Violin; raw novice.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Retired, Aug 27, 2021.

  1. Logan

    Logan Total Gardener

    May 27, 2017
    redditch Worcester
    Hi Colin

    Now that you've put the claim in, shouldn't you wait for them to reply ?, if not you could get someone to do it for you.Then it will give you more time for yourself.
  2. Retired

    Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

    May 30, 2019
    West Yorkshire

    Many thanks @Logan for your interest and suggestion; I'm seriously fed up with constant bad luck; this morning I decided to take back control and emailed LV insurance cancelling our claim; it was just too much hassle; put in a 20 minute queue on the phone; no way; email option so I chose it sending in lots of details and waited and waited; this morning as usual I was out working this time painting the porch door and garage doors; I was halfway through painting one of the garage doors when my wife came down to me saying LV was on the phone; obviously paint doesn't wait while I answer a phone so I said please let the lady know what I'm doing and I'll phone back; when I came back into the bungalow my wife told me the LV lady wouldn't be available to accept a return call today so I'd have to phone LV tomorrow morning; I'd already cancelled the claim?

    Later I received an email requesting confirmation I wanted to cancel the claim so I politely replied yes please cancel the claim not giving a reason for the cancellation; I wonder what would have happened should we be in the car with the car broken down on the M1 motorway; in fairness LV did respond but given the time lapse I lost interest; if it's so much hassle to contact LV then what's ahead?

    I emailed a local well reviewed roofing contractor this afternoon one of the top three rated in huddersfield; I select 5:30 but as yet no reply possibly because it's a bank holiday but why let me book the appointment? I'll end up doing as I always do and sort the job out myself at least I'm 100% reliable and do a top class job after all my wife and I installed the main bungalow and two roomed extension roofs 33 years ago when Legal & General told us to get lost when water poured through two ceilings; L&G gave the reason as lack of maintenance; we'd only lived here six weeks with full insurance and a huge mortgage.

    I'm still dreaming of the day I can play my violins in peace but it's only a dream.

    Kind regards, Colin.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
    • Logan

      Logan Total Gardener

      May 27, 2017
      redditch Worcester
      Hi Colin

      As you know it was a bank holiday yesterday so i wouldn't have expected too much.
      It would have been better today.
      I hope that everything turns out right for you.
      Some things aren't covered in house insurance.

      When we moved here it already had a conservatory, the floor is tyled but in the hot weather a crack was forming around the units on the floor tiles,checked the insurance but not covered. It turned out that there wasn't a lot of concrete for the floor so had to have the whole floor re done. All the best
    • Retired

      Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

      May 30, 2019
      West Yorkshire

      Thanks @Logan; yes it was a bank holiday slowing everything down and with insurance I really don't expect anything. As you say whenever you put a claim in it's likely not covered. :mad:

      Heat damage_0002_03.JPG
      Here the woodwork has parted company from the main bungalow wall causing lots of damage to the joint.

      Heat damage_0003_03.JPG
      Here's the repair just needing colour matching.
      Heat damage_0005_03.JPG
      The bungalow is random stone and here I've chopped out in readiness to add new mortar; a terrible job because it's so easy to break through to the cavity.

      Heat damage_0006_03.JPG
      Here is a section just repaired and there were five areas of such damage; two days hard work especially in blazing afternoon sun but both walls now sorted at a cost of £17 for sand and the new wood; I always have cement and fillers etc to hand. The roof damage is next and this morning I bought materials at £88 so this covers most of the exterior repairs; the insurance excess would have cost £1,000.

      The guy from Eagle roofing proved to be the invisible man Peter Brady because we didn't see him as arranged for his visit yesterday so after 6pm I emailed apologizing for any inconvenience I might have caused and cancelled the request for a visit. I'm 100% reliable and very old fashioned; my word is my bond and I'll never change. :)

      I still dream of studio time but I can dream on.

      Kind regards, Colin.
    • Logan

      Logan Total Gardener

      May 27, 2017
      redditch Worcester
      Hi Colin
      Well at least you have saved money doing it yourself and your very good at doing all of the repairs.
      My hubby wouldn't do it even if he was able to.

      Don't worry you'll be able to get some violin practice soon.

