Help with bulb order please

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by men8ifr, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. men8ifr

    men8ifr Guest

    So perhaps I can buy some snowdrops just don't get many or spend much cash - i.e. more of an experiment to see if they work...
  2. men8ifr

    men8ifr Guest

    Thanks :thumb:
  3. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Yes, and re the above, you`re welcome.
  4. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Hence the rather changeable success rate. Saying that I do love Lidl for this sort of thing. Many a mistake has been rectified by a fortuitous visit there. LOL
  5. sweetpeas

    sweetpeas Gardener

    Sep 14, 2008
    I had my weekly Thompson & Morgan newslatter today and there's an offer on Tulips, 10 for £2.99.

    Thought you might be interested, can send a link if you like?
  6. men8ifr

    men8ifr Guest

    In my original order J Parker is selling 25 rembrant tulips (which i really liked the color of) for £3.70 so that looks like better value than T&M unless I'm missing anything? But thanks for looking - I noticed quite a difference in price between the seed catalogs and (if I remember correctly) T&M seemed quite expensive.
  7. sweetpeas

    sweetpeas Gardener

    Sep 14, 2008
    I noticed that with a few things, but if you get the catalogue and don't order they increase the offers including a £5 voucher :) Is J Parker just online?
  8. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    No they have a shop in Urmston Manchester.
  9. men8ifr

    men8ifr Guest

    OK I ordered quite a lot of stuff... so roll on spring (and some flowers) I tried to take onboard comments from here and also bought some grasses and a tree after being inspired by Pete's lovely garden. I should have enough bulbs for the edges of my front garden as well which should make ot a lot nicer. Some things like the clematis I expect may have to stay inside until spring? But I couldn't say no for £2 for 3! If there are things that cannot be planted outside now please let me know (otherwise it will get planted outside now!)
    thanks again for all your help.

    1 X B203, Three Montana Clematis Pack of 3 skew:CL0177 @ GBP 1.95 = GBP 1.95
    1 X B441, Dwarf Iris Mixed Pack of 50 skew:AP0005 @ GBP 5.45 = GBP 5.45
    1 X P240, Miscanthus Sinesis 'Zebrinus' (Zebra Grass) skew:GF0009 @ GBP 5.95 = GBP 5.95
    1 X P251, Hardy Bamboo (Fargesia Murieliae) Pack of 2 skew:GF0033 @ GBP 10.90 = GBP 10.90
    1 X P253, Ornamental Grasses Pack of 6 3 Free skew:GF0029 @ GBP 13.90 = GBP 13.90
    1 X P318, Six Climbing Rose Collection - Half Price Pack of 6 skew:RO0067 @ GBP 13.50 = GBP 13.50
    1 X P585, Buddleia Flower Power skew:ST0319 @ GBP 1.95 = GBP 1.95
    1 X P863, Dicentra Spectabilis Alba Pack of 3 skew:PT0177 @ GBP 1.95 = GBP 1.95
    1 X P864, Iris Ensata Mixed Pack of 3 skew:PT0559 @ GBP 3.45 = GBP 3.45
    1 X W006, Catalpa Bignonoides Aurea skew:ST0183 @ GBP 8.95 = GBP 8.95
    1 X W142, Carex Hachijoenis Evergold Pack of 2 skew:GF0013 @ GBP 4.95 = GBP 4.95
    1 X B905, 25 Spring Green Tulips Pack of 25 skew:FX0003 @ GBP 0.00 = GBP 0.00
    1 X P005, 6 Scabiosa Perfecta Pack of 6 skew:HG0124 @ GBP 0.00 = GBP 0.00
    1 X B203, Three Montana Clematis Pack of 3 skew:CL0177 @ GBP 1.95 = GBP 1.95
    2 X B438, 50 Iris Reticulata Harmony Pack of 50 skew:AP0011 @ GBP 2.95 = GBP 5.90
    2 X B481, Winter Aconites (Eranthus Hymelis) Pack of 50 skew:AR0025 @ GBP 6.95 = GBP 13.90
    1 X B583, 25 Gladioli Byzantinus Pack of 25 skew:AR0137 @ GBP 2.45 = GBP 2.45
    2 X B622, Dichelostemma Ida-Maia Pack of 15 skew:AR0117 @ GBP 2.45 = GBP 4.90
    5 X B623, 30 Praestans Multi-Headed Tulips Pack of 30 skew:AV0019 @ GBP 1.95 = GBP 9.75
    1 X P585, Buddleia Flower Power skew:ST0319 @ GBP 1.95 = GBP 1.95
    1 X P863, Dicentra Spectabilis Alba Pack of 3 skew:PT0177 @ GBP 1.95 = GBP 1.95
    1 X B905, 25 Spring Green Tulips Pack of 25 skew:FX0003 @ GBP 0.00 = GBP 0.00
    1 X P005, 6 Scabiosa Perfecta Pack of 6 skew:HG0124 @ GBP 0.00 = GBP 0.00
    1 X B167, Single Snowdrops Pack of 50 skew:AR0027 @ GBP 6.95 = GBP 6.95
    1 X B171, Fritillaria Meleagris (Snakeshead) Pack of 50 skew:AM0008 @ GBP 3.95 = GBP 3.95
    1 X B200, 30 Ice Follies (Large Cupped Daffodil) Pack of 30 skew:AH0013 @ GBP 1.95 = GBP 1.95
    5 X B202, 50 Crocus Ruby Giant Pack of 50 skew:AC0063 @ GBP 1.45 = GBP 7.25
    1 X B203, Three Montana Clematis Pack of 3 skew:CL0177 @ GBP 1.95 = GBP 1.95
    2 X B204, Brodiaea Queen Fabiola Pack of 50 skew:AR0223 @ GBP 2.45 = GBP 4.90
    1 X B433, Fritillaria Lutea (Crown Imperial) Pack of 3 skew:AM0003 @ GBP 10.45 = GBP 10.45
    1 X P585, Buddleia Flower Power skew:ST0319 @ GBP 1.95 = GBP 1.95
    1 X P863, Dicentra Spectabilis Alba Pack of 3 skew:PT0177 @ GBP 1.95 = GBP 1.95
    1 X B905, 25 Spring Green Tulips Pack of 25 skew:FX0003 @ GBP 0.00 = GBP 0.00
    1 X P005, 6 Scabiosa Perfecta Pack of 6 skew:HG0124 @ GBP 0.00 = GBP 0.00
  10. Quercus

