Hello all I hope you are well. I have just been doing some Light Work in the Garden and I have noticed quite a few, what look like Primula Seedlings, my First: What should I do? Leave them to Grow Larger, then Move them? Or..... Considering where they are I think that they are Primula Denticulata (Drumstick Primula). Thanks in advance Kevin
Think I'd protect them in some way, knowing how forgetful I am I'd probably disturb them at some point. Nature has grown them and they look really good, I wouldn't bother moving them, but certainly put a ring of something around them.
If they are Primula seedlings I would leave them for a while as they look too small to be moved. I can't tell what your soil is like but they would be OK if in seed or potting compost and I'm not sure your soil will remain around the root.
Hello Thanks for the Replies. @shiney My Soil can best be described as Sandy Loam although it does not always look like it. The area where the Primula Seedlings are located is around the Water Feature so the Soil is Damp from the occasional Water Splash. @Punkdoc Unfortunately, I do not have any Seed Trays nor anywhere to Grow them On, i.e. Greenhouse or Propagator etc. Thanks Kevin
You don't need a propagator for primula seedlings. They're hardy. You could lift a couple of the bigger ones and pot them up, and just leave the smaller ones. Once they're bigger, just transplant them to where you want, but ensure they have decent enough moisture levels so that they'll be happy. They're very easy plants
The trays would be fine outside, but they give a little more protection than just leaving them where they are.