      Have a good evening
    • Retired

      Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

      May 30, 2019
      West Yorkshire

      Many thanks @Logan yes plenty of money saved so far but still the roof to repair which I plan to do when the roll of material arrives; I'll be glad to get this job out of the way but I wonder when I've completed it what job next will prevent me practicing with my violins.

      Lots of ladies these days do jobs around home because husbands/partners won't do them; good on these ladies they deserve a big pat on the back.

      Thanks; I'm still dreaming of violin practice; I do keep popping into the studio for short sessions just to remember what I've already learned.

      I've just come out of the workshop having taken note of my VFD (Variable frequency drive) parameter settings noting 90 of them with yet 90 more to note; the guy who bought my Graduate lathe is having lots of problems setting up the brand new VFD unit I supplied with the lathe; his electrician friend after lots of emails has got the lathe running but the motor is running too hot which is dangerous with risk of explosion/fire. I could well do without this on top of my own problems but my word is my bond and I did say I'd help all I could; I didn't expect all this extra trouble but I'll stick with it until he's happy with the lathe; he lives too far away for me to visit him although I've already suggested if he gets stuck to send me his VFD and I'll either set it up for him or I'll send him my already set up VFD. My life is so complicated and I don't seem ever to get on top of jobs.

      Have a wonderful day.

      Kind regards, Colin.
    • Logan

      Logan Total Gardener

      May 27, 2017
      redditch Worcester
      Hi Colin
      How long do you think that the materials will arrive for your roof?

      Yes it's good that women do a lot of things, my mother in law was one, her husband wouldn't do anything if he didn't have to, but i wouldn't and hubby doesn't expect me to if i don't want to.I do almost all the the garden and that's enough for me.

      That's a shame about the lathe and the new VFD and at the time when you have trouble with your bungalow, but i know that you'll help him with it. Good thing that you can't go there, you might be there for a long time. Hubby used to do computer work for people and that used to happen if he went to the place, but he's retired from that now.

      Good that you can do a bit of violin practice to remember it.

      Have a good evening
    • Retired

      Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

      May 30, 2019
      West Yorkshire

      Many thanks @Logan for your reply and good wishes.

      The materials for the roof repair are now with me but also heavy rain and thunderstorms which are holding me up from doing the repairs.

      We're all different; fortunately I enjoy doing things using my head and hands; I've done this so long it now comes naturally to me and as my lovely wife tells me I think everyone else is the same; here's a young lady showing how it's done; good on her I'm impressed;

      I'm rather puzzled as to why the new owner of the lathe is having so many problems getting it running correctly; he informs me he has an experienced electrician who works on lots of VFD's helping him out but he keeps emailing; in one of his latest emails he tells me not to be concerned at all he'll sort it out but this after many previous emails and I'd informed him I'd gone as far as I could helping with information but I've offered to send him my fully set up VFD or he can send his new VFD to me and I can set it up using my Lorch lathe it having an identical motor; having told me not to be too concerned another email arrived; I've got a feeling that his electrician friend has hard wired the VFD in from the supply to the VFD and then VFD to the lathe and it's the new owner attempting to set the VFD parameters not his electrician friend? I could be wrong but why ask how to reverse a three phase motor which I'm sure any electrician can do.

      Huanyang VFD Parameters..JPG
      Just for interest here are the parameter settings on my VFD which took best part of three hours before I could email them to him; I gave my word I'd help if I could when he collected the lathe and I never let myself down but given the large amount of information I've now supplied he still hasn't got the lathe fully running; all this shatters my concentration from my own problems so I'll be happy for him if ever he replies saying he's got the lathe sorted out.

      Just more complications with the roof repair; I've opened up rotten timber and hope this is just the full length tiling batten which I'll remove today then let things dry out; I collected new lengths of batten from Wickes a couple of nights ago having to cut these to fit into the car but how enjoyable it was doing this in the rain; these new battens are fully treated but I've also painted them to add extra protection; with my wife's help I installed the bungalow and extension roofs 33 years ago and they've done well this the first repair needed;

      Rotten timber_0002.JPG
      The ply isn't a problem but I hope the damage is only to the batten which is an easy replacement so fingers crossed but I want a dry roof to work on.

