Is it possible that they already know these details of yours, I dont have a current account with them.
Probably I suppose. I have a Flexaccount which hasn't actually been used in years. I just log in occasionally to make sure it stays active.
I've just logged in again and had the same message, "some of your details are missing" it said, they wanted to know nationality, income and some other stuff. Apparently its to keep me "safe",
I'd be inclined to reply thanking them for their concern, assuring them that you are quite safe and that you don't quite understand why that information keeps you any safer. I love having these type of conversations with places as they don't seem to bear any relation to what they are saying - and I love being awkward.
We have Nationwide accounts and have been asked all those questions. As I understand it, it's to do with money laundering rules, and in particular, apparently criminal gangs are cukooing older people, using their accounts to launder their ill gotten gains. If they know what your normal annual income is expected to be, and suddenly there's 10K going in, and back out again in a few weeks time, it flags up their security systems. We ignored it at first but they kept coming back and saying we wouldn't be able to use our on line accounts if we didn't respond. So unless that "grass" you're growing isn't for the lawn you have nothing to hide.
The last time I was told, not by Nationwide, that I have to answer the questions I remember that I put my nationality as Citizen of the Universe, and income 0 - 100k p.a. Can't remember any other questions. Never had any comeback.
Not Nationwide but some of this smacks of my bank recently asking me to confirm or deny that I was a Spanish Tax Resident. I too think some of this is a Money Laundering issue - strange they choose to pick on the average citizen rather than going after the real culprits tho.
It says in the reasons for asking that it is about money laundering, but again, its the normal person being put through the mangle, it would be interesting to know how many foreign criminals that they have caught via this method and what they have done with them. Money laundering, apparently, is going on in our high streets every day, right under the noses of the police and local authorities but they just ignore it. I dont need them to know all my details in order to keep me "safe". I have nothing to hide but also when they lose all my data to some hacker will I be surprised, no.
I used to joke with my clients that I was in the only occupation that meant I could ask a male his job title, how much he earnt, full details of any mortgage, savings, pensions and his marital status! As a newly single, woman, the info was very useful but sadly I never met 'the one' via my job. Joking aside, I was legally bound to ask and had to fill in a 6 0r more page form for each client, including most bizarrely my own mother when I arranged an investment for her. Talk about 'know your client'!!! I think I only had one or two people that flatly refused so I just said sorry and walked out of the door.
Seems ISAs attract more attention than standard savings accounts ? Though our bank did phone up to check if we were still working or retired the other day when we changed an account ( not an ISA) with them, but they never touched on income. If it was us, we would have no problem with Nationalality, yes required , Retired again Yes, where does money come from, normally you get that when you open an account and just say Savings. Income - would never tell anyone other than HM.Gov tax office. - we would just state the basic state pension to keep the them happy.
If you have share accounts they always seem to want your Nat insurance no. I assume for tax purposes.
For All ISA types ... Just for you Pete - chapter and verse from the horses mouth Information you need from investors when they apply for an ISA
Yeah not referring to ISAs more share accounts. I was in a dealing account for a while, but got out because they were charging me every month, thanks to Natwest.