Advice for beginners re. dried out plants

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Sezzle, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. Sezzle

    Sezzle Gardener

    May 12, 2008
    Something I learnt this year that I thought I would share with any newbies out there:
    If it looks like a plant has completely dried out and died, DON'T GIVE UP ON IT! Give a good soak and a rest in the shade and you may well find it springs back to life like magic! :thumb:
    I had some strawberries that missed the watering can of my other half when I was away in May and when I came back they were brown and crispy and I thought they'd had it. I gave them a good drink and they recovered enough to give us a good crop in July! The same happened with some cowslips I had in a pot.
    Of course this may not be very useful this year:rolleyes: but it's worth remembering for when we do get a summer...
    Sezzle xxx
  2. Iain

    Iain Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 16, 2008
    Thanks, Sezzle! I thought I'd lost a busy lizzie last week through lack of watering - it's in a pot with a pelargonium my other half was given by her boss for Easter. With all the rain the last few weeks I hadn't been watering regularly. I gave it a good drink and it came back to life... your post gives me that warm feeling that it wasn't just luck that brought it back!

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