      Wall to ceiling damage (2).JPG
      Here's the ceiling joint damage.
      Extension damage_0022.JPG
      Here's the ceiling joint repair.

      All three walls and interior damage now fully repaired but I'm held up by the weather for doing the roof repair; no sooner do I start on the roof that we have heavy rain and thunderstorms; I think the sun is showing its face so perhaps I'll be able to remove the rotten timber this afternoon.

      I was amazed last night to finally get into the studio and enjoy a practice session on both my electric and one of the acoustic violins; at first I was rough and clumsy but when I settled down I really enjoyed myself; if only all these hassles would leave me alone I could shut the world out for a bit of well earned peace after all I've been retired 21 years and still can't get on top of all the maintenance needed around home and in the gardens; how typical of my luck that B&Q made a mess of colour matching paint I needed;

      Terrible colour matching at B&Q (2).JPG

      The colour matched paint seen to the right the colour needed is to match the fall pipe; I'm hopelessly colour blind but I'd need to completly blind to see the difference; nice Valspar exterior paint B&Q but terrible colour matching service. I can't be bothered returning the paint.

      I'm still dreaming of lengthy studio time but it appears I can dream on for a while yet; one thing's certain I'm never bored.

      Kind regards, Colin.
    • Logan

      Logan Total Gardener

      May 27, 2017
      redditch Worcester
      Hi Colin
      Let's just hope that you can do your repairs soon.

      Yes we're all different, that video is good.

      Hope that the new owner of your lathe sorts it out and you've done a lot to help him.

      Your repairs are looking good and can't see the difference.

      Good that you got into the studio for a while and maybe soon you can do some more.

      • Friendly Friendly x 1
      • Retired

        Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

        May 30, 2019
        West Yorkshire

        Many thanks @Logan for your reply.

        Yes the new owner of the lathe has a huge smile on his face at last; it's now running perfectly and he's delighted with it so everyone's happy.

        I've also completed all the subsidence repairs it taking just two weeks; internal and external repairs done to a very high standard with no thanks to LV Insurance or Eagle Roofing who didn't turn up as arranged.

        Had LV carried out repairs it would have cost us £1,000 for the policy agreed excess; using best quality materials cost around £400 with labour costing nothing doing the repairs myself.

        Roof completed_0001.JPG
        Alternative lead neatly installed this should last for many years to come.
        Roof completed_0002.JPG
        A close up of the alternative lead; the roof sheeting seen is Nuralite which I installed 33 years ago and it's still in good condition. The oak tree is dropping acorns; walking around the patio area is like walking on ball bearings; we keep sweeping them up but they should soon stop falling.
        Roof completed_0006.JPG
        I was very pleased indeed to put this job behind me; this time I haven't clipped and nailed the bottom row of tiles making any future access much easier.

        Had I waited and persisted with the LV insurance claim no doubt they would have finally got their act together but it's amazing how quickly they empty my pocket but it's quicker joining hands to contact the dead when their help is needed. Job done in two weeks working on my own; no fuss; no hassle; no quotes. no paperwork and most of all no waiting.

        Kind regards, Colin.
        • Like Like x 1
        • Logan

          Logan Total Gardener

          May 27, 2017
          redditch Worcester
          Hi Colin

          Great that you got the new owner of your lathe sorted out, less thing to worry about.

          Your repairs look good, probably better.
          Yes there's a lot of acorns this year.

          You'll have time for your violin practice now, until something else comes along.

          • Friendly Friendly x 1
          • Retired

            Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

            May 30, 2019
            West Yorkshire

            Many thanks @Logan, yes one thing less to worry about now the lathe is running.

            Thanks also; when my wife and I replaced the roofs 33 years ago we were under tremendous pressure knowing we could just afford the materials and with a time constraint of two weeks holiday whilst never having done this sort of work previously; had we got it wrong we'd have been in serious trouble. Now though being retired and having the experience of re-roofing I could settle down and as you say make an even better job of it which I've done.

