wall I also had to build; the wall continues to the back of the hut but tapers with the slope.

            Strong wind and more rain again today; I'm sick of it because I want to complete all the outside jobs before winter sets in again; it won't be long before Christmas items are back on the store shelves.

            Have a great day Logan.

            Kind regards, Colin.
          • Logan

            Logan Total Gardener

            May 27, 2017
            redditch Worcester
            Hi Colin
            Thanks about Barley and hubby and it's nice to be out with them.

            I know what you mean about the weather it was the same here, the morning was supposed to be dry but we had drizzle. This afternoon was sunshine and showers as if it was April.

            Your huts are looking good and it's good that BM are sending you swatches.
            It's still a long time to Christmas but i did buy a Christmas decoration called a swag, it's sort of like a garland but thicker in the middle. It was reduced and i had 20% discount as well so I got it, it was from a well known catalogue company that i have.
            They have a wreath that goes with it but it's too big for what i want.
            Have a good evening
            • Friendly Friendly x 1
            • Retired

              Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

              May 30, 2019
              West Yorkshire

              Thanks Logan; the swag looks lovely; Bron also likes to buy such items; nice picture; you did well to get it at a nice price with your discount etc. Unfortunately these days lots of craft stores have closed; Bron and I used to visit quite a few but because of low demand due to low customer numbers; prices always tended to be high due to the store overheads which is understandable; there still is interest in crafts but now greatly diminished possibly because mobile phones are more interesting to the younger generations who no longer are taught practical subjects in school.

              Straight after breakfast early this moring I donned my survival kit intending to cut the grass before the rain hit us again; the wind was so noisy at 2 o'clock this morning it disturbed Bron who told me it was rattling the windows; it's still windy. Dashing out onto the patio I was greeted by rain just starting so in disgust I returned indoors and removed my cap and heavy site coat.

              I was about to fire my computer up but then thought what am I playing at; I'm not exterior painting and my skin is waterproof so back on with hat and coat and the grass is now cut; just to show what I thought about our dire climate I also got the strimmer out and did quite a bit of tidying up. I felt a lot better for it and it was much better than just sitting back moaning. It's just another typical Yorkshire day with wind and rain; it doesn't change much apart from it's snowing; a blizzard or putting hail down; on rare occassions the sun puts in an appearance.

              Typical day..JPG

              Rain please don't stop on my account now I've cut the grass and done the strimming.

              Back to the plot though and things are moving forward for me; last night I bought a German 1960's described as rare Balalaika through eBay; the Balalaika is located in Scotland which is something else which constantly winds me up; it seems I need an helicopter to collect anything I buy through eBay or Gumtree. There was a nice Balalaika on eBay I fancied but it was over an hours drive away no doubt through the usual gridlock so I let it go; it was cash and collection only; this Balalaika though was marked as could be delivered and with payment by Paypal I grabbed it.

              Russian 1960s Balalaika I bought..JPG

              I'm looking forward to it arriving and I hope it survives the journey without incurring damage. This is part of my dream to play Lara's Theme; I've already bought the expensive wood to make a violin of but before attempting to make a violin I might practice first making a Balalaika; I don't know if this will be easier but I could try.

              I'm finding it very difficult indeed to relax and enjoy the studio whilst I have jobs hanging over me; I'm a guy so can't multitask; I like to do one thing at a time and do it well; I don't start one job then leave it in order to start another job; it's just the way I was taught and it works for me.

              I hope your weather is better than ours Logan or you're in for a poor walk with your babies who will suffer wet paws.

              Kind regards, Colin.
            • Retired

              Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

              May 30, 2019
              West Yorkshire
              I'm delighted; the balalaika is on it's way to me and might arrive tomorrow; I'll not sleep tonight because I'm like a kid with new toys.

              I've just ordered 2 x US gallons of Yellow Green 2033-10 Benjamin Moore Aura Exterior Satin at £205 delivered which should be with me by Monday; it's one thing buying the paint but here in Yorkshire another thing to apply it; it's another normal miserable wet windy day today; will it ever let up.

              This bad weather is tormenting me so much I've lost track of what day it is today and have had to check; GRRRRR.

              Kind regards, Colin.
            • Logan

              Logan Total Gardener

              May 27, 2017
              redditch Worcester
              Hi Colin
              Thanks about my swag, that's a shame about the craft stores, there's a few in town but i don't go much even to the fabric store. Never seem to have time with the garden.

              That's great news about your Balalaika, I've never bought anything off eBay or gumtree.

              Yes the weather can get us down a lot. Yesterday it was supposed to be dry in the morning but we had very fine drizzle. I still went ahead and pulled up the wallflowers in the front garden, I pulled up a few and dashed into the garage to cut them up.

              Good that you ordered the paint and hope that the weather will let you use it.
              Thanks about my babies and i get a lot of exercise walking them.
              It's sunshine and showers this week.
              Hope that you get some sleep tonight.

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