Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2023

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    I know when you move to another country you should adjust your eating habits t theirs ... but I am British! Today on the Portuguese Forum for Brits I visit they are complaining about tea and the price of British Tea here, although a few said that Aldi and Lidl tea is passable ... and that is what we buy at a non-existent price!

    However, for some items there is no equivalent or in some cases comparative. So we pay the price in our "comfort years".

    Lori, I am so pleased to hear that Em is settling in and has found friends ... so important at her age. I was 15 when I was moved to Alabama from England in 1963 and went straight into college. A nightmare for me as it was coed and I had only gone to girls' schools ... and there was the age difference as I graduated school very early! Luckily an 18 year old took me under her wing. She was 4'11" and me only 4'8". We are still in touch today 60 years on age 75 and 78 ... but she is still 4'11" and I am 5'2"!

    We had a slight drizzle, but not measureable, just dampened the patio tiles and freshened the leaves.
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    • CanadianLori

      CanadianLori Total Gardener

      Sep 20, 2015
      Battle Axe
      Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
      Thank you @Victoria. My family moved a lot and I attended 13 different schools plus, like you, I was young for my grade level and also petite but now, wow, we're the same height! The part about fitting in and making new friends really makes me happy as I worried that she'd be a lonely young girl with no peers to hang with, just an old granny!

      I drink Tetley tea which is of course available everywhere but I treat myself to a PG Tips pot of tea most afternoons and that is my one culinary luxury. Pricey because it's imported but well worth it!:dbgrtmb:
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      • redstar

        redstar Total Gardener

        Aug 6, 2008
        Domestic Goddess
        Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
        Morning all, 10:15Am here. Still slow moving. Sleeping in different hotel beds for 20 days takes a toll on the body. Arranged for a massage later today. Husband is funny---after I told him I am getting a massage today, he says " Well its all about you now" sarcasticly. I want to yell at him and say, well it was all about you for 20 days. But little does he know, its "really" going to be all about me for a long time now. No one spoils yourself better than you do.
        Did some bills today. Have to tackle some paperwork. Went through a heap of mail yesterday, sorted bills etc. Not ready for the garden, thank goodness not a lot of leaves have fallen, grass seems to slow down a bit--and can wait.
        Cat--is good when we arrived back, she seems to not be pissed that we were gone. But I know she must be missing pets, won't let anyone touch her but us. She is 19 years old, will be 20 in April, looks good.

        Sharing---When I hear about folks loosing their parents and those folks are over 50 or 60 years old I kind of get jealous. And perhaps can't truly identify with their losses. My mother was gone when I was 13 years old, and my dad died when I was 21. Not too many memories of either. What I do miss is having someone nurturing, trusting and there to share in my milestones through all those ages. Getting married with no father walking you down etc. Graduated from college, no one clapping for me. Had basicly no support in the things I achieved . If I let my mind wander I can get angry that my Aunts and Uncles did not step in to support me, but at that time did not think that is what they were "suppose" to do, just looking back know that they did not when they should have. So my personaliy probably reflects that need to survive, to calculate risks etc.

        Have a good day all.
        • Friendly Friendly x 4
        • Upsydaisy

          Upsydaisy Total Gardener

          Apr 26, 2017
          Living in hope of world wide peace.
          Hampshire. Zone 8b
          OIP (1).jpeg

          Morning everyone.:)

          Hope you're all well and looking forward to the weekend.

          Covid jab day today, so that will be one job crossed off our list. :biggrin:

          Busy day today so I must resist the urge to look through alerts and new posts..:heehee:..I'll have a massive catch up at some point over the weekend.

          Have a good day.
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          • Victoria

            Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

            Jun 9, 2006
            Lady of Leisure
            Messines, Algarve
            Cats in Cart.jpg
            Morning all.

            With the drizzle yesterday I got to clear a few clothes for charity, mostly new never worn or worn once or twice! Miracles of miracles J joined in and sorted a few of his things out too!

            Nothing on the agenda here except J meeting John for their Friday lunch meeting. They always have a lot of "musical/instrument" talk plus they run a forum of venues for musicians.

            Happy Friday2.jpeg
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            • CanadianLori

              CanadianLori Total Gardener

              Sep 20, 2015
              Battle Axe
              Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
              Good day
              It is 58f and felt almost warm when taking the recycle to the kerb this morning as the sun is beaming down too.

              Em is off to school with her usual lunch, yoghurt, wrap sandwich, fruit, dessert (home made strawberry tarts) and drink. She has now joined a couple of clubs at the school as well so she will be a very busy young lady. And she is meeting a couple of her new friends tomorrow just to hang out together. Pretty soon I'll be the person who is just on the fringes of her life :)

              I've got lots to do outside. There is something digging/burrowing in the new garden so I shall bury some steel mesh to stop it before it becomes a problem. And I have other bits and pieces to work on out there.

