Hi, I am an English girl enjoying life in Sweden (been here for 2 1/2 years) but missing the English countryside! We recently moved house and have a small courtyard and deck so pretty much just container gardening possibilities there, but also two allotment plots totalling about 130m². We hope to make the most of these next year so I am sure I will have loads of questions.
Hi and Welcome SazG Don't worry about the English Countryside....it's getting plenty of watering:D Ask away...plenty of excellent gardeners here:thmb:
:thumb: Hi Sazg & welcome to GC.. Look forward to your questions & photos.. Plenty to do on here in those long winter months to help you plan & amuse you I am sure..:thmb::D
Hi Sazg, I would miss it too, fortunately loads of pics go up on this site and should help ease the craving-or worsen it I suppose LOL Welcome to the forum
Hiya and welcome. Don't know if I'd be homesick as I've not been away long enough. Knowing me I prob would :dh: