
Discussion in 'Garden Visits' started by On the Levels, Apr 15, 2024.

  1. On the Levels

    On the Levels Super Gardener

    Mar 17, 2024
    We visited Farringford Estate gardens last year on the Isle of Wight. A restored wall garden with many wonderful features. Not huge but the park lends itself to a good walk.
    Owned by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Very cheap entry £4. A visitor centre shows photos of the house and gardens and the restoration work, house not open. No cafe but ones available nearby in Freshwater Bay. We really enjoyed our visit.
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    • Butterfly6

      Butterfly6 Super Gardener

      Mar 14, 2024
      Keeping busy
      Birmingham, top of a hill facing East
      We visited on a very drizzly misty day last September. We had the gardens to ourselves and they were quite magical. Not very big but there’s a nice circular walk around grazing paddocks and also a short walk into the old woodland garden. One of those gardens with a bit of soul. The end point of the woodland walk is an old bridge Tennyson had built, he had the old right of way/lane which passes beneath lowered so that the locals didn’t interrupt his privacy (as you do)

      I believe the house is being renovated and will also be open to the public. Beautiful Italianate building, if I won the lottery…..
      • Agree Agree x 1

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