Violin; raw novice.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Retired, Aug 27, 2021.

  1. Logan

    Logan Total Gardener

    May 27, 2017
    redditch Worcester
    Hi Colin

    Thanks about my garden and it will, couldn't do anything yesterday because it started raining when I wanted to go out there, but i should in a bit.

    That's great about your violins and the Balalaika you might have to wait a long time to get those strings from Ukraine with all the fighting going on but hope that you get them when you said.

    Have a good day
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
    • Retired

      Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

      May 30, 2019
      West Yorkshire

      Thanks Logan; I'll try to keep my personal cloud up here today allowing you to get into the garden and walk your babies; I did wonder where my cloud got to yesterday because I missed it for a short while.

      I don't mind waiting for the strings from the Ukraine; I could have bought them elsewhere with speedier delivery but I want to support Ukraine in such terrible times.

      I've already done the shopping and visited the surgery so now the day is mine; whoopee.

      Have a wonderful day Logan. :)

      Kind regards, Colin.
      • Like Like x 1
      • Logan

        Logan Total Gardener

        May 27, 2017
        redditch Worcester
        Hi Colin
        Yes we have to support Ukraine as much as we can.

        You have a good day also.
        • Friendly Friendly x 1
        • Retired

          Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

          May 30, 2019
          West Yorkshire

          Thanks Logan; by now you'll be almost on top of your planting; the way you've been planting I think you're planting for England and what a wonderful display they will be when in full bloom.

          I'm at last relaxed because I can spend time in the studio; I've just enjoyed an hour practicing on my German violin going over and over on just two notes trying to hit them exactly each time but it's proving difficult; I'm using an electronic tuner for reference; I can play part of Lara's Theme but now having time I want to really get it right.

          We have a lovely family at the end of the street; the parents are Greek & Russian with two adorable children; we've not seen them for quite a while which is unusual because the mother was always in the street with her children; I've just been to visit them with a greetings card and box of Black Magic chocs; the little lad waved from the window but no one answered the door bell so I put the card through their letterbox and left the chocs where easily found; we hope all is well with them; we miss seeing them in the street; the children have an electric car and cycles to play with; they are such a happy family and the children are now old enough to have a conversation with.

          I've been struggling to follow my music charts because the charts have been sitting on the studio bench but yesterday the music stand arrived and it's making a lot of difference; the D'Addario tuner is starting to annoy because it dies after a few minutes playing ruining my concentration; I might end up introducing it to my sledge hammer; I have to keep restarting it; it dies whilst I'm playing.

          I've my birthday coming up end of August and my lovely wife has already offered to buy me anything at all I fancy; normally I don't bother much about birthdays but as I'm setting up the music studio I might go for a laptop computer; I have a spare desktop computer but it's much too large for my studio needing keyboard and monitor.

          I've now given my arms a rest and enjoyed a mug of tea so time to wander back into the studio; life's good.

          Have a great weekend Logan.

          Kind regards, Colin.
          • Like Like x 1
          • Logan

            Logan Total Gardener

            May 27, 2017
            redditch Worcester
            Hi Colin
            Thanks about my garden and yes nearly finished the planting, just got some big pots to do in the front under the window.

            That's great about you having time to practice your playing and you know what they say practice makes perfect.:)

            I hope that your neighbours are alright and well.

            That's a shame about your tuner but i know that you will get it right and all will be fine.

            Yes a laptop will be better for you in your studio, hubby has a computer on the the dining room table and takes up half of it but it's very old now.

            Went to see my friend Marion this afternoon and gave her a lupin plant and i will plant it the next time i go.
            She broke up with her partner early this year and didn't have anywhere to go, so her ex husband said she could move in with him but not as a couple, they have 3 grown children so they always kept in touch. He's a very nice man and he's there when i go to see her and he always makes conversation.

            Thanks and you have a good weekend also.
            • Friendly Friendly x 1
            • Retired

              Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

              May 30, 2019
              West Yorkshire

              Thanks Logan; I hope your day is going well and it's not as windy for you as it is for us.

              Once you finish your planting you'll find something else to do; gardening never stops also there are always must do jobs around home. I wandered up the mountain this morning wearing my heavy "site" coat and cap but it was uncomfortable being buffeted by the wind although I did find a few more Cleavers which I ripped out before they seeded.

              We were pleased when our neighbour and her two children visited us yesterday to thank us for the card and chocs; they're fine and shortly they'll be along the street once again on their cycles; the reason she didn't answer the door was that she couldn't because whilst out with the children earlier they came across an orphaned moorhen chick and she had it in her hands; what a lovely caring family they are; they phoned all over locally trying to get a center to take the chick and care for it but in the end drove many miles over to Manchester to a center that could accept it; few people these days would go to so much time; cost; effort and trouble but as I say they are a lovely family. It was nice to see them again.

