Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2023

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. redstar

    redstar Total Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    Domestic Goddess
    Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
    Forgot----Pulled this out of storage for Christmas. The candle on it flickers. Its from my in-laws house. Angel Candel.jpg
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    • CanadianLori

      CanadianLori Total Gardener

      Sep 20, 2015
      Battle Axe
      Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
      Good day
      It is another cloudy chilly day but I won't complain because it is still mild 37f so whatever wet falls will not need shoveling.

      @Upsydaisy you must have be very happy to get home! When I came home from over there, my plane was delayed for 7 hours, then a 7 hour flight and then I got to my car that wouldn't start! I know the frustration, but like you, I wasn't all that angry because this wasn't something just for me, I had lots of company :rolleyespink:

      Today I make my rum balls so they can sit for a few weeks and "mature" before going on the trays. It is the second thing I make for Christmas. I'm toying with the idea of making my own corn syrup as it is so, so expensive. It looks dead simple to make.

      I've got the glider rocker fully stabilized in the seating area using double layers of heavy canvas and now will start the new covers for the cushions. By the time I get a couple of those done, Em's bed linens will have line dried and I can make up her bed.

      Have a lovely day all and cheers :coffee:
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      • Upsydaisy

        Upsydaisy Total Gardener

        Apr 26, 2017
        Living in hope of world wide peace.
        Hampshire. Zone 8b
        Trying hard to imagine Summertime! OIP (9) (2).jpg

        Good morning everyone.

        I so hate all this dampness in the air and underfoot...a dry crisp Autumn day is all I want.

        We had a good day yesterday.
        Hospital app. for hubs went well, a change of meds was prescribed to see if they can be better tolerated.:fingers crossed:

        Lovely catch up with a friend in the afternoon, chocolates and mince pies were taste tested.:whistle:

        Had a great girls Christmas catch up meal in the evening ,we didn't want a Christmas menu meal in the hotel's restaurant so we decided to go to their grill bar instead which suited me much better as I don't normally eat anything in the evening, so something on the lighter side was perfect.

        Booked our train tickets for our Christmas in London.......yes I know ' glutton for punishment ' springs to mind!!!:heehee:

        Hope to have a wander around the garden and depress myself by seeing all that still needs attending to. The ground is so sodden that more damage than good would get done if attempts were made to work the soil/ walk on the lawns.

        Housework is calling to me as I was too busy yesterday to do the normal Monday chores.

        Enjoy your day.

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        • Victoria

          Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

          Jun 9, 2006
          Lady of Leisure
          Messines, Algarve
          Rock Chocolate Hills Phillipines.jpg
          Rock Chocolate Hills, Phillipines

          Morning all. Supposed to be showers this morning and downpours this afternoon, but well see. It is 10c now going to 15c.

          So pleased all events went well yesterday Upsy.

          J has CAT scan on his neck this morning. It is just a follow up check by the new Oncologist.

          Happy to say Van acted normal yesterday. Spent most of the day in Kitty Kat Korner on the condenser or on the lounger in there. Came in at 6pm for dinner so the door was shut. Then he spent the evening on J's lap and came to bed with us rather than going into the closet. :biggrin::cat-kittyandsmiley:
          Good Morninh Tabby in Cup.jpeg
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            Last edited: Dec 5, 2023
          • Upsydaisy

            Upsydaisy Total Gardener

            Apr 26, 2017
            Living in hope of world wide peace.
            Hampshire. Zone 8b
            Morning Vicky. :)

            Hope all goes smoothly for J today, and pleased to hear Van seems to have settle back down to normal behaviour.

