Aaaaah, another Trotter like me and Tweaks and IMP too. He used to live round the corner from me-a complete nutter, but a good Bolton lad.
No I could not do it, makes me knees feel funny just watching it. Its got me favourite Fred quote "if you make one mistake up ere, its half a day out with the undertaker"
yep an Did yer like that ? :D i read his biography an he sure did have an interesting life shame it was cut short just as he was makeing enough from stuff to semi retire
amongst the profeshion he wasnt well liked: If youve got a few days trawl through this forum, Its in about 3 sections as the keep runing out of space:'s+corner
well i aint got time to look so tell me bet you wouldnt climb it without a rope holding u on id be ok on the straight bit but not the overhang :eek:
Dunno, As long as it was well secured then id feel happy ish leastways id force myself to, Seting up a baton scafold in mid air..... no way!!!!! These days they have to harness in.
spud, fellow jacks resented him as he was a showman type charchter. He would aparently often do work for next to nothing as he was of coure taking pay from the bbc. What ever his standing in the trade however he made for brilliant viewing.
Well i bet it was cos they wernt on the tv an lets face it he made alot of tv progs about more that just steple jacking even his funeral was released on DVD ! an he got royalties from corgi to .....