My husband has called me an anorak. I brought home a collection of leaves for the purpose of learning identification of things, had them spread out and set to work on the pc with them. He came in asked what I was doing, I told him and then he called me an anorak. It seems perfectly reasonable to me. How about you guys? I don`t feel like an anorak.
My hubby called me a nerd cause I'm on the puter all day he prob thinks I'm an anorak too lol especially as I made him come with me whilst I collected leaves from the roads round the corner
My O.H. says i am obsessed if i`m not working in the garden i`m on the :ntty:about "plants" my other "obsession" is cooking he doesn`t moan about that :lol:
Odd that ain`t it Pam? LOL That`s exactly what I`m like-except omit cooking for reading. I do do a mean yorkshire pudding though-hubby is getting those this afternoon. I can smell the beef roasting as we speak. ( Yuck-I`m a veggie)
I love a nice bit of beef with the blood running , as a matter of fact i prefer all foods under cooked ,i`m a sushi girl
I`m not so sure about undercooked-but I cook everything medium-for the family that is. The only thing that tastes better cooked very well is squashes. Yum Yum. Odd that most of my posts tend to end up chatting about food or fellas
So this is the definition Wickapedia has: For the clothing article, see anorak. In British slang an anorak is a person, typically a man, who is an enthusiast interested in information regarded as boring or unfathomable by the rest of the population. The best known explanation of the term, is the use of anoraks (a type of rain jacket) by train spotters, a prototype group for this seemingly unfathomable interest in detailed trivia. :dh:
Ok, I was puzzled by the thread, as I did not know what an anorak was except a jacket, and I was at the moment too busy with horses and things to investigate the meaning properly. But now that I have been saved and enlightned (oh my god, is that how you spell, it? too much sherry), I can confirm it: I am an anorak. I am enthusiatically interested in all kinds of strange information. How was the stern of blue nose fishing schooners actually built? Why is the crossjack called vergasecca in italian? How do you get a plain roast chicken "just right"? Is there an *ultimate* formula for painting realistic, slightly tanned, not too holliwood-like muscular abs (in acrylic)? These are life or death questions to me,people. I am an anorak!!! And I never knew!!!!