Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2023

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. Upsydaisy

    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

    Apr 26, 2017
    Living in hope of world wide peace.
    Hampshire. Zone 8b

    Good morning .:)

    How's everyone today...gosh it's midweek already !

    The weather looks..well... grey but dry is the most fitting description really. I'm taking a chance and hanging out the laundry, optimistically thinking it might actually dry.

    We're off to see my brother this morning and may pop into his little local town to pick up a few groceries....depending how cold it is as we're not desperate for things.

    That's about all today. Need to keep an eye on our train booking just in case things change due to strike actions , but I think on the whole our area is pretty much unaffected. :fingers crossed:

    Have yourselves a lovely day.

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    • Victoria

      Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

      Jun 9, 2006
      Lady of Leisure
      Messines, Algarve
      Rock Northern Germany.jpg
      Northern Germany

      Morning all.
      At long last we had a shower in the night, only 5mm but something is better than nothing under our dire circumstances. We over brightly overcast now and 14c going to 20c with more showers forecast for this evening.

      Lovely cheery atmosphere Upsy. Pleased the house was warm on your return.

      I often have a dream and visit a garden center iin Haddenham (where Hozelock HQ/Factory was, 10 minutes from our cottage) but it is not where it is in actuality!

      Nothing on the agenda for today except J will go to the Post Office as I had a package arrive yesterday. The PO notify by e-mail and phone text when we have one so you know it is there ... they do not notify for normal post. The PO is 6kms/just under 4 miles from us. Our Post Box is physically in the Post Office.

      That's all for now folks.
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      • Michael Hewett

        Michael Hewett Total Gardener

        Mar 13, 2016
        Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
        My house is in a mess, I'm having work done to the living room. It was two rooms with the adjoining wall taken down, resulting in one long thin room - no good, a long thin room does not work. So I'm having a partition constructed so that it becomes two rooms again. It is used as two rooms anyway, and now it will be warmer and cosier.

        Have a lovely day everyone :smile:

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          Last edited: Nov 30, 2023
        • Victoria

          Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

          Jun 9, 2006
          Lady of Leisure
          Messines, Algarve
          Morning Michael. That is a lot of work ... having the wall removed then replaced. We had two rooms put into one in our cottage in Bucks. Hope it doesn't take too long to get it as you would like it.
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          • Michael Hewett

            Michael Hewett Total Gardener

            Mar 13, 2016
            Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
            He'll finish the work tomorrow @Victoria.
            I didn't take the original wall down, it was like that when I bought the house.
            The other walls are in a bad way too so they'll be skimmed and then painted next spring. I can't wait for the plaster to dry now, I want to put the furniture back and get the place tidy, it's too cold for being in a mess.

            The people who were going to do the work in the summer never turned up and that's why it is being done now by someone else.
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            • redstar

              redstar Total Gardener

              Aug 6, 2008
              Domestic Goddess
              Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
              Wednesday morning. 7:39AM very cold here, 23 degrees.
              Just continuing tasks from return home. ect. Staying inside.

              Yes, @Michael Hewett renovations etc. a pain. about 8 years ago completely gutted kitchen which effected dinning room. did dishes in the bath tub. thank goodness for an electric fry pan.
              Get to discover how the house was built and fix what was wrong that way. Fun The mess it creates.
              Anyway. On to tasks. Take care all.
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              • Upsydaisy

                Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                Apr 26, 2017
                Living in hope of world wide peace.
                Hampshire. Zone 8b
                Michael that will be lovely when it's completed and as you say much cosier to snuggle up in with Bella, especially during the Winter months.Very much looking forward to seeing the end results in Spring.

                Yes renovations of any kind aren't much fun, all of ours took 16 years , I so hated the scaffolding garden feature!! :biggrin:
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                • CanadianLori

                  CanadianLori Total Gardener

                  Sep 20, 2015
                  Battle Axe
                  Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                  I thought i posted this 8 hours ago! :doh:
                  Good day
                  It is 20f -6c and the snow is still on the ground. The guessers say it won't get much warmer today however overnight, the temps will rise and by the time my friends will be traveling here, it will be well above freezing and sunny :)

                  @Michael Hewett I had one of those long living/dining room set ups too and I'm not a fan of "bowling alley" rooms so when I tore out the main floor, I had the living changed to a dining room with walls that incorporate double doors that are brass beveled glass doors. And at each end so as to separate the the dining room from the kitchen and hallway. The old dining room got incorporated into the kitchen and I still have another room separate with a fireplace that is now the living room. I like my "purpose" rooms rather than the big open concept. Just one of my foibles :rolleyespink:

                  I picked up that rocker yesterday.
                  20231128_114102.jpg And it really needs a fair bit of work. Then I'll make new cushion covers. That will have to wait for later too.

                  It needs to get a bit brighter before I put on my winter coat and go outside to grill some food on the barbecue. I probably won't be doing much more of that until late winter/early spring.

                  Cheers all :coffee:
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                  • Upsydaisy

                    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                    Apr 26, 2017
                    Living in hope of world wide peace.
                    Hampshire. Zone 8b
                    OIP (1) (1).jpg

                    Hello everyone.

                    Looks like a nice sturdy rocker Lori, can't wait to see it after its makeover.:)
                    Have a great day with all your friends.

                    Vicky sorry that I didn't get round to acknowledging your post about your Afghan on your thread but it looks really great and you've done a brilliant job at incorporating both yarns, they've blended perfectly.:dbgrtmb:

                    My brother was on top form yesterday and even forgot about setting off ( too early) for his lunch...in the end we had to remind him.
                    He enjoyed looking through our recent photos of places we've been to and the sights we've seen.
                    We got back home later than normal as we decided on the spur of the moment to jump off the bus as it passed by our large local Hypermarket.

