@ViewAhead that's correct. The only good news was that the engineer arrived within about 2 hours of the call going in. All sorted now. It wasn't a pipe, it was the manifold. The engineer said my experience of them failing was typical. A tiny leak initially, but it becomes very big, very quickly.
I was just wondering what the difference is between most of this thread and the "moan moan" thread. Actually, I reckon this is a moan so should have been on the other thread
I don't really get why people can't just use their own common sense. If I had to sit next to that deceased lady I wouldn't really mind but if it did offend you and the crew was not sensible enough to ask if you'd like to move, then why wouldn't you just ask politely yourself. Unfortunately I'm now becoming a synic and people just pretend that they have been traumatised believing they will get some compensation out of it.
I think I would have just moved to a vacant seat without asking or being told. It could put you off your food, on the other hand you might get double. Anyway it points out a really good way to get upgraded to business class.........as long as you not too big to get down the aisle.
I think he didn’t realise where they were going to put her, but once they had done it he might have had to climb over her to get out. She is described as “a big lady”… Just guessing.
Well if that was the case you would have to ask, but I do see the point then, assuming it was a couple of seats and he was window side they should have moved them both out before putting the body in the aisle seat.
Plus, I would imagine that rigor mortis might have begun to set in by the time the plane landed and they “unwrapped” her blanket covering.
Whaatt is going on with Ukraine? I am a bit confused about what I have been hearing and wondering if I am interpreting things correctly or am imagining some silly conspiracy type of interpretation of the events. By Trump telling Ukraine it wants it's minerals and if they don't comply, his friend Musk will cut off Starlink which in turn will help Russia with their hostile invasion and war? Surely a certain party or two wouldn't want to be so obvious in using a terrible war for commercial gains and aiding a communist monster as well? Is this right or am I hearing things? This is not a political question as I am not stating an opinion one way or 'tother, I just want to know if the news I am reading has been based on misinformation...
Maybe he would have had to step on the corpse to get by so they didn't want to take the chance of that happening?