Hello first post

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by andrew71, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    One thing just occured to me.

    Drainage. If you do make an effective root barrier, might it not fill up with rain & drown the bamboo ?
  2. andrew71

    andrew71 Apprentice Gardener

    Sep 28, 2010
    Well I am back from a week in France and I spent most of it in the garden creating the first level (garden sloped) with a dry stone curved wall.

    It was chuffin hard work but we managed to get it done.

    Findings, the ground is a very dense clay, bordering on boulder clay as it took us ages to dig out the cut and move it across to the fill. It is at the bottom of the fill where I am going to build the bamboo retension structure.

    I am going to set up a photobucket account and post some pictures then provide a link on here.

    My bareroot apple tree has shown growth since planting last winter, however not as much as I had hoped, but we shall see how it goes into the next year. The next task will be to plant another 5 trees, which will include a pear, plum, peach,baking apple and another, not sure yet.

    Keep you updated


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