I mean the old fashioned bush type. I just love them. Could i take cuttings and bring them on inside at this time of the year do you think or is it really really too late.:dh:
Hi Granny :D Most of the bush type fuchsia are hardy and will die back and disappear so mark the spot :thmb: Then in spring it will send up new shoots and be slightly larger, don`t remove any twigs or what looks like dead branches not all of them totally disappear ,and some of them will even start growing again on the "twigs" You wouldnt happen to know what the name of your fuchsia is :cnfs:
It does depends on your location granny and if there is any green growth on them. I have some hardy fuschias that are still in flower right now (in Surrey) - but the frost due on Tuesday will probably put a stop to that. Mine will remain over winter as a quite thick twiggy shrub - albiet with no greenery. Some people make hedges out of them. Mine grow again from the twiggy bits in the spring. If you've got any you want to propogate then by all means take cuttings now provided you have somewhere frost free to keep them. They won't grow much over winter though, you will just gain a couple of weeks growth by starting now compared to starting cuttings in the spring.
I put my fuchsias in my bubblewraped greenhosue for added protection tonight untill I can tend to them as snow forecast for tomorrow.
Hi Kath Yes you get it bad in bonny Scotland, here in Wales we are more fortunate its mostly rain ,and although its forecast on Brecon Beacons, i am quite close to the coast and we don`t get it so bad, I have put my cuttings in an unheated greenhouse and thats all they need here
I've only got one fushcia in a pot that someone gave me as a cutting and its flowering beautifully, but I was told it was frost tender, so last night I brought it inside (as I have no greenhouse) and now have no idea what to do with it! I don't have any more room for plants-the windowsills are full of things already!!
You will be ok with your fuchsia indoors through winter ,thsi is rest time for fuchsias let leaves fall off not a problem. Cut back and spray with tepid water . Come Mid Feb -March you will see signs of new growth spray again and as new growth appears you will be able to increese wter then start to feed. Another method stick in abox cover with newspaper once all leaves are off and stick up in loft. Bring back down in March. Good luck.
As you will see from the bottom of the photo, I took this just yesterday and of a friends Fuschia that was being shrouded by WASPS and I was working very close to it, despite being allergic to the Pesky things.
Hi All My fuchsia are all full of flowers or flower buds, but its such a shame you can see the cold winds starting to "burn" the leaf edges, So i have dug up the last of the ones to go into the unheated greenhouse, and hung my baskets in there aswell, I have 3 i have put in the long front border, i will mulch them over, and with the protection of the wall behind ,fingers crossed ,:thmb: they will get through
The last of mine came indoors today. They were from tubs in front of the house, and were looking a bit sorry for themselves after several cold nights this week.