Noticed this in the neighbourhood and wondering what it is. It appears to be fairly tall as its showing above sheds. I'm just curious as to what its for. Its the white thing.
Someone ordered a custom made bowling pin, but in their technical drawing the wrote height 10' when they meant 10". ?
Thankyou @Victoria I think you are probably right, I cant see the bottom of it, obviously by the picture, but it could well be an oven. I had to laugh in the link you put up as when I translated it to English it said I could pick some of those up in two hours time.
I nearly miss read that at first I thought it said from B&Q. I was thinking he's clever he even knows where it was bought.
How many do you want.
I actually first looked on the B&Q website but they don't sell such. They are not normally crammed in such a small space here. Maybe they bought it pre-Brexit and took it there and have just now assembled it. Or they coulf have had it shipped via one of te companies to-ing and fro-ing weekly as the transport charges are not horrendous.
Ah, now I know what the bottom looks like. @Victoria it looks like it's crammed in because I had to zoom right in to get a decent picture.