Ant Invasion!

Discussion in 'Pests, Diseases and Cures' started by New Model Farmy, Sep 5, 2008.

  1. New Model Farmy

    New Model Farmy Apprentice Gardener

    Sep 4, 2008
    I'm not sure if ants count as pests as such but this seemed like the most appropriate place to put this thread.

    We've just bought a new garden (with house attached!) and we have a modest lawn area of around 20' x 10'. Problem is we have around three dozen ants nests so the lawn is more ant hill than grass!

    I spent and hour the other week applying ant powder (not Nippon) to each and every nest but they all seem to be thriving still. Does anyone have any tips as to what we can do? I've heard a mixture of Nippon and sugar could be the answer. Has anyone tried this?

    Would very much appreciate any advice...

    p.s. Is ant powder poisonous to humans? Might have inhaled a fair amount! :eek:
  2. Little Miss Road Rage

    Little Miss Road Rage Gardener

    Jul 1, 2008
    I think that u need to get to the queen ant so by putting down nippon mixed with sugar the ants can't detect the nippon and they carry it straight to her. She dies and they leave. I'm sure I read that here somewhere.
  3. New Model Farmy

    New Model Farmy Apprentice Gardener

    Sep 4, 2008
    Many thanks. Shall give it a try, if it ever stops raining!
  4. Little Miss Road Rage

    Little Miss Road Rage Gardener

    Jul 1, 2008
  5. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    "p.s. Is ant powder poisonous to humans? Might have inhaled a fair amount"

    It is carcinogenic, by inhalation and skin contact, You should really wear a mask and gloves.

    Mixing a pesticide with sugar or anything else is illegal unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer. I doubt it will even work. If it was effective the manufacturesrs would produce it...........

    The best way around the problem is to dig up the nests on a frosty winter day, run a cultivater over the entire area, allow to setle rake then turf or seed, the majority will be killed off .

    There is a water on nematode preparation available but I dont have any details for it.
  6. New Model Farmy

    New Model Farmy Apprentice Gardener

    Sep 4, 2008
    Thanks PG. I think given there are so many of them we might take the cultivar option. Will take more care with the ant powder in future.
  7. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Hello New Model and welcome to GC. :)

    We have had similar problems mentioned over the last couple of years and I am adamant (that is not Adam Ant by the way :rolleyes:) that the best way to get rid of ants is putting a few good squirts of washing up liquid in a sprayer and fill with water .... kills them dead instantly .... or it certainly does to both the monster ants and small ones here.

    I must admit where I have mounds in the gravel I just step on the hills because ants have their usefulness ... but when they are marching toward the house the sprayer comes out and war commences. This is also a safe way to kill any that may find their way into the kitchen. Obviously it is also safe for children and pets. :thumb:

    Enjoy the forum.
  8. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Thats a great tip L-o-L, Thanks very much, we have a problem with them inside the house and was very concerned with spraying chemicals about with the kids and the cats.

    Why is it illegal to mix it with suger?- I presume it is messing with poisons or something like that?
  9. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Why is it illegal to mix it with suger?- I presume it is messing with poisons or something like that?


    You are efectivly altering the chemical composition thefore invalidating the purpose it was aproved and tested for.
  10. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    A few tips for getting rid of ants the organic way (you can mix borax and honey without it being illegal)
    There are multiple organic methods of getting rid of ants that are eating your plants.

    1. Dust area around plants with baking soda (poisonous to ants).

    2. Sprinkle grits, cream of wheat,or instant rice in circle around plants, the ant will eat one grain, drink water and the grain expands and kills the ant.

    3. Sprinkle flour or baby powder around plant. Ants will never cross flour or baby powder.

    4. Fill spray bottle with equal parts vinegar and water and spray on plants. The acetic acid in vinegar kills ants.

    5. Coffee grounds, black pepper, chili powder, cream of tartar, cinnamon, andpeppermint all deter ants. Coffee grounds can be poured directly on anthill, they eat the grounds and seem to implode

    6. Fold contact paper in half sticky side out and make a circle around base of plant. They'll get stuck on the paper.

    7. Mix one-third cup molasses, six tablespoons sugar, and six tablespoons active dry yeast into a smooth paste. Coat strips of cardboard with th mixture. Keep out of reach of pets and small children. You can leave mixture on a saucer outside anthill and they'll eat it and die.

    8. Cut off bottom of paper cup and cut slit up the side of the cup and coat outside with vaseline and place around base of plant. Packing tape works too.

    9. One cup borax, two-thirds cup sugar and one cup water. Dip cotton balls in the solution and place in areas near your anthill Ants will leave the plants alone and ingest the sweet mixture and the borax will kill the ants.

    10. Diatomaceous Earth will destroy the insects outer skeletons, causing the pests to die from dehydration.

    Hope some of these help you.
  11. Katherna

    Katherna Gardener

    Jul 17, 2008
    A rent-a-kill guy told me about the borax, sugar and water trick :) They never had ants and he didn't use the work chemicals.
  12. Real World

    Real World Apprentice Gardener

    Sep 14, 2008
    I have a very similar problem. I think it has contributed to my lawn being more like the Somme 50 years on than the flat bowling green surface I'd like it to be. I'm also considering the dig it all up and start again approach.

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