Can anyone tell me what this plant is called please. I was given a small piece of it last year and I just stuck it in the ground untill I found what it was how big it was etc. It grew like wildfire. Very pretty covered in the little red flowers. The flies seem to love it.:( What is it called? And is it O.K to move it now? Sorry it was a bit of a stupid photo for ID. I've cut it back a bit because the rain flattened it and the flowers have mostly died off. But this is a better photo of the leaves and size. It is about 18 inches tall now when in full flower it was a lot taller.
Hi Lyn Its a little hard from the details and the pic, how tall is it and could you post another pic from another angle.
Hi Lyn, it looks like a red herbaceous potentilla. Probably Potentilla thurberi 'Monarch's Velvet'. See here:
Thanks everyone for the info. It's a great little plant for filling in the borders. And so easy to grow. I have it in the wrong place at the moment so hope to move it this week if the weather hold out.