Its good news.... I have an allotment!

Discussion in 'Allotments Discussion' started by Adam Moran, Oct 26, 2008.

  1. Adam Moran

    Adam Moran Gardener

    Jul 6, 2008
    Yes all the plots are "open". Some are more built-up than others but thats due to the fact they have been working there plot for 30 years plus :)

    I have no idea about rabbits... I'm about to plant out alod of stuff so i'll know soon enough!

    Do your plots have fences?
  2. Klondyke

    Klondyke Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 15, 2009
    Hi Adam,

    Just one tip from me. If you are going to use "muck" make sure it is well rotted or you will be making trouble for yourself. If it's horse manure, even if it is well rotted it can still be full of weeds like nettles and docks so get a good look at it first and fork it over to see if there are any roots of things like nettles which are very common in piled up horse manure that has been stood around for a long time. I would tend to use it in a compost heap myself, get it piled up , add some grass clippings to help it heat up and then turn it over about twice a week until it gets well rotted. The heat will kill off the weed seeds and also bugs and you will have an excellent feed product.
  3. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi Adam yes all our plots are all fenced off and like your site ours is quite old although not sure just how old although there are people who have 'worked' and are in fact still working their plots 35+ years now!

    We are just patching up our fencing on the bigger plot 'The Paddocks' at the moment good job too as going down the track yesterday we saw two cheeky rabbits running about with not a care in the world...... rabbit stew is in order me thinks!:hehe:

    Popping off to the car boot this morning hopefully for another bargain we managed to pick up a nice amount of water pipe last week for the plots at a knocked down price of £6 ideal for making hooped
  4. Adam Moran

    Adam Moran Gardener

    Jul 6, 2008
    What a day! Started at 9.30 and didnt get in till 8pm!

    Managed to get quite allot done..... pics...

    Big Blue liquid fertalizer :) Horse Manure tea

    Onions doing really well, even the old boys were impressed... only weeded one row tho:(

    Patatoes again doing really well, ive earthed up as much as i can but have ran out of soil.

    Peas have come on well, planted early so was a gamble but looks like its paid off

    Climbing french beans (Cobra)

    Bush french beans (Tendergreen)

    Pumkins (4) to the left and courgettes under fleece. Planted far to many but friends will be pleased :)

    I was given some strawberry runners so went down the allotment shop, bit of black plastic (18pence a meter.... bargin) and away we go :)

    This is the bottom half of my plot, wish i had dug this over in the winter but time didnt allow. Its getting really over grown now :mad: i was going to run the mower over it to keep it looking tidy until i can spend some time on it.

    Random pic from the top

    And to show how it looked when i got it

    i spent some time in the back garden just before it got dark, managed to plant lots of salad, spring onions and some rocket.

    I've just about had it now so time for some rest as tomorrow i have to do the mowing and turn the compost bins... oh joy

  5. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Looking good Adam everything seems to becoming along lovely and it will not be long before you taste your rewards!
  6. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    "This is the bottom half of my plot, wish i had dug this over in the winter but time didnt allow. Its getting really over grown now [​IMG] i was going to run the mower over it to keep it looking tidy until i can spend some time on it."

    How about mow it and cover with black plastic?

    You've already got your Pumpkins and Courgettes in, but I've seen people say that have made pits (in rough ground), filled with manure, covered with plastic and put a stick to locate each pit, and then planted Courgettes / Pumpkins / Squash to sprawl over the plastic. You could then plant-through the plastic next year, perhaps, to further clean the ground.
  7. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Its coming on really well, and your beans are very advanced. What are the blue baskets for Adam? Protection from birds or wind?

    I'd be tempted to spray the uncleared area with Roundup - carefully on a windless day to avoid killing nearby good plants.
  8. Adam Moran

    Adam Moran Gardener

    Jul 6, 2008
    My beans are dead already :(

    I've posted a thred in edible

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