My Doctors are great it's the receptionist thats useless

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Lyn, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    I popped into the Doctors today to pick up my repeat prescription.
    For my Thyroid.
    While there I asked if there was a chance I could make an appointment as the flu virus I had 6 weeks ago had left me with a cough I couldn't get rid of.
    No problem she said.
    Wait and you can see a Doctor this morning.
    You can imagine I nearly feel to the floor with shock.
    I had already tried to make an appointment by phone numerous times in the last 2 weeks but couldn't even get through.
    Great I thought.
    I sat down.
    And sat and sat and waited and waited.
    For over an hour.
    I went to the desk and asked ,"How long do you think I will have to wait?"
    Although I was very grateful to see the Doctor this was getting a bit much.
    I thought it was a bit to good to be true.
    Why did she not tell me to come back later in the morning?
    She was a bit flummoxed when I asked.
    She said," O not long now".
    Then I saw her sneak my records into the Doctor .
    I was called next.
    They had forgotten me.
    So the moral of this story is.
    Don't just sit there and wait ,ask.
    Make yourself seen and heard, or you just might get forgotten and pushed to the back of the queue like me.
  2. Banana Man

    Banana Man You're Growing On Me ...

    May 14, 2006
    ...and they are rude too !

    Must be in the job spec ?
  3. Loofah

    Loofah Admin Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    The Doctor's first line of defence...
  4. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    We used to have 2 really good receptionists at our Doctors.
    Always knew what they were doing , been there for years.
    Then they retired and these 2 new women started.
    I don't go to the Doctors that much usually only to pick up my prescriptions but even that as been a problem ,sometimes they haven't been done when they said they would be.
    So a wasted journey.
    No more reminders for your Thyroid blood test.
    I have even been given someone else's prescription .s00k

    If you phone for an appointment they tell you they are all gone ring in the morning.
    You ring in the morning then can't get through , the line is engaged.
    You try and try after about 2 hours they answer and tell you all the appointments are gone.:scratch:

    Are all surgeries the same or is it just mine?
  5. Banana Man

    Banana Man You're Growing On Me ...

    May 14, 2006
    Anything good ?:D
  6. UJH

    UJH Gardener

    Jul 7, 2008
    I have had a week of good experiences with doctors and receptionists. At the mo I am in awe of their dedication and kindness.:) My daughter (24) had her appendix out quite unexpectedly last Saturday. All praise goes to North Hants hospital and our local GP and receptionists who have given us lots of support and kindness. :)
  7. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Difficult job, but I have to agree with some of the remarks above. I cant` ever get an appointment over the phone, but no problem when I go in the surgery.
  8. Dianni

    Dianni Gardener

    Oct 8, 2008
    I was under the impression that a patient's illness was private between patient and doctor. Why is it then that when I ring for a doctors appointment, the receptionist asks what the problem is? Does she have a medical degree and therefore can decide in the space of o 2 minute conversation whether my illness is deserving of an appointment with my GP??
  9. daitheplant

    daitheplant Total Gardener

    Dec 19, 2006
    South East Wales
    One of my clients is a GP, he`s the senior doctor. One day he asked me to sort out a problem with trees overgrowing the practice carpark. He asked me to see the practice manager. So I went along to the surgery, told the woman behind the desk I needed to see the manager, she said what`s it about. I said it`s nothing to do with you, she said,if you don`t tell me what it`s about x wont see you. I said Dr C told me see the manager not the receptionist, so mind your own business. While this was going on the manager came out and I told her what was going on and finally sorted the problem.
  10. Daisies

    Daisies Total Gardener

    May 26, 2005
    Oh Dai! Remind me never to get in your way!!

    But you're right, of course. There is actually no need for the receptionist to know anything but, in their defence, knowin a little of what it is enables them to make a decision could he/she see the nurse, the doctor, maybe have a telephone consultation. Is it chest pain and they should really get an ambulance? They don't need to know fine detail, just a rough idea - I have a bad back - I have pain in my belly - my child has a raging fever and is being sick - I was asked to come for a review of my repeat prescriptions.

    However, I must agree with Lynn about the nonsense regarding appointments. I get exactly that run-around from my surgery.

    When I was working a mere 3 days a week, they could be any days of the week or at the weekend. Our rota was worked out a month at a time and therefore any requests had to be in to the manager SIX weeks before they were posted! I was on HRT implants and my lady doctor was the only one in the surgery who did them. But she too was part time and worked three days a week. It was obviously a problem to get our dates matched up. But - the surgery diary was only 'live' for a week at a time! In vain I would beg, plead and explain but they were totally intransigent. So I would have to ring every week, week after week, trying to get an appointment for when I was off duty only to be told my doctor wasn't on that day or the other! So instead of having my implants every 3 months as I was supposed to, I'd be 4,5 and 6 months in between! Great, huh?
  11. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    I think most the receptionists to a sterling job it must be very difficult fending off whingeing patients who wold otherwise be harrasing the doctors.
  12. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    As far as being whinging and difficult patients, I think if you feel you need to see a Doctor it's your right to.
    I no you get the hypochondriacs there every week ,that are known to the staff but if you are ill and hardly ever go to see the Doctor it's on your records.
    You can do without all the hassle of trying to get an appointment especially if it's a sick child or you are trying to fit it around work and other commitments.
    The receptionist should be just that .
    They are not trained in triage.
    I hate being asked ,"Is it urgent", "What seems to be the problem" :rolleyes:
    Thats if you can speak to them at all.
    In my opinion you should not have to go to the surgery to get an appointment when your ill.
    And have the third degree in front of the waiting room with other patience in it.

    I obviously can't speak for other Doctors surgery receptionist because I never have anything to do with them.

    Maybe I notice it's got so bad at mine because it used to be so good.

    Rant over, I'm off to take my medication.:D
  13. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Lyn I am not having a go at anyone, we have a system at our doctors you can only ring up on the day you are sick and make an appointment for that day,you cann't pre book any appointments, you also log in on a computer screen so no need to bother the receptionist ,they are still there to book in anyone who are unable to manage the screen,I went with my good lady the other week and while sitting waiting for her heard some of the patients coming in and giving the girls a hard time I thought the system worked ok but you always get some,there is also a score board up showing how many patients didn't turn up for appointments that month (it was nearly 300) I don't think I will be doing a receptionists job.
  14. Paladin

    Paladin Gardening...A work of Heart

    May 13, 2005
    Retired but still grubbing the soil.
    Broadway UK
    Walnut we have exactly the same system here and I am amazed how quiet and empty the waiting rooms are! I never have to wait more than a few minutes over the appointed time and my Doc chats away for at least ten minutes giving a very good service. The receptionists always seem very busy I have to say and they are constantly on the phones and offer good advice from what I over hear:) Scrips are handed into the Chemist and within three days the medication can be collected from them. Excellent service despite having a huge catchment.
  15. Waco

    Waco Gardener

    Mar 24, 2006
    when I had my accident 3 years ago, my husband was told to bring me in to the surgery at 10am as an emergency. I was not seen until just before 1pm and spent most of the time being sick in the toilet. I was at the point of telling Martin to take me home as I was too ill to wait.

    another time, I was sent for an X ray and it turned out I had pneumonia, the GP turned up on my doorstep with three made up prescriptions for different antibiotics. the next day I was very ill and phoned the surgery to make an appointment, but as it was saturday I was told I could not be seen. Luckily I had enough strength to drive home to my parents who imediately called their GP. He said I had an allergy to all three of the antibiotics given to me and if I had carried on taking them I would probably not have survived!

    I have changed practice now, and have an excellent GP, there are choises even in a rural area.

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