              Cheers all :coffee:
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              • redstar

                redstar Total Gardener

                Aug 6, 2008
                Domestic Goddess
                Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                Morning all. 8:37Am. 57F here.
                Went yesterday and got a massage, really awesome, needed it after all those strange beds in hotels.
                Off to food shop later, my Cheese guy has some new cheeses to try, and I need a big wedge of Parm. and one of the stores I go to has a "meat" sale, will see how much freezer room I have.
                Have not touched the garden much, looks like it's going to sleep. Grass slowed down.
                Working on the paperwork from our trip, organized to be ready for tax filings.
                Next month there is an interesting Art Ex. in Delaware Art mus, will be planning a visit to it.
                We have also set up 2 more weeks away---end of October (without the car) to the Poconos, only a 3 hour drive, then middle of December down to a resort in Virginia, 4 hour drive. Have made local restaurant reservations for Thanksgiving, but have thought about driving to Ohio to be with family for that holiday, still pondering it. that would be a 6 hour drive.
                And sometime mid October there is a local charity car show, we will be taking the car there to help the cause.
                Our Airbnb has been busy, every weekend so far we have had guests, and a few staying for a whole week at a time. Good for the bills.
                Have a good day all.
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                • Flumpy

                  Flumpy In with the bricks!

                  Nov 16, 2018
                  Hi all, reporting a little late today, had a cracking headache all day, think it’s the thought of going back to work next week :rolleyespink:

                  Lori you sound like a very good grandma, your granddaughter is lucky to have you, sounds like she’s going to settle in nicely :)

                  Upsydaisy hope your feeling a lot better now ?

                  Redstar so sorry to hear you lost your parents so young, that must of been hard at 13 :sad: and when you was getting married too :cry3:.

                  Tomorrow the weather is dry so I’m going to make a start on my bird feeder sand it down then a new lick of paint :blue thumb:

                  Vicky hope your sleeping better now the temperatures have dropped:spinning:
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                  • Upsydaisy

                    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                    Apr 26, 2017
                    Living in hope of world wide peace.
                    Hampshire. Zone 8b
                    OIP (2).jpeg

                    Good morning....:yahoo:the weekend is here!!:)

                    Have a good one..

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                    • Victoria

                      Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                      Jun 9, 2006
                      Lady of Leisure
                      Messines, Algarve
                      Autumn Cat.jpeg
                      Morning all. Autumn has arrived but we won't be seeing all the lovely coloured leaves here as we are evergreen ... but the heat of the Summer will leave us, going to 26c today.

                      Hope you are okay today Upsy but guess you are having coffee with the Little 'Un!

                      Wishing everyone a great weekend.
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                      • Flumpy

                        Flumpy In with the bricks!

                        Nov 16, 2018
                        Good morning Upsydaisy, Victoria and all who are rising……. I’ve woke to a very foggy morning, but it’s forecast sunshine today so I’m going to make a start on my bird feeder :blue thumb:

                        Vicky temps here right now in the NW 10c so back to jumpers now, I’ll put my summer clothes away for next spring/summer.
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                        • CanadianLori

                          CanadianLori Total Gardener

                          Sep 20, 2015
                          Battle Axe
                          Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                          Good day
                          It is 59f and looks like the skies will be clear again. The weather guessers say we're going up to 70f and tomorrow and Monday are going to be a repeat of today. Then they say we're going to get autumn weather. No more 70's only low to mid 60's. So jumpers it will be just like you @Flumpy !

                          I'm going to read the news and then get on with my usual, laundry, cleaning, and some baking which means I use most of my power on a low time of use rate day. I need to use the central vac today and it really sucks a lot of both dust and power - and I'll wait until Em is out of bed. As you say @Upsydaisy , it's the weekend and being a teen, she will love a lie in.

                          Our leaves haven't started turning here because it has been so warm but I am sure next week that will change. For now, things are still pretty green like your surroundings @Victoria. Just my annuals went poorly with the dryness.

                          I've also got a new recipe for apple bread that I am excited to try. :)

                          Cheers :coffee:
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                            Last edited: Sep 23, 2023
                          • john558

                            john558 Total Gardener

                            Feb 14, 2015
                            Ramsgate, Kent
                            Apple Bread sounds very yummy, Lori.
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                            • Upsydaisy

                              Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                              Apr 26, 2017
                              Living in hope of world wide peace.
                              Hampshire. Zone 8b
                              Afternoon everyone,

                              Hope you're all having a great day, it's lovely and sunny here today.

                              We've just got home from having a lovely meal out and are now chilling. Son is meeting up with some old school friends tonight in Winchester.

                              We are still lovely and green here too Lori, no sign of any autumnal colour changes yet. Leaf loss is to me a very depressing time of year.:sad: The only things falling from the trees around us here are apples, pears, various nuts and acorns !! :biggrin:

                              Enjoy the rest of your day.:):SUNsmile:
                              • Like Like x 4
                              • redstar

                                redstar Total Gardener

                                Aug 6, 2008
                                Domestic Goddess
                                Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                                Morning all, 9:47 AM. Lots of rain. 61 degrees.
                                Inside stuff to do. Paperwork, still organizing the recent trip, adding up things etc. Maybe I can find some stuff to also throw out, to much stuff around.
                                Food shopping yesterday, picked up some turkey thighs, going to roast them in coconut milk and chicken broth with carrots, celery, keiffer leaves, garlic, onion for about 4 hours in the dutch oven, love it that way. It will be a nice smell about in the house. Made some blueberry pancakes for breakfast with good coffee.

                                Its has been raining hard at the airbnb-can see from the camera that the water from the river has come up to the back yard some, suppose to go back as soon as the wind changes. For those poor guests who are there, they have a wet visit now. Oh, well, that is what weather reports are about. Its an experience.
                                Once we vacationed on a house boat, had roamed down the St. John's river in Florida and tied out in a cove, it rained. thought it was beautiful seeing the rain drops on the river, certainly a good memory trip.
                                Have a good day all.
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