            Grey and damp here but dry at the moment.....50C for you today.....:phew:;). Typo no doubt ......well I hope so for your sakes!!:fingers crossed:

            Whatever your weather is have a lovely day.xx
            • Friendly Friendly x 1
            • Victoria

              Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

              Jun 9, 2006
              Lady of Leisure
              Messines, Algarve
              Heaven only knows what my fingers were doing!!! :scratch: Thank you, edited. Still no showers but we are 6 kms/4 miles from Algoz and Messines reporting stations ... and I never believe the Silves one because Silves is one of the biggest counties in Algarve going from sea to mountains and the town of Silves is 20 minutes away. I believe what I see looking out and what our thermometer says.

              You have a good day too, even if it is houebound. xx
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              • Upsydaisy

                Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                Apr 26, 2017
                Living in hope of world wide peace.
                Hampshire. Zone 8b
                Same here Vicky our forecast often differs significantly from my sister's and she , as you know, is just down the road. Window and patio thermometer are best here too.:dbgrtmb:
                • Agree Agree x 1
                • CanadianLori

                  CanadianLori Total Gardener

                  Sep 20, 2015
                  Battle Axe
                  Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                  Good day
                  It is a bit chilly, 30f -1c and again, gloomy clouds are covering the sky. It is just starting to lighten up out there and I can see that nothing is stirring the trees so at least there isn't a wind to blast the damp chilly air around.

                  @Victoria I am glad that Van is acting normally again. Cats probably get their version of the flu just as humans do and have some "off" days.

                  Emily and I got the rum balls made after school yesterday. Funny that. Neither one of us likes the taste of rum, phony or real, but there we were making the cookies for this year's trays.

                  Granddaughter Sam is coming today. I'll pick her up at the train station, take her for her specialist appointment and then back home for a visit before taking her down to the train home.

                  Before that though, I've got some housework to get done too @Upsydaisy. It's amazing how quickly things can look a little grubby.

                  Cheers all :coffee:
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                  • Upsydaisy

                    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                    Apr 26, 2017
                    Living in hope of world wide peace.
                    Hampshire. Zone 8b
                    OIP (7) (3).jpg

                    Hi everyone, hope you're all well and raring to face the day ahead.

                    Vicky I hope all went well at J's appointment yesterday.

                    So much to do here at the moment , I'm not sure if I'm coming or going. Jobs list seems to be growing by the minute, people I want to see before Christmas and places we need to go to.
                    Jobs in the garden are just not getting done....desperately need more hours in the day!!

                    Take care and have a good day.

                    • Like Like x 1
                    • Victoria

                      Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                      Jun 9, 2006
                      Lady of Leisure
                      Messines, Algarve
                      Christmas Cats.jpeg
                      Morning all. Guess what my new theme is? :scratch: ;) :cat-kittyandsmiley:

                      J's appointment was on time but he got home feeling unwell and had the chills. took an Ibuprofen and went to sleep for two hours and got up and took two Paracetamol and huddled up and groaned all evening. He said he must have reacted to the dye contrast which wasn't a problem before. I said it sounds like he has caught a cold. He looks miserable this morning ... but he always does in the morning. I'll say no more.

                      The sun is breaking through so a brighter day ahead from yesterday's drizzling offering.

                      Just a quiet day for me.
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                      • Victoria

                        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                        Jun 9, 2006
                        Lady of Leisure
                        Messines, Algarve
                        J is putting up his Christmas trees and decorations so I asked how he is and he said he feels fine. That is great to hear, and Munchkin is assisting him. :whistle: :cat-kittyandsmiley:

                        I am watching Gordon Ramsey Uncharted in Sumatra. I have been following the season because I like him ... have a couple of his books ... sadly bought them when I was able to run amok in the kitchen.

                        The sun has been out and in all morning.
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                        • CanadianLori

                          CanadianLori Total Gardener

                          Sep 20, 2015
                          Battle Axe
                          Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                          Good day,
                          It is exactly at freezing 32f 0c and I don't know if it is clear or cloudy as it is still pitch. I'll assume it's cloudy because I don't see any moon or starts or whatever.

