Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2023

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. Upsydaisy

    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

    Apr 26, 2017
    Living in hope of world wide peace.
    Hampshire. Zone 8b
    OIP (5).jpeg

    Good morning everyone!:)

    Our sunny Sunday has vanished and although it's dry at the moment I think the rain is nearby.

    Son returns to London this afternoon but not before having his requested meal of Iranian Shish Kebab cooked by his Dad Yum, yum. :biggrin:

    My sad mum mode won't be so intense this time as he's back next Friday to attend a wedding and will stay the weekend again. :yes: :hapydancsmil:

    Have a restful Sunday.
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    • Flumpy

      Flumpy In with the bricks!

      Nov 16, 2018

      Good morning Upsydaisy and all!

      It’s grey but dry here at the moment but showers on the way……. Hubby is watching Arsenal this afternoon and I’m visiting Dad, I’m running on 1% batterie here so I’ll check in you all later

      have a nice morning :dbgrtmb::spinning:
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      • Victoria

        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

        Jun 9, 2006
        Lady of Leisure
        Messines, Algarve
        Panda Babes.jpeg
        Morning Upsy and Flumpy. I am loving all these cute babes.

        Wishing all a grand day and hope it is relaxing. I will be playing around with various succulents I have which have been neglected for years and potting on some cuttings for the small pots on the Front of House Patio.
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        • Upsydaisy

          Upsydaisy Total Gardener

          Apr 26, 2017
          Living in hope of world wide peace.
          Hampshire. Zone 8b
          Oh @Flumpy I know exactly how you're feeling, is you're brother local so that he too can pop by to see your Dad?

          To be honest my Dad's passing, although it posed huge emotional challenges of its own, proved not quite so draining as it didn't entail caring for and supporting the other grieving parent but nevertheles clearing and selling the house added different emotional stirrings.

          Mums passing was so very unexpected that it hit us all immensely. Looking back we humans have great powers of coping , we have powers within us that we don't realise we have..... but once they kick in we have to take great care of ourselves so as not to abuse our hidden strengths and make ourselves ill.

          I just went into remote functioning after losing Mum. My siblings couldn't or wouldn't consider altering their work week so I cut mine down to visit and support Dad. My hubs became very ill and was rushed to hospital exactly 2weeks after losing Mum. and was kept in for over a week. I also had all 3 boys at home as eldest was having a year of work experience as part of his Uni course, middle one was actually doing his A Level exams and our youngest was in the 1st year of his 2 year A Level course, so it was paramount for me to try and lessen their emotional upheaval. When hubs came home with the diagnosis of this heart issues I had to continue making sure not to burden him with extra concerns too.

          I did make myself ill in the end....I had complete burn out.

          This is why I want to warn you.....if possible get your brother to share the workload. I couldn't as my oldest sister lives alone and needed to work, my brother was not able to do much due to his condition and was not even able to work due to them and my other sibling didn't live locally . So get all the help you can to support your Dad....doing so will help you too. I speak from falling into a dark place and from just ' carrying on' as we do. Don't make the same mistake please.
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            Last edited: Sep 24, 2023
          • CanadianLori

            CanadianLori Total Gardener

            Sep 20, 2015
            Battle Axe
            Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
            Good day
            It is 59f a d looking to be sunny and warm as promised.

            The apple bread I baked yesterday gave the whole house a lovely aroma and I could still smell it when I came down this morning.

            I've hot linens from the bed and baths in the washer to then line dry on this lovely day.

            It's Sunday so whatever you are all up to try to fix some r&r inthere please.

            Cheers :coffee:
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            • redstar

              redstar Total Gardener

              Aug 6, 2008
              Domestic Goddess
              Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
              Morning all. Happy Sunday, Raining again here. Walking down to get the mail from the box yesterday noticed so many limbs and sticks all over the garden that will need to be picked up, probably a good 3 wheel barrel fulls. Had some heavy winds that brought down some larger limbs. Just soggy out there.
              Still paperwork today to do. Perhaps some house cleaning. But still tired from the trip, not 100% yet. There seems to be lots of left over's in the fridge, so no cooking today.
              Possible much relaxing time watching a movie sounds good to me.
              Have a grand day all.
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              • Flumpy

                Flumpy In with the bricks!

                Nov 16, 2018
                • Funny Funny x 2
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                • Upsydaisy

                  Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                  Apr 26, 2017
                  Living in hope of world wide peace.
                  Hampshire. Zone 8b
                  OIP (3).jpeg

                  Morning everyone. :)

                  Our forecast has definitely changed somewhat for this coming week. We had wanted to go back to Salisbury on Tuesday but not too sure now.:sad:
                  Forecasts can change so we'll keep our fingers crossed.:fingers crossed:

                  Not sure what's on the agenda for today....well apart from some housework this morning. Hubs has to book some Physio apps as he has now been referred on to another place.

                  It's our Anniversary this week and the day is looking like one of the few better ones of the week ( today being the other day) . We will go out for a meal to a little local restaurant ,we went there last year and had a lovely meal. We can't go out for the day as our youngest will be arriving at some point in the afternoon/ early evening and requires picking up and then a swift car ride to a nearby ( ish ) little village to attend a wedding reception.

                  I need to check in with some friends to see if our trip to the IoW is still on ( weather depending) for next week. :fingers crossed: The week after I have to have some minor surgery and although it shouldn't hinder me I would prefer not to book anything in advance and then maybe let my friends down because I don't feel up to it. We want to visit our other friend before the seasons change.

