Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2023

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. redstar

    redstar Total Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    Domestic Goddess
    Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
    Morning all, Wednesday, 8:30AM. 76 degrees here.
    Sitting out with my coffee this morning noticing a bird I don't see often, looked up its name, and went to You Tube for its song, sure enough I have heard it before, now I know the singer.

    Fairly quiet about yesterday, a few firework noises I hear. Maybe folks are considering animals and PTSD folks more these days.

    Just going to putter about today, some garden some house. Maybe go to my favorite garden nursery today, they are having a sale, but in reality, I truly do not need anything, too many plants now, need to thin them out.

    Enjoy my little bird. Have a good day all.
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    • Upsydaisy

      Upsydaisy Total Gardener

      Apr 26, 2017
      Living in hope of world wide peace.
      Hampshire. Zone 8b
      What a beauty redstar...we have Thrushes too although not that particular one, but they too have a lovely song as well.
      Wood thrush - Wikipedia
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      • Upsydaisy

        Upsydaisy Total Gardener

        Apr 26, 2017
        Living in hope of world wide peace.
        Hampshire. Zone 8b
        Things I love about Summer......

        OIP (10).jpg

        Good morning everyone.

        Well I managed to stay awake all day yesterday but by lunchtime it was proving a little difficult so I said to hubs that we should go into town after all. We spent a couple of hours there and by the time we came home I was feeling more alert.:biggrin:

        Thought it best to stick with my normal routine so lined up a couple programmes that I had been wanting to see to help keep me awake until midnight.:dbgrtmb:

        Off to the cinema with a couple of friends this afternoon...I definitely don't want to drop off to sleep there!!! :snooze::nonofinger:
        We will no doubt come out singing all the songs,and they'll probably remain buzzing around in our heads for the next few days...much to the 'joy' of all those around us!:roflol:

        Spoke with our eldest last night, unfortunately he won't make it down for our birthdays next week and we know it would also have been difficult for the other two as well due to various strike actions going on which are affecting the train services.

        Thank goodness for modern technology....as like in the pandemic lockdown we will still be able to have video calling sessions with them all. :biggrin: :dbgrtmb:

        Have a really enjoyable day everyone.
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        • Victoria

          Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

          Jun 9, 2006
          Lady of Leisure
          Messines, Algarve
          Trees Callistemon.jpg
          Callistemon viminalis. We have a stunning one, perhaps 10 meters/30 foot tall just inside our gates. It blooms 2/3 times a year and is lovely and jungle like swaying in the breeze.

          Morning all. A little cooler start at 19c only going to the low 30s.

          I have my 6-month Neurologist appointment late afternoon so thankfully it won't be quite so hot as we have to go in my car as J's won't be back and my a/c isn't working.

          Got notification of a refund from Amazon for the Brillo pads saying they had been returned. :scratch: :noidea: Oh well, I will re-order I guess.

          A lazy morning pottering.

          Enjoy the movies Upsy.
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          • CanadianLori

            CanadianLori Total Gardener

            Sep 20, 2015
            Battle Axe
            Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
            Good day
            It is 73f 23c and a thin layer of clouds is dulling the sun. The guessers say it will go up to 90f 32c and be another humid day. But my air conditioning is now fixed and the house is going to be kept at a steady 78f :)

            @Upsydaisy my girlfriends and I are having a picnic later this month. It will be a pot luck so I will be taking fresh rolls and butter and I might add a bonus carrot cake.

            I hope your appointment goes well @Victoria. My sister had curlier, coarser hair than I do and for a short while she got the nick name "Brillo". Then she started dying it a red, and her nick name changed to "Ruby".

            I cannot believe the show my hollyhocks are staging. I'll have to take a picture to share later.

            And again, I've got a large to do list so I best get going!

            Cheers :coffee:
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            • redstar

              redstar Total Gardener

              Aug 6, 2008
              Domestic Goddess
              Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
              Morning all, Thursday, 73 degrees here, 7:24AM
              Have busy day planned. First to my favorite garden nursery for their sales, (husband and I ) he has a list, I don't have a list. Then later to the movie, Indiana Jones, then dinner after.
              Have to organize two cars for their annual inspection this month.

              Hollyhocks, have not planted those in years. When we traveled to Monticello , Thomas Jefferson's house, they sell his favorite Hollyhock seeds, the black ones, got some then and planted them, that was years ago. They are actually very dark red.

              My morning glories are so slow, only about 10 inches tall now, finally looked like they sent off a trailer so I can start anchoring them to the chicken wire to climb. suppose to get 6 inches blooms.

              That's it. Take care all. Have a good day.
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              • Upsydaisy

                Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                Apr 26, 2017
                Living in hope of world wide peace.
                Hampshire. Zone 8b
                Things I love about Summer....

