Third year meadow.

Discussion in 'Garden Projects and DIY' started by Retired, Jul 20, 2021.

  1. Logan

    Logan Total Gardener

    May 27, 2017
    redditch Worcester
    Hi Retired
    Yes I've sown the seeds in the conservatory. I might try to sow some outside at the end of this month, got some beetroot to sow as well but not good at growing it, it always goes short of water because I'm too lazy to do it.

    Good that you got your recorder to work and you will find out how to do the rest.

    Those scotch pine take a long time to grow if it takes.Will it be a problem for you?
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
    • Sheal

      Sheal Total Gardener

      Feb 2, 2011
      Dingwall, Ross-shire
      Planting a Scots pine 2ft from a fence is not a good idea. When it matures the trunk will be that width or more. I had one felled here not long after I moved in because it was leaning precariously. Such a shame because I like them.
      • Informative Informative x 2
      • Retired

        Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

        May 30, 2019
        West Yorkshire

        Good luck with your seeds Logan; don't worry too much about your beetroot; as a child I once sowed beetroot seeds to be rewarded with small canonballs; they were rock hard so I'm sure you'll do better than me.

        I just need time to play around with my violins and Tascam etc but as usual I've been occupied elsewhere; today has been paper work day on the computer; why ask one question when it's better to ask dozens; the simplest paper work and form filling these days takes forever; it's now 3:15pm and I've just caught up but after all the hassle don't feel like wandering into the studio today so everything's normal.

        Bron and I bought a Scots Pine from Hayes Of Ambleside in the Lake District shortly after we moved here about 34 years ago it was about 3' tall and potted. We planted it near the top of the garden and once it got it's feet it went ballistic; by the time it reached 20 years of age I decided to fell it because it was getting out of hand; these live to 300 years of age if left to mature; our neighbpurs haven't a clue just planting anything they like which after all is their choice. We planted our Scots Pine thinking it had lots of room to grow but we also planted other big specimins like Western Red Cedar and Hemlock these now so tall I've had to remove them which is such a pity because Bron and I like trees; we learned the hard way what to plant just as our neighbours are now learning.

        Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) - British Trees - Woodland Trust

        I couldn't agree with you more Sheal; I doubt I'll be around though when the neighbours newly planted Scots Pine matures neither will they but I'm sure it won't bother them. Bron and I liked both our Scots Pines; it's incredible how much tree pollen they give off; one summers day with a light breeze we thought it was a cloud of dust.

        More rain for us here in Huddersfield today Sheal in fact it's been quite dark all day so far with plenty of rain; I should have nailed the seeds down on our steep garden?

        Kind regards, Colin.
        • Like Like x 2
        • Logan

          Logan Total Gardener

          May 27, 2017
          redditch Worcester
          Thank you Retired and have a good day with your violin practice.
          • Friendly Friendly x 1
          • Retired

            Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

            May 30, 2019
            West Yorkshire

            Many thanks Logan; I'm still dreaming of getting up one morning not to face silly problems.

            6 o'clock this morning as usual I got up to make two mugs of tea; I always open the curtains and unlock the porch door ready for anything bulky being delivered; two white hand delivered envelopes were sitting on the mat; it's just unbelievable living here; they were addressed to #41 but Bron and I live at #39.

            Perhaps I need to increase the size of our numbers?

            Local moggies_0001.JPG
            Local moggies_0002.JPG
            Local moggies_0003.JPG
            Local moggies_0004.JPG

            Just four of our local neighbours cats we feed every day; all are here before we even have breakfast. We are animal lovers and must spend at least £1,000 per year on cat food and biscuits but they're all most welcome; many of the birds including blackbirds love the cat biscuits.

            I delivered the envelopes to the correct address before breakfast; the cats were fed and then I could play with the usual rubbish as I tried logging on.

            Email computer games.JPG
            How I detest these computer games before I can access what I'm after like my emails; I can play with these silly little images a number of times before access is granted.
            Failed log in.JPG

            Then more hassle like this before I even attempt to get our smart TV working it not being as smart as the name suggests.

            I'm all for online security but it's now getting so silly; I use NordVPN as seen and I also use TOR browser plus other security measures. GRRRR what a start to each day. Last night I couldn't access eBay to leave feedback I was locked out. It never ever lets up.

            Kind regards, Colin.
            • Like Like x 2
            • Retired

              Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

              May 30, 2019
              West Yorkshire

              WOW how the time flies by. I've been working incredibly hard starting with five storms passing through the last storm damaging a tree so I decided enough was enough and felled and disposed of 15 trees working in terrible conditions including snow; sleet and high wind.

