Portugese Laurel - Growth on Branches

Discussion in 'Other Plants' started by Plaurel, Jun 22, 2022.

  1. Plaurel

    Plaurel Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 15, 2022
    Hi Everyone,

    I am hoping someone can help!

    I planted some laurels around a year and a half ago. This year in May they grew rapidly, but more recently have developed a strange dark growth on multiple stems/branches. This area slowly becomes hard, until the new growth is restricted. The branch then snaps off very easily.

    I have sprayed some fungicide onto the plants but it doesn't seem to have helped. They are in part-shaded area so I am not sure if the plants are stressed.

    Thanks in advance. 1655805815049.jpg 1655805815060.jpg 1655805815071.jpg 1655805815080.jpg
  2. Janet mahay

    Janet mahay Gardener

    Oct 24, 2018
    Uk west mid
    Hi saw some info Portuguese Laurels tend to branch out better if you prune them yearly. If you dont, the lower branches will start to thicken and leaves will not grow much. The more you prune, the more the shrub will create more branches
    Portuguese Laurel can be finicky when it comes to soil moisture, most issues that this plant can have are caused by inadequate watering. If you are checking the plant regularly and watering sufficiently there should be no problems.Try to lay a thick layer of bark mulch every year to help conserve moisture.and Consider pruning back the ones that have clearly died back.
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