                ....sitting out and watching the sunset.

                download (1).jpg

                Good morning.

                Vicky I hope all went well yesterday at your check up.

                Lori glad your a c is all fixed, you're picnic sounds lovely....lots of fun guaranteed I'm certain.

                What did you think of the film redstar...we have it on our list for later in the month. We also fancy a giggle and seeing Barbie...:roflol:

                The reviews were spot on for our film yesterday....it was brilliant !! So very emotional..brought a few years to our eyes.

                We had an incident before the film in fact we thought we wouldn't make it. Getting off the bus I saw a young man laying on the floor of the bus station , everyone was just walking by..!! I went over and he was seemingly unconscious so we called for an Ambulance, one other lady came to help us as well ,I noticed he had a cut on the back of his head and also noticed a half drunk bottle of wine and an unopened one by the seat he had fallen from. My sister had trouble convincing the ambulance operator that it was urgent and that their predicted time of attending....' about 4hrs.'.!!!:yawn: was totally unacceptable. We were instructed to obviously describe his condition and then they asked us things that a passer by just wouldn't know...his name ,his age, was he drug user etc.madness. Fortunately he began to come round was was as to be expected very disoriented. He was a lovely young man who was having a really bad time of things..which obviously I won't go into. He cried and apologise so many times to the 3 of us, he was a recovering alcoholic and he had done so well until that morning. He had also seen action in the Army too. So sad. We had to ask staff at the nearby supermarket for a blanket as he felt frozen to the touch as he was laying on the concrete floor .We kept him talking, as he suddenly said he was tired, and at one point we made him laugh and he reached out and held my hand and the other lady's who was on the floor next to him and thanked us for caring and making him smile. In the meantime my sister was not letting the ambulance service getaway with things...they had the cheek to put her on hold and she had piped music playing to her down the phone!!!
                A clinician came online and more questions were asked and in the end they agreed to send an Ambulance.....45 mins. later and they came. My sister when to speak with one of them while the other one attended to the patient. She let them know that he was a drug user too but he had told us that he was clean but sometimes took Cocaine. She also told them that he was very depressed and about what we had learnt about his background. Apparently they weren't that interested and as we left him all 3 of us agreed that the real care he needed he wouldn't get at the hospital, they will patch him up and send him home. Mental care and support was what that poor man needed. Just like all the people who had walked passed him they just see that he had alcoholic tendencies and that's all. Goodness knows how long he had been laying there before our bus had brought us into the station....a fairly busy lunchtime station..but nobody could be bothered to go and check him out. What is our world sadly coming too.:sad:

                Going with hubs for his regular 6mth check up...a bit nervous as he hasn't been too good of late.:fingers crossed:
                He will have scans and a full examination so we know he's in good hands.

                Have a good day.
                • Informative Informative x 2
                  Last edited: Jul 7, 2023
                • Victoria

                  Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                  Jun 9, 2006
                  Lady of Leisure
                  Messines, Algarve
                  Trees Delonix.jpeg
                  Delonix regia aka Royal Poinciana aka Flamboyant Tree

                  Morning all.

                  Doctor appointment went well. I go back this morning for blood tests including for B12, B1, Vitamin E and Thyroid.

                  Trust R's goes well Upsy and what a trauma yesterday!

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                  • Upsydaisy

                    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                    Apr 26, 2017
                    Living in hope of world wide peace.
                    Hampshire. Zone 8b
                    Hi Vicky..that's good to hear,glad it all went well.

                    Yes :fingers crossed: for hubs most definitely.

                    Very sad that people didn't at least phone for an Ambulance!!! Fortunately the other lady who stopped was ,like me, a trained First Aider, but you don't need to be to offer help to others...any help is better than none.

                    I do think though that everyone should be taught ,at least, the basics of First Aid.....those early moments of help are so very often crucial .
                    I use to say to the family....look here I could possibly help to save your lives...but what about me!! :sad:
                    Our eldest became a First Aider for Divers who got into trouble when in the water...so proud of him.:imphrt:

                    Have a good day xx
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                    • Michael Hewett

                      Michael Hewett Total Gardener

                      Mar 13, 2016
                      Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
                      That's an awful thing to happen @Upsydaisy. I think someone should make an official complaint to somebody about it. It's just not acceptable and someone high up should be told about it.
                      • Agree Agree x 3
                      • CanadianLori

                        CanadianLori Total Gardener

                        Sep 20, 2015
                        Battle Axe
                        Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                        Good day
                        It is 68f 18c and there are some blue streaks in the sky. The guessers say the cool down has started and we won't be experiencing searing days for the next week, at least.