              24 Match 2022_0003.JPG
              Here's the middle of our steep garden where I removed eight of the trees and opened up the whole area to create a second wildflower meadow. This area I've broadcast British wildflower mix without grass included; much more expensive than the top area which has grass seed included in the mix. 12 March 2022_0005.JPG
              Most of the trees were around 50' tall with one at 65' tall. Here I've removed the lower branches as high as I could reach using my petrol chainsaw then I could start to use my telescopic ladder again to as far as I could reach but then from the top of the ladder I climbed higher to secure the pulling rope; each time I used the ladder I secured its top to the tree trunk with rope for safety; it's extremly difficult to stand upright let alone work on this slope. 12 March 2022_0008.JPG
              Here's the 65' tall tree felled perfectly to the top corner of our garden the only position long enough to accommodate it without having to fell it in two sections which would be highly dangerous; it was already dangerous enough; the snow & sleet would blast me then melt quickly making it very slippery indeed underfoot.

              15 March 2022_0003.JPG
              Another perfectly felled tree. 17 March 2022_0001.JPG
              Logging as I felled them. The brash I shredded and used it as mulch; there was a lot of it and shredding was a nightmare of a job; I hade to cover the extension lead connections and the shredder controls with bin bags against the weather; it sure was a nasty job. 17 March 2022_0006.JPG
              Just one of the loads of logs I carried down our mountain to the end of our pathway; it was all incredibly hard work all done entirely on my own; 15 trees in just under two weeks; a job for Superman but he wasn't available; our woodburning friends were pleased to be given this large amount of free wood but where was the help. These were heavy. 20 March 2022_0007.JPG
              The garden sure is steep unaided by the dire weather; the wind all the while was buffeting me giving a real chill factor; I was protected by my "Site" coat; hat; gloves and wellies but because of these I was soaking with sweat. During felling I used both my 20" petrol chainsaws allowing more felling to be carried out without breaking off to refuel. I wore my tree felling helmet during chainsawing for my safety. Going to bed at night I didn't sleep I just dropped into a coma then back out very early each morning and only stopping for meals; it tired me to the bone but aged 74 I expected a few aches and pains.

              I tried digging using a spade but couldn't stand upright and it was very tiring indeed so I tried using my new petrol rotavator and was amazed how successful it was but still incredibly hard work; I rotavated uphill then free wheeled back down.

              My boot imprints can clearly be seen but I'd been watching a YouTube video where a guy had been working on a similar steep slope planting shrubs; he had created a mound at each to retain water and I thought what a brilliant idea because even heavy rain coming down like pencils our site drains extremely quickly as seen in the picture after snow and sleet.

              I didn't rake after rotavating just leaving the deep imprints then broadcast the wildflower seeds. For the top meadow this year I rotavated once again but taking it one step further instead of raking smooth I cresated lots of furrows about 3" deep using the rake right across the meadow; the rain no langer heads to the valley bottom at speed but is now arrested allowing it to soak in; it works a treat and why didn't I think of such an easy solution; credit to the YouTube guy I won't steal ideas from anyone and pass them as my own.

              Garden May 22_0001.JPG
              Here's the top meadow coming along nicely the picture taken taken 22 April so it's put on lots more growth since then. This is now my FOURTH YEAR MEADOW I'll post more pictures once it blooms.

              I wanted to do more work outdoors this morning but am grounded because everything is soaking wet after more overnight rain hence I'm being a keyboard warrior catching up on my computer.

              Kind regards, Colin.
              • Like Like x 4
              • Logan

                Logan Total Gardener

                May 27, 2017
                redditch Worcester
                Wow retired that's such a transformation and you've done well and that's a good idea about the furrows.
              • Sheal

                Sheal Total Gardener

                Feb 2, 2011
                Dingwall, Ross-shire
                We hope to see the 'fruit' of your labours soon Colin. :)
              • Retired

                Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                May 30, 2019
                West Yorkshire

                Thanks Logan; yes it sure looks different now and 15 less trees to worry about whenever it's windy; I dislike removing healthy trees but they were too big for safety. The furrows idea is brilliant and so simple but as I say I got the idea from a YouTube video.

                Thanks Sheal; yes I'll post more pictures as the meadows bursts into bloom but here are pictures as the meadows currently are;

                22 May 2022_0001.JPG
                The top meadow bursting into life now it's fourth year but again grown from scratch.

                I've just been an absolute fool missing the obvious; to the right of the picture I spead 2 tons of woodchip to prevent soil erosion and to create a simple wide border between meadow and dry stone wall; about a month ago having seen the woodchips no longer as effective at ground cover I decided to plant a row of Cerastium (Snow in summer) these being excellent ground cover which grow anywhere; I've nursed these along to the point of carrying heavy watering can up to ensure they got a good start.

