lazy job seekers

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by intermiplants, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    lazy job seekers or swinging the lead sick notes who cheat the system and of course benefit fraud:thumb:
    these are the people who need to be targeted we all know one or they live in the street but they always get away with it..why are the pubs full ov kids 17 18 who dont want to work..i know people who have cheated the system for years..single parents or genuine people that are sick and poorly or disabled i totally understand...but how do we get the dossers off the system...have your say but no abuse please..what is your view and how do we tackle the problem as parliment has got it wrong for so i would just stop the dole or the jobseekers after a certain period...not easy and it wouldnt be straight foward as it takes some people a while to find a job agreed.. im livid with the situation where people on the dole tell me they dont have to work or look for a job ...well they should because its our taxes..
  2. tweaky

    tweaky Gardener

    Jun 7, 2008
    I knew there was a system a while ago, that people on job - seekers had to sign in everyday for so many hours and were provided with papers, puters etc to seek jobs. If they didn't sign in and attend they they could loose their benefits.....does that not happen any more?

    If not, it should. Three strikes without a sick note and your out....
  3. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    yes they do tweakster they have to attend once a fortnight but in the end when they realise they dont want a job they just go to the doctors with a bad back or depression..and before anyone with a genuine bad back or depression hits the roof i mean the kid or adult who knows he or she can cheat system and does and gets away with it...what do we do with them:mad: i thought about the army but they would even get a sick note for that...if we could get them in the army we should, they would make great land mine testers.. and a lot of our armed forces could be spared..or we could make them greet suicide bombers:thumb:
  4. tweaky

    tweaky Gardener

    Jun 7, 2008
    Well once a fortnight is a complete waste of time. Should be everyday...with a choice...sit here with a newspaper in silence or take this brush and clean the streets etc.
  5. plantlife

    plantlife Gardener

    Jun 4, 2008
    My ex-GF had to go on benefits because she moved from Ireland to the UK where I lived. She didn't have time for a job while we were sorting everything out and she couldn't get a job for quite a while so they had her going to this thing everyday to find a job (this was 9-5 everyday too), but it was just a bunch of old blokes eating biscuits and 1 computer in the room she told me! :D

    It was a bit useless really and she only found a job by bugging the guy who was in charge to help her.
  6. tweaky

    tweaky Gardener

    Jun 7, 2008
    Yea, but the story there is....she did get a job....others wouldn't have tried so hard.:thumb:
  7. plantlife

    plantlife Gardener

    Jun 4, 2008
    Much like the old blokes at the place she went. They told her they'd been coming there for years and years because it was easier than finding a job. Money and free biscuits :rolleyes:
  8. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008

    I heard that Job clubs-as I think they were known were pretty dead ended as well.

    The trouble is that for those that have been decided they are better off claiming, they know the system-they know what to say to get out of going to these places. I personally know someone who gave me that kind of advice when I split from my old boyfriend-not where I might get myself some work to fit in with my hours-school etc, but how to whittle down my "disposable" income so I could claim money from a social fund scheme. I was a bit speechless whilst she was telling me-i know she was trying to help but I was just amazed someone knew that much about how to get cash.
  9. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Now I thionk its only fair to ask-which biscuits? Because I do love a couple of gypsy creams with my brew of a morning.

    You can`t ask people to give up a good biccy-that`s cruel and unusual
  10. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Well once a fortnight is a complete waste of time. Should be everyday...with a choice...sit here with a newspaper in silence or take this brush and clean the streets etc.

    Agree tweaks.
  11. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Not being in any trade I wouldn`t know so just wondering-what has happened with apprenticeships?
  12. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Basicly they are now a joke, it all seems to be done on a part work part colledge basis with nvqs along the way. An awfull lot of meaningless paperwork health and safety nonsense and little practical skills.

    With the exception of old trades like fariering the long 5 year aprentiships have died.

    The standard of aplicants for aprentiship/ nvq is also poor being that anyone with half a brain cell is cohersed into A levels, uni etc.
  13. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Carl-you have just been nominated for a medal!

    Have you considered a horticultural course-maybe the local council has a parks department you could have a word with. There are always local gardening clubs who will welcome you with open arms I`m sure, and you will probably get wind of a job that way too. If you are genuinely interested in this line of work there are a couple of self employed lads Pro and Spud who could give you any pointers as to how they set up, which certificates you need and stuff.

    Well done you Carl-shame it isn`t contagious.
  14. spudbristol

    spudbristol Gardener

    May 27, 2008
    Being on jobseakes allowance for 3 weeks an being forced to apply for jobs i didnt want one being working in makro cos " they sell plants there mate" :rolleyes: is what pushed me that last bit to start up on me own :D
  15. tweaky

    tweaky Gardener

    Jun 7, 2008
    Well Carl, I agree with Claire 100%. Keep that frame of mind...not easy I know, but you can take pride in what you achieve. With your attitude you will achieve believe me.

    And later in life, when the others are still on £80 a week, spending it in the pubs or on smoke, you will be able to look back and say....I could have been one of those deadbeats.

    I wish you well and I shall say again, with your attitude, you will succeed mate.:thumb:

    I've been there, done it, got the T shirt etc.

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