                    Today is just a tidying up day and preparing for our trip. We are leaving about 10 ( ish) on Friday morning as we are catching the train from Winchester instead of from our local station.

                    Hubs has already double checked and double checked...and undoubtedly will double check yet again today the bus route from Waterloo to our sons place..... I keep telling I have the map of the route on my phone, but we won't need it as I'm almost certain the bus driver will know the way!!!! :heehee: The bus literally stops right outside our son's apartment block....so we really can't go wrong..imo.

                    Hey ho, he needs to have something to fret about, bless him.:wub2::imphrt:

                    Have a super day everybody.

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                      Last edited: Nov 30, 2023
                    • Victoria

                      Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                      Jun 9, 2006
                      Lady of Leisure
                      Messines, Algarve
                      Rock Mountain of the Gods Russia.jpg
                      Mountain of the Gods, Russia

                      Morning Upsy and all.

                      We had a little rain in the night. It is overcast now, 14c going to 20c with showers forecast ... hurray!

                      The problem with the afghan is that I will always see the colour difference. :doh: ;)

                      Love the slider Lori. That would be ideal for me as I have to be cautious getting in and out of my rocker with the walker. I have never seen one here.

                      I think Van has FCD (Feline Cognitive Disorder) which cats between 11 and 15 can get ... he is 12-ish. He has become quite disorientated and detached from us at times. The last three nights he has taken to sleeping in my closet on my jeans on the bottom shelf. It is a formed concrete double unit with a bar for hanging on one side and a five shelf unit on the other. It is covered by a heavy blue curtain (after 25 years I have never got sliding
                      louvered doors on it :th scifD36: :rolleyespink: :frown: :scratch:) so it is easy for the furries to get in ... and pull things out!

                      Good Day Cat1.jpeg
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                      • Michael Hewett

                        Michael Hewett Total Gardener

                        Mar 13, 2016
                        Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
                        I'm sorry to hear that @Victoria, I hope it can be cured or controlled.
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                        • Victoria

                          Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                          Jun 9, 2006
                          Lady of Leisure
                          Messines, Algarve
                          Morning and thank you Michael.
                          I am really just 'assuming' this but J seems to agree. Remember he 'disappeared' a week or so ago and came back rather disorientated. I wondered if he fell off the shed roof on his head. We are watching him closely and fussing over him. He has been on the air/heat condenser out front all morning ... he spent almost all day there. This is good as we know where he is. As he came to us out of the orchard two years ago (aged at a guess 18-24 months) we have no history.:cat-kittyandsmiley:

                          Aging Cats: Behavior Changes, Problems, and Treatments
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                          • CanadianLori

                            CanadianLori Total Gardener

                            Sep 20, 2015
                            Battle Axe
                            Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                            Good day
                            It is up to -1c 30F and the guessers say it will get quite a bit warmer. Even up into the 40'sF :)

                            I've got the dough going to some fresh buns for my guests today. So far 2 batches of spicy hot, 2 batches of cheese. When these are finished their first rise, I'll start 4 batches of just plain egg bread buns. And I have the ingredients all set to make two apple coffee cakes. The 3 leaves are in the kitchen table. It starts off as a round table then after adding the leaves, a long oval which with round corners, makes teaching some sewing techniques a little easier. I've got the wine glasses all re-washed and polished to use for either red or white, non-alcohol, alcohol wines. Some like to mix it 1/2 and 1/2. I let the gals mix to their own taste. There's still plenty to do so I won't stay long. I've still got to get the hot beverage center set up and clear things off counters to provide space for whatever the ladies bring along.

                            @Victoria I hope Van stays near home. I sometimes think that's what happened to a cat of mine many years ago. He got old, wandered away and never made his way back. This wouldn't happen today as we have pet leash laws in effect and even cats are not allowed to wander about. Silly bylaw in my mind!

                            @Upsydaisy I look over maps umpteen times before taking new routes or going to places I've never visited before. I've always found a printed map comforting - perhaps that would work with hubby.

                            @Michael Hewett how goes the renos? I imagine you'll be very happy when it's done and you can get things cleaned up and back in order again.

                            Cheers all :coffee:
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                            • john558

                              john558 Total Gardener

                              Feb 14, 2015
                              Ramsgate, Kent
                              Hi Lori, I bet your kitchen smells yummy with all your baking.
                              • Agree Agree x 3
                              • redstar

                                redstar Total Gardener

                                Aug 6, 2008
                                Domestic Goddess
                                Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                                Morning all. Thursday. 33 degrees here at almost 10AM

                                @Victoria , have you had your cat checked for diabetes? Also at that age a vet does "Senior Blood Work" checks for kidney function etc.

                                Right now my 19 year old cat who prefers outside is being kept inside, and she is not protesting. I knew for a few months something was working /failing on her. But she still showed quality in her roaming my gardens etc. She now has lower edema. But she is drinking water and eating a little. Sleeping a lot. We are watching her. I have to carry her outside to her "poop" area where she does go. And she has peed. She runs out of energy with little walking and then just sits. Does not appear to be in pain. Unfortunately the litter box is not in her understanding, but one is there. At this moment I have a house call vet set to send her to heaven Saturday morning. But if she looks improved some I may cancel. But, its the quality I am thinking of and she is 19 years old. I am able to keep her contained in an area on a soft blanket near the heater. When she goes, this will be our last fur baby. Don't see us getting another anything. Lots of good joyous memories.

                                Anyway, today, will have to do a couple hours of leaves. And other house stuff.

                                Take care all.
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