    Quercus Gardener

    Nov 3, 2008
    You've got 3x 3 packs of clematis montana.... hope you have loads of space, one is plenty for most gardens!
  11. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    WoW men8ifr, I hope you post pics next year, your garden is going to look Fantastic :thumb: and Good Luck with the planting..
  12. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    Some other duplication there too - dunno if it is intended?

    There are 3 separate lines with the same product (rather than one line with 3-off)

    B905, 25 Spring Green Tulips Pack of 25 skew:FX0003 @ GBP 0.00 = GBP 0.00
    P005, 6 Scabiosa Perfecta Pack of 6 skew:HG0124 @ GBP 0.00 = GBP 0.00
    P585, Buddleia Flower Power skew:ST0319 @ GBP 1.95 = GBP 1.95
    P863, Dicentra Spectabilis Alba Pack of 3 skew:PT0177 @ GBP 1.95 = GBP 1.95

    I'm guessing zero prices ones are "freebies" though
  13. men8ifr

    men8ifr Guest

    Yes they only allowed one of each
    P585, Buddleia Flower Power skew:ST0319 @ GBP 1.95 = GBP 1.95
    P863, Dicentra Spectabilis Alba Pack of 3 skew:PT0177 @ GBP 1.95 = GBP 1.95
    per order

    and gave away

    B905, 25 Spring Green Tulips Pack of 25 skew:FX0003 @ GBP 0.00 = GBP 0.00
    P005, 6 Scabiosa Perfecta Pack of 6 skew:HG0124 @ GBP 0.00 = GBP 0.00

    per order

    so I put 3 orders in in order to get more of the above (lets hope it works...)

    If even 1/2 of the stuff looked 1/2 as nice as the pictures on their website I'll be onto a winner!
  14. men8ifr

    men8ifr Guest

    Yes I'll post pics next year hopfully it won't be a disaster!
  15. men8ifr

    men8ifr Guest

    I'll find somewhere... I'm quite looking forward to all this stuff turning up and working out where to put it all - i've got some ideas. For climbing things I was thinking of putting 3 climbers along the side of the house but may have to make up big trays for them (it's kind of broken concrete now) Then I could put a couple at the front of the house either side of the bay wondow and maybe one under it, then there's the garage I was thinking of one plant for each 6ft wide 'panel' and then there's also the right hand fence with a few spare panels... And maybe some space behind my broom... :gnthb:

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