              Desktop computers definitely take up a lot of space but I like my desktop monitor because it's a good size and the full sized keyboard is easy to use.

              What a shame regarding your friend Marion; it must be awful having to live with her ex-husband but these things happen; exactly the same happened here years ago with a couple who were neighbours; we don't have children but I don't think we're missing much by what we so often see and hear; it appears many loving couples adore each other until children appear then somehow the loving between them vanishes and they simply live together like robots and the novelty of the children wears off. We've been married 45 years and my lovely wife is still my best friend; we're together day in day out and year in year out but we get along so well together and we'll do anything to please each other; I'm still behaving like a child climbing trees at 74; I never want to grow up because there's so much badness in the world.

              I've enjoyed three violin practice sessions so far today; I've just left the studio but before doing this I popped outside to check how loud my amplified playback was not wanting to upset the neighbours; I could hardly hear it which was surprising; we don't do anything to annoy our neighbours treating them with respect.

              Whilst at the top of the garden this morning I looked over the wall and found another job; a lane runs adjacent to our garden wall and the soil kerb is in need of weeding otherwise the weeds enjoy spreading into our garden; last year I treated the kerb with "Pistol" hebicide which worked all year allowing me to forget it; I dislike using chemicals but it became such a chore having to keep using the hoe; if this wind ever drops I'll spray again.

              Kind regards, Colin.
            • Logan

              Logan Total Gardener

              May 27, 2017
              redditch Worcester
              Hi Colin
              Thank you yes i had a good day, picked some rhubarb and raspberries put them in the freezer. This afternoon mowed the grass in the front garden, still got to do the edges that's for tomorrow.

              Yes still got a lot to do in the garden, weeding. Some of the blackberries have come away from the supports so got to do that sometime. In a corner in the back garden there's some brambles that have been left so they're getting worse.
              We can always find something to do.

              That's very sweet of your neighbours to do that and glad that they're alright.

              Good that you had a great violin practice and that your amplifier doesn't make a loud sound.

              Thanks about my friend Marion, yes it does seem strange but they seem to manage it well.
              Children put a lot of strain on a marriage and some couples can't cope.
              That's great about you and Bron.

              Weeds can get anywhere and sometimes have to use chemicals.

              Have a good evening
              • Friendly Friendly x 1
              • Retired

                Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                May 30, 2019
                West Yorkshire

                Thanks Logan;I hope you have another excellent day and manage to trim the grass edges and sort your brambles out. I removed lots of brambles years ago but even now still pull new ones out as soon as I see them; I think it must be the birds dropping the seeds.

                I enjoyed four violin practice sessions yesterday but the last was poor; I think I overdid it being rather too keen but even poor practice sessions I enjoy; it's such a pleasure to be in the studio away from the worlds troubles.

                I've just bought a garden sprayer so now I need some rare warm sunshine where the weeds would like a drink; I use "Pistol" herbicide;


                I bought 1L of this pistol last year and it's brilliant; I'm very careful and selective where I use it but alongside the lane at the top of our garden it was applied only once and no more weeds the rest of the year; the downside is it's not cheap; I think I paid about £60 for the 1L but it's well worth it. I became fed up of constantly using the hoe along the lane. Ideally I'd have liked to let everything grow but unfortunately it invades our garden with things like nettles and cleavers. Typical of my luck the last time I tried to use the sprayer the sprayer container popped a tiny leak as it was pressurized whilst being filled; I dashed up the garden to where it wouldn't do any harm but later a trail of dead grass was the result hence I bought the new sprayer this morning.

                Back to the plot though; I'm looking forward to more violin practices today; we watch lots of violin video's on YouTube and I'm fascinated by how different the violins sound when amplified; they all sound very different to my violin when I record then play back through the monitors; my playing sounds very rough indeed but my studio is small and the German violin is orchestral quality having lots of projection even when I try to play it with light bow pressure; any problems though are down to me not my violins or kit; I'll keep practicing.

                I'm still going over and over a few lines of Lara's Theme but after a decent practice session I start to lose the plot; I play against the words in my head but I know it's time to quit when I can't remember the words; what a lovely hobby though violin playing is; top solo violinist I'll never be but being mediocre is still better than not playing at all.

                Kind regards, Colin.
              • Logan

                Logan Total Gardener

                May 27, 2017
                redditch Worcester
                Hi Colin
                Thanks i will have a good day but won't do much in the garden, my lower back is aching and it's best not to force it. But I've done a few odd jobs that needed doing but putting them off.