                  @Flumpy perhaps your Dr will suggest having a complete blood profile taken.....I had one done 3 weeks ago, it should pick up what your body is lacking and why you feel completely exhausted. I remember last year you were saying similar so maybe a good idea to get it checked before the Winter hits.:dbgrtmb: It might just be a case of the seasonal deficiency thingy, I think I suffer a bit with that too. Whatever it is only you can seek the solution. Take care.x

                  Have a great day everyone.
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                    Last edited: Sep 25, 2023
                  • Victoria

                    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                    Jun 9, 2006
                    Lady of Leisure
                    Messines, Algarve
                    Here's a big dog!!! :yikes:

                    Morning one and all. Another week ahead of us and nothing planned here except J's Physio and lunch with John.

                    Are they finally doing something about your thumb Upsy?

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                    • Upsydaisy

                      Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                      Apr 26, 2017
                      Living in hope of world wide peace.
                      Hampshire. Zone 8b
                      Morning Vicky.

                      How are you and J today?

                      That is one huge dog...golly gosh!!

                      No unfortunately ,I have strong suspicions that I haven't even been referred yet on my index finger issue.:scratch: But to be honest although it does hurt at times( it really played up on Saturday actually) I can cope a bit longer, I know with all the strikes going on that it isn't a high priority case. Which I'm fine with.:blue thumb:

                      Right back to bed stripping...:)

                      Have a really lovely day both of you.xx
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                      • Victoria

                        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                        Jun 9, 2006
                        Lady of Leisure
                        Messines, Algarve
                        Hi Upsy
                        I am fine but J just tested Positive for Covid! Probably caught it when he was socialising on Friday or maybe Thursday at Physio! He didn't feel well last night, just cold/flu like symptoms, coughing, chills. Went to our Chemist this morning, who will be starting shots later this week/next week so couldn't make appointments as she said if he tests Positive he has to wait. Any tips?
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                        • CanadianLori

                          CanadianLori Total Gardener

                          Sep 20, 2015
                          Battle Axe
                          Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                          Good day
                          It is 59f and sunny again. We really could use some free water but I need to remember that these mild temps are a bonus all by themselves and I can always just turn on the sprinkler.

                          Em took some home baked treats with her to school to share with some of her new friends. She is also wearing her new sweater which looks lovely with her navy blue cargo pants. Very smart.

                          I don't know what to do today. I was going to start pulling more plants/bulbs but with this weather, it feels too early!

                          Cheers :coffee:
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                          • redstar

                            redstar Total Gardener

                            Aug 6, 2008
                            Domestic Goddess
                            Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                            Morning all, Monday, 60 degrees here now, at 9AM.
                            Very soggy outside, rained on and off all day yesterday and last night. Perhaps today outside to pick up the branches, limbs etc.
                            @Upsydaisy , my husband went through the clean out problem with his parents passing about 10 years ago. First his mother then about 3 years later his dad had to go to a nuring home after suffering several strokes. I was working full-time and could not help. However, husband is one of 3 siblings, so there was enough to help clear out. He sent most stuff to a few local auctions for money. We still have their living room furniture in our unfinished basement covered with sheets, I hate it, and want it gone far from my style and far from "comfortable" finished basement furniture. During the time his dad was in the nursing home, and his dad had in writting his end of his day wishes, husband's sister caused quite a problem which caused a rift between her and husband, to this day the relationship is bad. Even if I go to some family affair without husband, his sister is horridly unfriendly to me, and I did my best to stay out of it all. Sad as she lives only an hour away. And she still likes to try to get relatives to "take sides". All husband did was honor his dad's wishes, which was in writting. She wanted her dad to live forever. SMH.
                            But, from working in the nursing home field for 20 years I should not be surprised, as I have seen so many interesting things that happen between children when a parent is in the nursing home. Shame.
                            Have a good day all.
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                            • Upsydaisy

                              Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                              Apr 26, 2017
                              Living in hope of world wide peace.
                              Hampshire. Zone 8b
                              Oh no!! I'm so sorry to hear this, I'll keep my fingers crossed that you don't succumb to it...but judging by what I've witnessed from other couples/ families.....hmm. :dunno: :fingers crossed:

                              Here I think the wait between having it and being able to have a booster is around 4wks. Portugal might be different.

                              No tips really to offer as you've already been exposed to it. I would say to keep an eye on your Chemist this week and book a jab for yourself as soon as possible ..so long you keep testing negative that is. Get a taxi if need be, but just get one.

                              Cases are on the rise here too, all we can / will do is carry on as we'.ve been doing..still wearing masks and thin gloves when using supermarket trolleys, buses ,stairs/ escalators and lifts.

                              Not much else can be done is there.

                              GP raises two concerns that could mean a surge of Covid cases this winter

                              Take care both of you.xx
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                              • Upsydaisy

                                Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                                Apr 26, 2017
                                Living in hope of world wide peace.
                                Hampshire. Zone 8b
                                Yes it certainly is a horrid time closing down the family home redstar, thankfully one of my sisters and I both being now retired, did it together. We spent 3 days at our parents house with the clearance team everything was sold and the money raised went to specific charities. We had all been left some items each in their wills and we also went through the house a few days earlier collecting mementos for all their grandchildren and great grandchildren.
                                Nobody got annoyed/ upset with the arrangements. We were more than happy with our 'gifts' from our parents and we knew they chose them personally for each one of us, which made them even more special. So sad when you hear of families falling out over loved ones wills.:sad:
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