I made it through another one

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by lollipop, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. Dorsetmike

    Dorsetmike Gardener

    May 14, 2007
    Yes Claire, about 150 yards down the road is a primary school built on the site of the one I attended from 1938-44. Then we lived about a mile away and I walked across the "common" down Central avenue, across the rec and up Library road (which I now live in) and walked home for dinner and back again. Initially for the first couple of years one of the older girls used to take me and bring me back except when mum collected me on her way to the shops.

    Before I added a trellis fence on top of the wall round the front garden, the kids used to climb over the wall, pinch or damage flowers and chase the cats, when I shouted at one to "get out of my garden" it started bawling and the mother and her mate gave me & Joyce 10 minutes of foul language for making the poor little darling cry. The mind boggles.

    The trellis now has roses starting to grow through it, next thing I suppose will be "my Darren's got a thorn in his hand from your roses" Serve them right, that's why I chose to put roses there, just wish I'd chosen ones with bigger thorns!!
  2. Shobhna

    Shobhna Gardener

    Jul 26, 2006
    Milton Keynes, UK
    Mike, Moyra and Claire....You are all so right.
    Sometimes I think that maybe I'm turning into a grumpy old woman but I do so tstruggle with childrens behaviour these days and it is always the fault of the parents.

    Sometimes I think that maybe I'm too unreasonable with yelling kids, other times I think I have earned the right to be grumpy. So there !!!!!!

    Himself often has to deal with these school run issues in his line of work and if he had a £ for every time he has been told to 'get a life' we'd be so rich that I'd be able to buy a house with the largest garden possible.:D
  3. moyra

    moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    South East Essex
    Hi Shrobna, no you are far from being alone on this issue. I keep thinking to myself 'is it only these loud mouthed characters that are breeding these days? Where are all the lovely mums with bonny happy children that you used to see around. Shouldn't generalize really but you do wonder if we have a new type of monster generation coming on?
  4. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    They`re all too scared to come out because all sorts roam the streets. Don`t get me wrong, I don`t have romantic images of the way it used to be-there are some things I am glad I won`t see again. It`s rude adults. Manners girls, I am afraid is what is lacking today. And the right example would go a long way.

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