Complete beginner here!- advice with a peace lily needed!

Discussion in 'NEW Gardeners !' started by charlie*P, Mar 20, 2023.

  1. charlie*P

    charlie*P Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 19, 2023
    So,I'm completely new to any form of gardening accept from so small outdoor gardening here and there, and thought that some more simple indoor plants would be a good place to start.After doing some research online I read that peace lillies were pretty hardy and could survive in rooms that don't have too much light.

    After purchasing one this afternoon,I re-potted it (how the shopkeeper told me to) and have put it up in the room i had in mind on a low shelf near a west facing window.

    I would love some advice on care for this peace lilly .Online sites differ on watering and upkeep and i would really love some knowledge on how to keep it thriving and also if anything I've researched is wrong please correct me, online articles cannot always be trusted which is why I thought it would be better to ask on forums :).

    Thank you xxx
    (p.s. Im very new to this website and don't even know if I'm posting this on the right forum :help: )
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    • Selleri

      Selleri Koala

      Mar 1, 2009
      North Tyneside
      Welcome @charlie*P :)

      For me the three main things with house plants are location, watering and drainage. Enough light and a position away from radiators is usually a very good starting point.

      For watering my rule of thumb is rule of forefinger, push the finger into the compost and if it's dry, water. If not, don't water.

      Of course there are exceptions but most houseplants enjoy conditions where the top 1-2 cm are allowed to dry between waterings.

      Very soon you will learn approximately how often to water each individual plant, and if in doubt, in goes the finger. :heehee:

      Drainage is important so if the growing pot is in a decorative planter, do lift it out to pour out any water that has seeped through about an hour after watering. Otherwise the water will start to stink and may rot the roots.

      Good luck with your Peace Lily, please do post some photos too. :)
      • Like Like x 2
      • charlie*P

        charlie*P Apprentice Gardener

        Mar 19, 2023
        Thanks a lot for your advice, God knows i need it :heehee:, I'll keep drainage in mind as well as the dryness of the soil.

        thanks again! (ill post some picks on this thread as soon as i figure out how :biggrin:)
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        • Esoxlucius

          Esoxlucius Gardener

          Oct 21, 2022
          Lancs, UK.
          Welcome to the forum.

          I'm quite new to plants too, both houseplants and plants in the garden.

          This is the beginning of your journey. It can be very rewarding, and extremely frustrating too. There are that many ideal care variables that sometimes you can research and think you have the care needs of a plant dialled in, and then the problems start, lol.

          Don't give in if your success rate at first isn't good. You'll soon get to know the type of plants that work for you, there will be a lot of trial and error along the way.

          There is hell of a lot to take in at first such as positioning, watering, drainage, soil type, feeding, misting, when to repot etc etc.

          I wish you all the luck in the world, if you're anything like'll need it!! Lol.
          • Like Like x 1
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          • Balc

            Balc Total Gardener

            Mar 6, 2022
            Huntingdon, Cambs
            @Esoxlucius I fear you are putting @charlie*P off of growing anything! You don't need a degree in horticulture to grow a few house plants! Just a few basic tips is enough to get started along the way.

            Watering - perhaps the biggest bugbear of all - is quite simple & straightforward. The weight of the pot when watered & when dry is generally the simplest way & the one that I most use. If the pot feels light it will need watering, if it feels heavy then it doesn't need watering. The colour of the compost is another give away - if it is dark its wet enough - if it's a light colour it probably needs watering. Also just touching the surface of the compost is another good clue, if it's damp don't water, if it's dry to the touch then give it some water.

            If the plant is in a pot on a saucer then empty any excess away after a few minutes. Most plants don't like sitting in a plate of water all day! The same if it is in a decorative container without drainage holes - simply empty any left over water away.
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            • NigelJ

              NigelJ Total Gardener

              Jan 31, 2012
              Mad Scientist
              Paignton Devon
              The important thing to remember is that plants want to live and just need a little help from you.
              Follow the tips from Selleri and Balc and you won't go far wrong.
              Then you will be looking for another house plant or three.
              • Like Like x 1
              • Agree Agree x 1
              • charlie*P

                charlie*P Apprentice Gardener

                Mar 19, 2023
                Thank you all for your replies they really helped!
                • Like Like x 1

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