                        @Upsydaisy good on you for caring and doing something about it. I have only used my first aider training 3 or 4 times and the last time was a good 7 or 8 years ago. It was sad to need to use those skills but at the same time, rewarding because I actually helped people.

                        @Victoria I hope your blood results are good.

                        I go for a blood test next Thursday to measure if our (dr. and I) experiment with my medicine is working. I also got a letter from the doctor's office telling me that he is moving a good 1 1/2 hours from me this coming September. I will be seeing him in two weeks as a follow up for the test and I think I can convince him to still be my doctor albeit by remote control. Something like during the pandemic. :)

                        I've just been dinged at by the clothes washer so I shall go now and hang out a load of laundry, have some kibble, clean myself up and take granddaughter to her class.

                        Cheers :coffee:
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                        • Victoria

                          Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                          Jun 9, 2006
                          Lady of Leisure
                          Messines, Algarve
                          Good morning Lori.

                          |All went well with blood test. I had the nicest (and cutest) male nurse who was very chatty. He said the results will be back by the 19th (maybe before) and will be sent to Dr Bueno as well as myself. Fortunately J's car was back by noon yesterday so it was a cool ride, although this morning it was not needed as it was fresh out. Home by 11am.

                          Oh. Dr Bueno said it is almost impossible to determine a balance only issue. He had me walk unaided (like a wobbly penguin). tested my knees/legs/arms/wrists for reactions and asked questions. Of course I told him of my achievements these past six months and he was pleased. Gave me repeat prescription for Atorvastatin and gave me the reduced 20mg as I requested, and slow-release 150mg Aspirin.

                          J meeting John for lunch. I had two pieces of the KFC Tenders we brought home for dinner yesterday plus tea and a Fuji apple.
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                          • redstar

                            redstar Total Gardener

                            Aug 6, 2008
                            Domestic Goddess
                            Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                            Friday, 7:33AM. 74 degrees here.
                            @Upsydaisy , so sad to read the experience. That poor young man. Glad you were there. Yes, agree some sort of reporting needs to be done. Lets "hope" he is connected with some service area for help counseling etc. And he is a former army person, sad. Brings back memories of how much I had to become very assertive to obtain proper services for Military people as a case manage in hospital or nursing home, to navigate through the system is nuts. Sometime I think they do that on purpose because people just give up trying to get services. I can tell you one of the things I would do with insurance companies when I worked in the hospital. One of my jobs was to get call the insurance company and get Hospital Days or even Hours approved by them for a person, giving them lab information, procedure info etc. Sometime the first, 2nd, or 3rd insurance person would DENY coverage, but I would just hang up and call again, then the 4th would give me the approval numbers for more time. On the flip side, sometime I just knew it would never be approved and worked on a good discharge plan. God meant you to be there my friend, your good deed will come back to you in many positive ways.

                            The movie was good, checked later Harrison Ford is 80 years old, wow. Went to a new restaurant for dinner after, French style, pretty good, a little overly salted.

                            Have two of our cars lined up for their yearly inspection. Several orders from Amazon on the way for the Airbnb to pack and take. We got those dock piling caps, and going to put some solar lights on the posts down the dock walk. Getting my stuff together also for the gifts that the cleaners leave for the guests, and the kitchen stuff for the guests. I have a book that keeps all sorts of inventory of things. Also have a hair trim and pedicure lined up prior to the next car show trip, leaving July 30, 10 hour drive. We leave for the Airbnb Aug. 19 for a week, some work to do there, but we should further explore the area. Then another car show early September, a 10 hour drive also.

                            I am organizing many many empty plastic gallon water jugs to get ready for my cat sitter, he will go around and water all my potted plants when we are gone, I put the jugs in all sorts of places for his ease of getting to them, and not to carry them all over. I think I have 15 jugs right now full of water, trying to be proactive , time goes fast. We turn off the well water when we go away, just incase a pipe might burst, who knows.
                            Ok, Later, have a good day all.
                            • Informative Informative x 1
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                            • Upsydaisy

                              Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                              Apr 26, 2017
                              Living in hope of world wide peace.
                              Hampshire. Zone 8b
                              Just got home after leaving at 9:15 this morning. Hospital took longer that we thought this time, but not because they were running late only because they were so very thorough , because of the new symptoms they ran off tests/ scans and took bloods too. Nothing sinister to worry over and additional new meds prescribed.

                              3 hours later we drove into Southampton and had lunch out......and r..e..I..a..x..e..d!!
                              • Friendly Friendly x 2
                              • Upsydaisy

                                Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                                Apr 26, 2017
                                Living in hope of world wide peace.
                                Hampshire. Zone 8b

                                Sis is on the case.....for what it's worth!! :sad:
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