                Good that you bought a new sprayer and sometimes have to use it, hope that you get the chance soon.

                Good that you got some violin practice in and when it goes wrong that's the time to take a rest and come back to it.
                You don't have to be a top soloist to enjoy it.

                I find with some of George Michael songs are difficult to remember because he changes a few words in them and i have to remember which one it is. Here's a good example

                Have a good day
                • Friendly Friendly x 1
                • Retired

                  Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                  May 30, 2019
                  West Yorkshire

                  Thanks for your good wishes Logan; I hope you're all well at your end; you; hubby and babies. I'm not surprised your back is aching a bit after planting for England; you must feel tired out; have you sorted your brambles out and the Lupin for Marion. You're always so busy.

                  Thanks also for posting the George Michael video; I've not heard that song before. We like Careless Whisper.

                  I popped onto the lane yesterday afternoon and sprayed the verge with pistol herbicide; today at dinner time the guy from the council drove along the street then along the lane on a quad bike spraying; if I jumped from a bridge I'd land in a hay cart with my luck. I hope the weeds enjoy their drink though.

                  I enjoy all my time in the studio even poor sessions; I learn more from the poor sessions. I'm considering buying an electric violin and new laptop but browsing the web takes forever and my eyes tend to glaze over.

                  I'm also dithering regarding selling some of my big kit like the Graduate lathe with a great deal of tooling; I've not done any woodturning or metal spinning for quite a while and now I'm so heavily involved with violins I'm concerned about the machinery being a huge problem for my wife if something untowards happens to me. Not being morbid just sensible. Since the age of 15 I've been involved with machinery and it will be hard to let the lathe go but I have a smaller wood lathe and also a very expensive rare Lorch metal lathe. I can't do everything I'd like to do there aren't enough hours in a day.

                  Kind regards, Colin.
                • Logan

                  Logan Total Gardener

                  May 27, 2017
                  redditch Worcester
                  Hi Colin
                  We're all doing well thanks, how about you and Bron?

                  I've given Marion her lupin but i will plant it not this Saturday but the next.
                  No i haven't sorted out the brambles yet, I'm still planting up the tubs and there's another border that i forgot about. I like to keep busy in the day and it's a good thing that I've got the boys to walk so that i can stop.
                  Thanks about my back, I've had problems with it for a long time, did have treatment but i know that it's just the muscles tightening up, just have to be careful when it happens. Sometimes it's how I lie in bed, i like to be on my left side with my knees bent and it doesn't do me much good.

                  Your welcome about the video, it's from his album called Older, that's my favourite one, but there's one track that makes me sad called
                  To be forgiven

                  Yes i like Careless Whisper

                  That's a shame about your spraying, at least they'll get a good dose of different mix and might be better.

                  That's great about your violin practice and i know the not so good ones help you learn. I hope that you can find your electric violin.

                  If that's what you want then sell your Graduate lathe but give it a lot of thought.
                  Have a good evening
                  • Friendly Friendly x 1
                  • Retired

                    Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                    May 30, 2019
                    West Yorkshire

                    Thanks Logan for your friendly reply. :)

                    Thanks also for asking; Bron and I are still plodding along nicely keeping our heads down though these days avoiding those who want jobs doing as favours; it's time now to do jobs for ourselves.

                    I don't envy you tackling brambles; I don't like these at all because ours used to attack me when we first moved here; we had huge brambles; nettles, rose bushes etc that over the years I've got rid of; I'm forever removing small hollies though that are popping up all over the place as are cleavers.

                    I hope the Lupin takes for Marian because they can be picky regarding soil; we have lupins in bloom now but our former neighbour couldn't grow them.

                    Please be careful with your back; it doesn't take much to put a back out; I read years ago sleeping on your left side was not good for you because of heart position; Bron and I always sleep on our right side.

                    Thanks for the George Michael video; I've not yet had chance to view it in fact I seem to have little time for all I want or need to do.

                    I'm still uncertain regarding selling my lathe but I'm not in a hurry; we don't need the money and it's not costing anything sitting in the workshop; I'm still a kid enjoying all my toys.

                    I keep having a look at electric violins but not yet bought one although yesterday I did buy a very good spec used laptop which will be with me tomorrow; I'm slowly getting the studio set up but I don't have enough time to settle in there.

                    I've just come indoors wet with sweat having trimmed the laurels etc also I used the Makita blower to blow the patio and pathway clear so it's all now tidy for a couple of days then I can do it all again.

                    I hope your day is a good one Logan; it will be hard on your babies in this rare heat.

