Hello all I hope you are well. I am trying to find a Plant that will Grow in Shade for the Area between the Water Feature and the Fence. The Area is not easy to get to, so I am looking for a Plant that needs minimal, as in no, Maintenance. You can see the Area here: In this Area there are: Weigela 'Florida Variegata' Phormium tenax Purpureum Group Lobelia Cardinalis Drumstick Primula Candelabra Primula Arum Lily Japanese Iris The Fence faces North East (ish). Will Primula Grow in this Area? Primulas would be ideal as they Die Back over Winter and do not require any Maintenance, something that would be difficult for that Area as it is not easy to get to. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance Kevin
Hi Kevin You have already got primulas so they should as long as they don't dry out, I'd put a lot of compost in the area.
Hello @Logan Thanks for the Reply. The Drip Irrigation Hose, the Brown Hose in the Photo, runs through the Area so they will be well served in that regard. I think I will go with a Mix of Candelabra and Drumstick Primula. Thanks Kevin
Hello Thanks for the Reply. I just need for the Rain to ease off to give the Soil a chance to Dry out. As I said previously, the Area is not easy to get to and I would prefer not to Walk on Wet Soil to get there. Also, I need the Soil to Dry somewhat so I can Clear the Area of Weeds before Planting. Once it does I will get the Primula Ordered. Thanks Kevin