Google Pay and NFC

Discussion in 'Computer Corner' started by clanless, May 4, 2021.

  1. ricky101

    ricky101 Total Gardener

    Jun 15, 2016
    Think thats being a bit too pessimistic ? seems the biggest risk factor is ourselves reacting the wrong way to things.
    If the banks want our business then they will have to ensure their systems are keeping us safe from the online frauds or superbots of tomorrow ?!

    Re the Wallets, as we understand things, NFC only has a range of about 4" and that if someone could possibly intercept the actual phone to till transaction it would not be able to get the credit card number as on Samsungs Wallet they state they use Tokenisation instead, so even the retailer cannot see the number.
    How secure is Samsung Wallet?

    Also to limit your exposure, use a credit card with a low limit so if something did go wrong the bank would soon freeze the card.

    Yes, with a load full of tech/scanners etc someone will be able to crack almost anything and hack your accounts, but why would they target you or me ? when there are so much better ones around showing off their luxury lifestyles !

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