What can I do for my rhododendron?

Discussion in 'Other Plants' started by torlaw, Mar 14, 2023.

  1. torlaw

    torlaw Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 7, 2021
    Hi all,

    Hope this is the right place to post this query. My rhododendron bush is looking very sad with drooping leaves, some turning brown at the end (picture attached) Is there anything I can do for it at this time of year? I've cut out the dead wood and its in a good position to catch all the rain we've been having.

    I think it might be linked to the hot weather we had last summer.

    Thanks in advance for your help!


  2. Perki

    Perki Total Gardener

    Jun 2, 2017
    Rossendale, Lancashire
    Just leave it for now. Its very likely the sharp cold snap in December that has caused the leaves to droop. I have a little Rhodi Ponitcum variegated and the cold weather done a lot of damage to it , drooping leaves - brown leaves and frosted flower buds. Just give it time and reassess again hopefully after flowering, most of the flower buds look ok
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    • Janet mahay

      Janet mahay Gardener

      Oct 24, 2018
      Uk west mid
      there are several reasons why your rhododendron’s leaves may be turning brown. The most common causes are pests, nutrient deficiencies, fungal disease, nutritional deficiency, and too much sun.
      dark brown or black spots on the leaves could be a fungus it occurs when there is too much moisture on the leaves – for example if you water your plants in the evening and the leaves don’t have a chance to dry off before nightfall so you should improve air circulation around the plant and make sure that the leaves are dry before nightfall
      Overwatering.too can cause leaves to brown as to much water can actually drown the roots of your plants and the leaves turn brown befire watering .Stick your finger in the soil – if it feels wet, then wait a few days before watering again.

      Pests love eating rhododendron leaves, and they can cause the leaves to turn brown in a matter of days. The most common pests are aphids, scale insects, and mites.you should inspect the undersides of the leaves for signs of aphids, scale insects, or mites. Can use washing up water to get rid of some pests
      As you mentioned to much sun will cause the leaves of your rhododendron to turn brown. But This is especially a problem in the summer monthes but If you think that your rhododendron’s brown leaves are caused by leaf burn, you should move your plant to a shady spot or protect your plant from the sun by covering it with a light cloth
      Nutrient deficiencies are another common cause of brown leaves on rhododendrons. The most common nutrient deficiency is iron, but nitrogen and magnesium deficiencies can also cause browning leaves.
      If you think that your rhododendron’s brown leaves are caused by a nutrient deficiency, you should fertilize your plant with an all-purpose fertilizer that contains iron. You can also try adding some compost to the soil to help improve its nutrient content

      If the leaves are only slightly brown, then they may turn green again if the cause of the problem is corrected. However, if the leaves are severely brown or black, then they will not turn green again. But as mentioned the cold weather could have easy effected it
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        Last edited: Mar 15, 2023
      • Maggiemay19

        Maggiemay19 Apprentice Gardener

        Mar 14, 2023
        West Yorkshire
        I don't think your rhododendron is drooping because it hasn't had enough water. Has it been drooping for weeks, or is it recent? All Rhodo leaves droop a little, especially if they are large, because they are heavy! My Rhodos are in sheltered spots but still droop when it gets frosty. If this is recent it could be a response to the recent and sudden cold snap. A lot of plants droop in cold weather: removing water from their leaves/stems protects them from damage if they freeze. If the browning is also recent it is most likely to be frost damage, I would think.

        The browning seems to be localized on just a few branches. Whether it is pests, diseases or wind/frost damage, I think you could snip off the affected leaves without harming your rhodo and your plant would look better straight away. Bin rather than compost the leaves, just in case (you don't want to be spreading pests/diseases around your garden in your compost!) and wash off your secateurs afterwards for the same reason.

        Hope you still get plenty of flowers this year!
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        • Loofah

          Loofah Admin Staff Member

          Feb 20, 2008
          Looks normal to me for the weather we've had. A lot of mine look similar
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          • torlaw

            torlaw Apprentice Gardener

            Jun 7, 2021
            Thanks so much for all your advice, everyone :) Fingers crossed it'll pick back up soon!

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