Tomato Taste Test 2024

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by JWK, Sep 11, 2024.

  1. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
  2. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    These are all my subjective opinions, you don't have to follow my rating system. Please tell us what is important for you and if you can take photos all the better.

    I have added each variety's blight resistance or lack of, even though I have not suffered from it this year. It's based on previous years and what's on the packet.

    For my taste Sungold, Merrygold, Gardener's Delight (2005 strain), Honey moon, Toddler and Fandango were the outright winners this season. The rest were OK but Consuelo, a new one for me, was disappointing.

    Marks out of 10 for TASTE : RIPENING TIME (earliness) : YIELD

    Sungold: Taste 10 : Earliness 10 : Yield 7 : Soft skinned, lovely sweet - Susceptible to blight

    Merrygold: Taste 9 : Earliness 10 : Yield 7 : Very Tasty, Tangy - Blight resistant

    Gardener's Delight 2005 strain:
    Taste 9 : Earliness 7 : Yield 7 : Great Tangy taste - Susceptible to blight

    Honey Moon: Taste 9 : Earliness 5 : Yield 7 : Good tangy taste, firm, Large sized beef, blight resistant

    Toddler: Taste 8 : Earliness 8 : Yield 7 : Tough skinned, good taste - Blight resistant

    Taste 8 : Earliness 4 : Yield 4 : Soft skinned, Ok taste, variable shaped beef - Blight resistant

    Honeycomb: Taste 7 : Earliness 7 : Yield 8 : Soft skinned, firm flesh, Ok taste - Susceptible to blight

    Black Opal:
    Taste 7: Earliness 7 : Yield 5 : Nice Savoury taste but thick skinned - Blight Tolerant

    Primabella: Taste 6 : Earliness 4 : Yield 7 : OK taste - Blight resistant

    Fantasio: Taste 5 : Earliness 4 : Yield 7 : Bland firm smooth very large beef - Blight resistant

    Gardener's Delight 2023 strain: Taste 5 : Earliness 6 : Yield 10 : Bland taste - Susceptible to blight

    Nagina: Taste 4: Earliness 6 : Yield 7 : Tough skin, firm flesh, bland

    Consuelo: Taste 3 : Earliness 9 : Yield 7 : Bland - Blight resistant
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      Last edited: Sep 11, 2024
    • JWK

      JWK Gardener Staff Member

      Jun 3, 2008


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        Last edited: Sep 11, 2024
      • Philippa

        Philippa Gardener

        Aug 3, 2019
        West Somerset
        Only grown 4 varieties this year.............
        Sungold - after a late start , this did well and the flavour was good as usual.
        Black Krim - prolific enough and juicy but the flavour was on the poor side.
        Chocolate Cherry - prolific again, later to ripen and the flavour debateable - some loved it but others weren't overly impressed.
        Tumbling Tom ( red ) - average in both yield and flavour.

        All grown in unheated GH and no disease.
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        • Hanglow

          Hanglow Super Gardener

          Oct 27, 2021
          Taste was down this year due to the terrible weather, only a few sunny days above 20c through the whole of June July august

          Sungold: Taste: 8 Earliness: 8 Yield: 8
          Most reliable although one plant got pretty poorly

          Sevryuga: Taste: 7 Earliness: 7 Yield: 8
          One of my favourites, large pink ox heart with meaty flesh, sweet, almost no gel or seeds. Plant always looks weedy and weak but puts out a lot of fruit.

          Nangina F1: Taste: 5 Earliness: 6 Yield: 9
          Blight resistant, still producing even outside, firm and consistent fruit that I'd describe as commercial. Not the best tasting.

          Fantasio F1:Taste: 5 Earliness: 5 Yield: 3
          Blight resistant, only grown outside, wouldn't grow again due to poor yield

          Banan Krasnyi: Taste: 6 Earliness: 5 Yield: 8
          Very productive and vigorous torpedo shaped fruit.

          Purple Cherokee: Taste: 9 Earliness: 3 Yield: 4
          Best tasting tomato, normally produces more earlier for me but this year put paid to that.

          Purple Cherokee tiger striped: Taste: 6 Earliness: 6 Yield:5
          Dwarf, great looking early ones were a bit mushy but improved. Not nearly as tasty as its parent

          Ruthje: Taste: 4 Earliness: 4 Yield: 2
          Rubbish small fruits on a weak plant

          Rote murmel: Taste: 3 Earliness: 6 Yield: 1
          Outside only, vigorous and blight resistant, I ate about three of these currant sized toms the rest either didn't form or were eaten by wildlife.

          Roll on next year!
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          • CarolineL

            CarolineL Total Gardener

            Jun 12, 2016
            Retired Software engineer
            Rural Carmarthenshire
            Sungold - taste 9, earliness 6, yield 2, for some reason my plant did far worse than the other varieties in the greenhouse. Outside yield was slightly better - then it got blight.
            Purple Cherokee - taste 5, earliness 3, yield 5 - yield would rate higher but lots still green and snails keep attacking them overnight! I found the taste a bit watery (lack of sun)
            Chocolate pear - taste 5, earliness 6, yield 7 - again I think taste affected by the lousy weather
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            • Baalmaiden

              Baalmaiden Gardener

              Aug 19, 2023
              For me everything was late this year but Rosella went on and on. I have just ripened the last indoors. Honeymoon was one everybody loved for taste. First time I have grown that one. In general taste was not so good this year. Next year I shall go back to Black Russian as it has a unique taste and just grow Skykomish outdoors. I didn't monitor yield but in general it was down due to the slow start. House tomato gave me some early toms in pots but not so good as previous years.

              Sungold taste 8, earliness 6 lateness 8. Did well outdoors
              Rosella taste 7, earliness 6 lateness 10
              Toddler taste 7, earliness 5 lateness 8 Did well outdoors
              Skykomish taste 5, earliness 4 Did OK outdoors
              Honeymoon taste 10, earliness 5 Did OK outdoors

              I had no blight this year so couldn't compare varieties.
              • Informative Informative x 2
              • JennyJB

                JennyJB Head Gardener

                Mar 13, 2024
                Doncaster, South Yorkshire
                Rosella is still my favourite of the ones I grew, and the most prolific. I still have some that were picked green, ripening on the spare bedroom windowsill.

                Rosella taste 10, long season 10 (started ripening earliest, went on longest), yield 10
                Gardener's Delight taste 7, season length 7, yield 5 (didn't do well this year)
                Yellow Pear taste 7, season length 7, yield 7
                Blue Bayou taste 8, season length 8, yield 7
                Sungold taste 5 (too blandly sweet for me), season length 7, yield 7

                All grown outside in a mostly not very warm summer.

                I used the last of a packet of Sungold seeds and I won't buy them again. I'll look out for something else next year - probably another small/cherry type because they seem (generally) to ripen faster outdoors than larger types.
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                • Stephen Southwest

                  Stephen Southwest Gardener

                  Jun 11, 2020
                  Sungold: taste 9, earliness 7 lateness 10, yield 9
                  In an unheated greenhouse, still picking in December
                  (Just picked and ate the last one today 10/3/25 - bizarrely tasty after months on a dead blighted plant!)

                  Rosella: taste 9, earliness 6 lateness 6, yield 7
                  reasonably long season, lower yield than sungold, really tasty

                  Big Daddy: taste 8, earliness 6, lateness 8, yield 8
                  Big tasty tomatoes, very little pith, in an unheated greenhouse, still picking in early December

                  Cherry Orange Honeycomb: taste 3, earliness 4 lateness 2, yield 4
                  A bit like sungold, but worse in every aspect! I shan't bother again.
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                    Last edited: Mar 10, 2025 at 10:56 PM

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