Late anenome bulb planting - can I plant daffodils and anenome bulbs in this border?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Pink678, Jan 6, 2025.

  1. Pink678

    Pink678 Gardener

    Mar 14, 2024
    I have acquired some bulbs, but the timing for planting is a bit off! I am very new to this so I'm trying to work out what to do with them.
    I have this border, and I was wondering if it would work to plant:
    Daffodil & Narcissus Mix and White Narcissus bulbs right now - hoping for flowers in spring(?),
    then wait until the frost has gone, and plant anemone blanda mixed bulbs amongst the narcissus?
    I also have some Sparaxis Mixed bulbs, and some Anemone De Caen Mixed bulbs, that I was going to plant in other flowerbeds at the back with a bit more sun/drainage, again waiting until after the frost has gone.
    I'm in central england so the weather is relatively mild.
    Would it be OK planting these daffodil and anemone bulbs at these times?
    Any tips much appreciated!

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    Last edited: Jan 6, 2025
  2. JennyJB

    JennyJB Head Gardener

    Mar 13, 2024
    Doncaster, South Yorkshire
    I would get the narcissi and anemones planted as soon as possible, in pots if the ground is too frozen or too waterlogged. They might not all have time to grow and flower, or they might flower late, but if you try to keep them another season they'll probably dry out and die. Bulbs don't keep like seeds do.

    You can plant them from the pots later, when they're growing, if you want to, just like if you bought pots of growing bulbs from the garden centre.

    Sparaxis are tender, usually sold and planted in spring to flower in summer, so you can keep those until spring. If they were bought last spring and never planted, you might have missed the boat but the worst that an happen is nothing.
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    • Spruce

      Spruce Glad to be back .....

      Apr 10, 2009

      it’s late to plant bulbs that you have, but depends where you got them from,,and how they have been stored …

      plant up as fast as you can , wait and see what happens

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      • Pink678

        Pink678 Gardener

        Mar 14, 2024
        Great thanks so much to both of you. The bulbs are relatively fresh, so I'll go ahead and plant them (anemone and narcissus) in the coming days, weather permitting. Got to clear some weeds first at the back too! The ground today was not frozen at all and not waterlogged (I weeded the beds in the pictures I attached). I read I should soak the anemone bulbs overnight in tepid water so I'll do that as well, the night before I plant them.

        So from what you are both saying, it sounds like the anemone will have a better chance if I plant them right now, rather than storing them and waiting until any chance of frost has gone.

        The spraxis bulbs are also fresh, so I will hang on to them until spring and then plant them then, if that's a better idea. I'm planning to keep them in a cardboard box wrapped in newspaper.
        Last edited: Jan 6, 2025

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