Hi all. My drumstick primula is throwing up flower heads now and it's not November yet is this normal. Says on RHS Web site it flowers late winter spring early summer as it did last year when I planted it.
Mine mostly flower in late spring/early summer. Lots of plants are a bit out of synch though. I've got Ajuga re flowering and Armeria [thrift] has been flowering since spring, with a short break a couple of months ago. Some are late because they were so badly damaged by slugs, even plants which can normally cope well enough with them. Several other plants have had a second flush of flowers when they wouldn't normally do that here as our season is shorter. Just enjoy it while it's there
Thanks I will enjoy it Be interesting to see if this is a second flush and it flowers again late spring .
It should still flower in spring. Some of the cultivated ones are slightly less tough though, so it might depend on the variety you have as to how it fares. I had a no show this year with the dark red one I have, but the white one was fine, and the lilac ones are always hard to kill - they're really rampant here.