                Having broadcast the new wildflower seeds our prevailing breeze carried a lot onto the woodchip and these are growing very fast indeed. I've just been pulling these out or breaking them off at ground level to give the Cerastium a good chance but what am I doing; I'm making no end of work for myself; in future I'll let nature take over and let the wildflowers populate the whole area after all the wildflowers will prevent soil erosion; at the end of the season all I need to do is to go over with the strimmer to tidy it up leaving the strimmed plants on the ground again preventing soil erosion; our garden is very steep indeed so working on it is always difficult; I think I'm better letting the Cerastium go just for the sake of a few quid; it all looks untidy at the moment rather like letting weeds take over but it will soon be a joy to behold.
                22 May 2022_0002.JPG
                Some of the wildflowers are already in bloom. 22 May 2022_0004.JPG
                Here's the area just cleared of trees and the British Wildflower mix now showing promise; the tree stumps will soon disappear. 22 May 2022_0005.JPG
                A picture taken down the garden; it's difficult just standing upright but chainsawing and removing very tall trees is a real nightmare especially when carried out in snow and sleet; if I'm going to suffer I may as well make a good job of it. 22 May 2022_0006.JPG
                Here's Cerastium starting to bloom lower down the garden; it's a lovely groundcover plant and spreads rapidly.

                I've got two garden huts I made a few years ago and have been treating with Barrettine clear preservervative but I'm fed up of constant work; I'm now thinking of buying top quality Benjamin Moore exterior paint of the type I painted the bungalow woodwork with; it could possibly cost around £200 but then I'd be free to get on with other jobs like violin practice; this constant cycle of nothing but hard work is getting out of hand; I've got very little time to call my own which is strange since I retired 21 years ago and the work still never lets up.

                Repaint May 2022_0002.JPG
                Here's the Benjamin Moore paint; expensive but it's well worth it and talking it over with Bron we've decided to paint both huts in brilliant green with black hinges and lock covers; the green & black look wonderful on the garden bench I've just repainted.

                I'm determined to get on top of all the jobs; I want to learn how to play my violins and to spend a bit of quality time in the new music studio I've recently created.

                Kind regards, Colin.
                • Like Like x 4
                • Logan

                  Logan Total Gardener

                  May 27, 2017
                  redditch Worcester
                  It's looking good and hope that you get things done.
                  • Friendly Friendly x 1
                  • Retired

                    Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                    May 30, 2019
                    West Yorkshire

                    Thanks Sheal; I'm finally getting on top of all the jobs needing doing; it's only taken 35 years of continuous work and I've not been dragging my heels; every Autumn I've done as much as I can but then after our long dreary winter I can start again. When Bron and I moved here into our dream bungalow we hadn't a clue what was ahead for us; we should have demolished the bungalow and rebuilt from scratch it would have been much easier than doing all the many repairs and upgrades; we've done just about everything from replacing the drains to replacing the roof without outside help and problems still crop up every year needing attention.

                    Whoopee; two violin practices yesterday which I very much enjoyed.

                    Kind regards, Colin.
                    • Like Like x 2
                      Last edited: May 25, 2022
                    • Retired

                      Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                      May 30, 2019
                      West Yorkshire

                      An update. This is now our fourth year meadow and it's really taking off again.

                      26 July 2022_0001.JPG
                      The wildflower seed mix this year had quite a bit of tall grass included.
                      26 July 2022_0005.JPG
                      I hope the dire weather doesn't destroy it the way it did last year so my fingers are well and truly crossed.
                      27 July 2022_0004.JPG
                      It's a blaze of colour and the pictures don't do it justice; over the last four years the meadow has gained a fan club; walkers along the adjacent lane are now coming on specially just to watch it grow and bloom all with very complimentary comments as to how beautiful it looks; some are taking pictures and a number have created small meadows of their own.

                      17 March 2022_0001.JPG
                      During recent storms I removed 15 very tall trees; here's an example of what it was like in March this year. More very heavy work.
                      18 March 2022_0008.JPG
                      The entire middle garden (mountain) cleared; it was incredibly hard work due to the steepness and the horrible weather all done entirely on my own; I'm 74 and still behaving like a 5 year old kid climbing trees.
                      Meadow June 2022_0001.JPG
                      We now have a middle meadow in the making; this is the first year for this section; the soil was very powdery indeed due to all the trees extracting moisture but with a lot of TLC and rotavating the plants in once they've flowered it will improve the soil year on year; both these meadows tired me to the bone often I worked myself to a standstill but now it's been worth all the pain and 15 less trees to worry about in windy conditions.

                      Kind regards, Colin.
                      • Like Like x 3
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                      • Finston Pickle

                        Finston Pickle Apprentice Gardener

                        Dec 20, 2021
                        A fantastic effort on an awkward site - well done.
                        • Agree Agree x 1
                        • Friendly Friendly x 1
                        • Logan

                          Logan Total Gardener

                          May 27, 2017
                          redditch Worcester
                          Looking good Colin
                          • Agree Agree x 1
                          • Friendly Friendly x 1
                          • Retired

                            Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                            May 30, 2019
                            West Yorkshire

                            Thanks for your kind comments @Finston Pickle & @Logan much appreciated.

                            Both top and middle meadows are looking stunning; I've taken up to date pictures;

                            3 July 2022_0004.JPG
                            3 July 2022_0006.JPG
                            3 July 2022_0009.JPG

                            Kind regards, Colin.
                            • Like Like x 4

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