                          I'm sorry to hear that your other half is not well @Victoria. Aren't men so brave the way they battle through a cold or flu with such grim determination, no matter how mild it is? :heehee:

                          @Upsydaisy I don't think I've ever had a day off from chores as long as I wasn't away somewhere. Isn't that our lot?

                          I had a lot of fun with Sam yesterday. I dropped her at the front door of the medical center, parked the van and then joined her in the doctor's waiting. She was beet red which immediately worried me but it turned out that when she had put on her new (to her) winter coat that had been hanging on the back of the kitchen chair, it grasped the chair top cover and was inside the back when she put it on. She thought she had made a mistake and bought a coat with a lumpy lining and instead found that. We had a laugh over that and another lady sitting there looked a little puzzled so I held it across my shoulders and said, "Joan Crawford".. that got her laughing too.

                          The covers are padded and protect the wood on the back of the chairs from people who thoughtlessly ram them back against wood frames or counter tops.

                          Today Emily and I go to see the doctor. Me for my prolia shot. Her for her first meeting with him. He is now just under 100 kliks from me and unfortunately I have to cross busy Toronto to get there but I really like him and I feel I should help support him while his new practice gets established.

                          Cheers all :coffee:
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                          • redstar

                            redstar Total Gardener

                            Aug 6, 2008
                            Domestic Goddess
                            Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                            Good day to you all, almost 2PM. Early exit the house this morning taking SUV for its oil change under warranty, so far its been totally free. Then did some food shopping. Rain/snow flakes followed me all the way home from the car dealer/service center.
                            Home by 1PM. Got lunch, dealt with cat, she still has issues, but seemly in no pain, seems stronger. To wet outside for any garden stuff. Just house cleaning odds and ends, whatever jumps out at me.
                            Have to start thinking of my Christmas baking. Not in the mood at all yet.
                            Plumber coming later today to continue his project.
                            @Upsydaisy -you must be good at reading those train station schedules, I have not read one of those in about 20 years, but I guess your trains over there , and our trains over here run different.
                            Have to go now.
                            • Like Like x 1
                            • Upsydaisy

                              Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                              Apr 26, 2017
                              Living in hope of world wide peace.
                              Hampshire. Zone 8b
                              download (7).jpg

                              Morning everybody.

                              How's the poorly patient doing Vicky...or more importantly how are you coping!!;):whistle:

                              Illness no matter how minor and men are not a good combination ...it general ,but there are a few exceptions from this norm I know .

                              Oh gosh Lori I try not to have to do house chores every day apart from the daily bathroom clean and kitchen floor and worktops . We are generally very tidy people and clean and tidy as we go. My major housework day is Monday but this week we were too busy so I'm having to play a little catch up on them every day this week fitting chores inbetween what normally gets done on these other days.

                              Redstar I have a rail app on my phone, which allows you to book....the e tickets remain on my phone..so I can't loose them. All the schedules are there and they notify you if there are any issues with your booked train. So all is very handy and easy to manage.

                              Today I'm meeting up with a friend and going to the cinema to see Napoleon. There has been a lot said about it ( mixed reviews) so it'll be interesting to judge for myself .

                              Have a good day .

                              • Like Like x 1
                                Last edited: Dec 7, 2023
                              • Victoria

                                Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                                Jun 9, 2006
                                Lady of Leisure
                                Messines, Algarve
                                X Cats1.jpeg
                                Morning all.

                                The sun is breaking through so a fine day ahead ... the originally forecast rain has migrated to this evening. Currently 10c going to 16c-ish.

                                The patient got miraculously well when he decided to put his Christmas trees (3) and lights up. I think it is all a bit too much as we don't celebrate Christmas even though we met on Christmas Day 1967. Here he is with the Boy and the phone which seems permanently stuck to his hand ... which it is now and will be till 9am when he moves to his computer.

                                J Boy & Tree.jpg

                                Nothing to mention happening here. Enjoy the movie Upsy.
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