London Championships Livestock Fancy Show

Discussion in 'Members Gallery' started by Whiley, Sep 8, 2008.

  1. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    This was my second attendance at this crazy busy show. Where all the small animal fancies of the UK turn up in their thousands, this is the show that either you need qualifiers for or award the highest allowance of stars/points towards stud level, etc.

    Thought i'd take some to share with you all!

    Up and in the car by 6am to get to Reading by 9.30 and also pick up a friend and her competing rats on the way.
    Had Spartacus in the front navigating with me.


    Watching Darren drive.


    Having a sleepie.

    Whistle had to stay in the carrier. Shes rubbish with directions.

    When we arrived we sorted Spartacus and Whistle into their tanks with their entry codes and put them on the bench in their classifications.






    The guinea pigs judging were located just beside us!






    No really, thats a long haired guinea pig. It kept stock still and we couldn't figure out which end was which at all!

    And the rabbits that took over the biggest part of the hall! We had a low turn out of only 100 rats from the society, but there were over 1,00 rabbits.












  2. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006




    I'm lucky enough to know a lady in our rat fancy that had the most beautiful coat mutation. Its statistically a 1 in about 500,000 chance of getting one. And this is the most beautiful one we've ever seen evidence of globally - AND I GOT A CUDDLE!
    Shes 'mosaic', this means at birth genetically she ended up having 2 completely different coat types that both insisted on being dominant and she ended up having this effect on her fur, other evidence of this is only seen as a splodge or two, or like a bit messy looking, but isn't she gorgeous!

    Same friend brought some new kittens along and one hopped onto Darren and didn't budge. What a cutie!

    A bloke who participated with the Hero Rats in Africa group was there to talk to us. Gambian Pouched Rats out there are giant, but a group of bomb disposal people have been training them to hunt out mines safely. Its amazing to watch their videos, but this chap was lovely to meet.

    We popped out to meet my friends new collie pup Sushi - she is so drop dead gorgeous!


    While we were there my friend who had her baby a year ago decided it was time her little one had her own pet as shes so responsive to her mummys animals! So she went home with her first piggie, as there were some breeders who brought some along for sale! She already has 2 piggies at home but this one is special for Thomasina! Who when asked what to call him said 'Ruff'. So heres Thomasina and Ruff the guinea pig.

    Beautiful Leviosa who i brought up with me to meet a friend of mine who wants me to have a litter from her with her buck to help towards her lines.

    Also my friends beautiful husky girl in her tank.

    And a funny of a Russian Blue zonked out against the corner with a mouthful of half chewed apple.

    Percy, the Russian Blue pointed red-eyed siamese scrummy boy whos going to be bred to Leviosa.

    And finally, what we were all competing for!

    Unfortunately i was less than impressed with the judging. The rat who won Best In Show was a very poor example of a rat - let alone his variety! Everyone was slightly miffed. Spartcus came second in the Siamese class, but somehow Whistle was disqualified for being 'unhandlable' which is a bit of an odd statement in itself as we're talkng about my most tolerant and cuddley doe here. Nevermind! Sparty came home with his certificate but no ribbon, and Whistle came home not really caring all that much as she had a chocolate chip cookie to share with Leviosa on the way back in the carrier!
  3. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    Hi Sarah, ive enjoyed this thread :thumb: and think ive learned a lot about rats, great pics, and the story about the African Hero Rats is facinating, Who would of thought a Rat could be a Hero :cool: Congratulations to Spartcus :thumb:and commiserations to Whistle:( I wonder if you have a pic of the winner!! and did your friend want a Baby boy :D ...Love Dee..
  4. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    No noone can find a pic of the winner which is a shame, and yes, Ed and Deb did somewhat have their hearts set on Thomas :P But they wouldnt exchange Sina for the world! Shes such an expressive hysterical baby!

    Glad you enjoyed the thread!
  5. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Some great shots Whiley love the mosaic rat how unusual,I see the rats could become the latest fashion accessory for hoodies:D
  6. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :thumb: Great pics Whiley.... Soo many little pets..!!!!!:D Judged seeem to be a law unto themselves I think Whiley... Very seldom do they pick a winner that everybody else agrees with.... I am glad you had some success, but sorry also that you had a little bit of a bad time with the judges too...:scratch:

    :thumb: A great day out & fun had by all by the looks of it.....:D:okies: Loved Sushi too....!!:D

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