            Ever since my lovely wife treated me to my first violin just a year ago every time I've wanted to practice playing it I've been pulled away; with the subsidence repairs now behind me I was looking forward to some wonderful studio time; however whilst the weather is still decent which is very rare; yesterday I thought I'd rotavate the top meadow rather than wait until next month doing it in adverse weather conditions.

            I did the rotavating yesterday tiring myself out then cleaned and put away the rotavator not expecting to use it again until next March when I reseed the wildflower meadow. This morning I wandered up the mountain to rake the freshly rotavated soil and by 10:30 I was worn out having done half the raking; after a mug of tea and fully charged again I wandered back up taking the spade with me; I kept finding places I'd missed with the rotavator but I found digging in the hard soil too much hard work so down again to collected the rotavator; I'd nicely got stuck into the job when the rotavator stopped rotavating; the engine was working fine but the tines weren't engaged so yet a lot more hassle to prevent me getting into the studio; I need to repair the rotavator knowing it's a transmission problem.

            Typical of my luck I think I've owned the rotavator for just over a year so the warranty will have expired. I know once the rotavator is repaired there will be another job demanding my attention it never ever lets up.

            I'm about to wander up the mountain again to bring the rotavator down; I'm permanently tired out and when I do get a bit of studio time I find I'm clumsy whilst playing the violin because of aching arms and tired fingers but I've no intention of giving up.

            Kind regards, Colin.
            • Like Like x 1
            • Retired

              Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

              May 30, 2019
              West Yorkshire

              Another very hard day over. After dinner I found the petrol rotavator fired up and ran OK; after a while it stopped again; I believe it's got a safety cut out for when it gets overworked; perhaps I should be fitted with one of these too.

              Meadow rotavated_0001.JPG
              Rotavating is hard enough but even more so on a sloping site like ours.
              Meadow rotavated_0002.JPG
              It's taken all day but I'm now happy to have made a good job of removing so many roots and lots of stones leaving a very tidy area which I'll rotavate once again next year before broadcasting new wildflower seeds.
              Meadow rotavated_0003.JPG

              It's hard work climbing up our garden it's so steep; dragging machinery to the top gives a really good workout.

              Dare I say I'll get into the studio tomorrow; I'm now too tired today.

              Kind regards, Colin.
              • Like Like x 2
              • Logan

                Logan Total Gardener

                May 27, 2017
                redditch Worcester
                Hi Colin
                Great that your rotavator is ok, just don't over work it.:smile: you've done well.
                Hope that you get some practice in tomorrow.
              • Retired

                Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                May 30, 2019
                West Yorkshire

                Many thanks @Logan; no chance of violin practice today in fact I've just knocked off after another very hard day up the mountain.

                Meadow now tidy_0001.JPG
                Here's the top edge of the meadow looking very untidy and where I can't access with the rotavator; each year the grass becomes more established; a few years ago I spread 2 tons of mulch as seen but although the mulch worked well for a couple of years it's now being ignored by plants and grass.

                Meadow now tidy_0002.JPG
                Nothing easy for me at all; here's one of a number of tree roots.
                Meadow now tidy_0003.JPG
                Another tree root.
                Meadow now tidy_0004.JPG
                Even worse here's a buried brick and concrete pathway.
                Meadow now tidy_0005.JPG
                I don't half suffer; here I'm digging the bricks out also masses of stones.
                Meadow now tidy_0006.JPG
                Might as well use the bricks and stones. It's been incredibly hard work but I can see the results making it worthwhile; the rotavator should now have an easier time.
                Meadow now tidy_0007.JPG
                More of the smaller stones dug out. I'm tired out and enough is enough for one day.

                No sooner do I complete one job another job demands my attention; my wife informs me the large cotoneaster has pulled away from the bungalow side wall so yet another bit of punishment to look forward to.

                I dislike any machine which dictates if I can use it or not; I won't accept a petrol rotavator which decides it's had enough and cuts out on me; I'll sell this rotavator and last night I bought a very old petrol Howard "Bulldog" rotavator bought as spares or repair; I'll totally restore this over the coming winter as a project.


                This kind of machinery restoration is very easy for me and always enjoyable to convert from virtual scrap to a desirable fully working machine.

                Over winter I plan to share my time with the violins and this mower project so I'll keep busy and never be bored.

                Kind regards, Colin.

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