                    Kind regards, Colin.
                  • Logan

                    Logan Total Gardener

                    May 27, 2017
                    redditch Worcester
                    Hi Colin
                    That's great that you both are well.
                    Yes it's best to keep to yourselves, you have enough to do.

                    Brambles are difficult to get rid of because of the suckering, my blackberries does it and the loganberry has started to do it and we've had it for 10 years.

                    Thanks about the lupin i think that it will be fine because the soil is like ours, as long as it's watered and i know Marion will do that.

                    Your welcome about the George Michael video and you can watch it on YouTube when you're ready.

                    Yes take your time about selling your lathe you might regret it.

                    Thanks about my back i'll be careful, I didn't know about the sleeping on my left side but i can't lie on my right, but i don't stay on my left for long, then i lie on my back.

                    That's great about you buying a laptop and take your time buying a electric violin.

                    You be careful with this heat and your not used to all the sunshine.

                    My babies do find it hot with this heat especially berry so we take them where there's a lot of shade.

                    This morning i planted up 3 big pots with a standard fuchsia, Snapdragons, pot marigolds, trailing geranium, trailing fuchsia and some eurigeron, before it got too hot and did nothing outside in the afternoon.
                    A bit later I'm going to get the hose pipe out to do the front garden but only water the bedding plants.

                    Have a good evening
                    • Friendly Friendly x 1
                    • Retired

                      Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                      May 30, 2019
                      West Yorkshire

                      Many thanks Logan; I hope your weekend is going well.

                      I dislike anything in the garden with spikes so get rid of them; I want to get into the garden without being attacked by the plants I've enough with being attacked by the weather.

                      Your lupin is going to a good home; I'm sure Marian will look after it and you can watch its progress each time you visit Marian. Our lupins are doing well and they like to spread.

                      You're right about regretting selling the lathe but I need to part with it before I get too old; in August I'll have been involved with lathes for 60 years not counting the lathe at school I wasn't allowed to touch but was very interested in.

                      You could do a web browse as to best position for sleeping; I could be wrong which side is worst but I think it was the left side I read about years ago; whatever we do these days some expert is sure to say we're wrong.

                      The recent three days of heat has taken some adjusting to and I've lost weight because of not needing lots of heavy clothes but I'm back to normal today; three whole says without rain though. I know you love your babies to bits and take excellent care of them; some uncaring pet owners though leave their pet in their car with windows closed on scorching hot days in fact this also happens when kids are left in cars.

                      By now you'll have done more planting and had the hosepope in action; we're heading back to rain so I can forget about finding the hosepipe; I didn't want to disturb the spiders.

                      The laptop arrived yesterday and I'm over the moon with it; I was unsure whether to buy new or used but I spent ages browsing the web looking at new laptops for around £500 then viewing YouTube reviews; in the end I decided to buy a used one and it's just like new without a mark on it; even better it came with genuine Win 10 installed and also Google Chrome plus security programs; I'm totally new to laptops but I had it fired up very quickly indeed; all I needed to do was to activate wifi and it was up and running; this morning I downloaded VLC and Audacity without problems; it was strange not having a mouse so I'll buy a mouse because I'm so used to using one. £130 very well spent for a laptop with more features than many at £500 new and the one I've now got has a three month warranty so the seller is confident.

                      After a scorching hot day yesterday I popped outside yesterday evening and the temperature had dropped like a stone; it's at least 10C cooler today and overcast with the usual breeze.

                      Kind regards, Colin.
                      • Like Like x 1
                      • Logan

                        Logan Total Gardener

                        May 27, 2017
                        redditch Worcester
                        Hi Colin
                        Yes thanks I'm having a good relaxing weekend but it's raining right now and heavy.

                        Thanks about the lupin i didn't know that they could spread, never happened in this garden, but great about your lupins.

                        You do what you think is right about selling your lathe.

                        Thanks but it doesn't bother me about sleeping on my left side, because i can't sleep on my right. Your right in what the experts say and it gets a bit too much.

                        Yes I've heard about people leaving pets in cars. Berry found it too much the last 2 days so he went for short walks just around the back of the house and then back again.
                        I bet you felt lost without the rain.

                        Yesterday i didn't do any planting, in the morning i picked some redcurrants before the blackbirds got them and the afternoon was too hot.
                        Today it's raining so i washed my hair instead, Sundays i don't do much so Monday i'll do some.
                        Thursday i did get the hose out but yesterday i watered the blueberries so used the water butts for that.
                        Good that you didn't have to get the hose out you don't know what might have been there.

                        Great about your laptop and glad that you're happy with it.

                        Have a good weekend
                        • Friendly Friendly x 1

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