Ahhhhh.....now I understand.....me being a foreign bird and all that (Himself's words, not mine !!):D:D:D:D can we do this with wine though since I prefer wine to beer.:p:p
Hi Shobna, there is a link on the pop inn thread to a bit on youtube. To be honest, if you want to drink a mug full of wine your turn then quite honestly it would only add to the beauty of the game. And don`t worry about being a "foreign bird", you will fit in more than one of us Northern lads and lasses., it maight be in the rules somewhere anyone north of birmingham is odd, Theres a good chance that would include the whole of the world. Don`t tell me you come from Scotland now !
Lollipop, no, I don't come from Scotland. love the place though. I come from way south and a bit to the right, that is if you were looking at the globe from a long way off with the meridian straight in front of you. put my name down for the mug of wine.:thumb:
Well done team the rehearsals went very well and I am sure you are now all ready for meeting your opponants on Monday afternoon. They are from the bug and bottle, Southwold Suffolk so they have cut their teeth on Adnams and apparently have been entertaining Gordon Brown for the last couple of weeks............ now since you have all been subjected to what Tweaks has been dishing up in the Pop Inn you shouldn't have any problems holding your own against them. We kick off on the green outside the Pop Inn sharp at 3pm Monday afternoon so you should have filled your socks by then! Shrobna no problem we have sorted a good wine out for you! Don't forget your Dwiles. :thumb:
I have just come up to speed with the flonking challenge.. I had better get some practise in over the next two days. I am going to skip the beer tonight and go direct to the 12 year old Scottish falling down water. I always think taking out the middle man is a good idea.
Lol, yes Pop you fix the dwile clothes you have knitted in the Pop Inn to the broom handles thus making the dwile. Soak them in the spent ale Tweaks has allowed us from the slops he usually puts back into the casks of ale. Capney, that's ok with using the falling down water but don't let the team from the bug and bottle know what you are up to. We don't want to get eliminated before we have started. Keep up the practice and we shall see you all tomorrow souped up and ready to go!!
Robert the Red has bad news. I have just spent the morning at the NHS walk in and then the A&E As a result I have two loads of antibiotics to take and the doc says on no account take a drink, or you will be back in hospital again..So for nine days Im dry and will not be able to take part in the Dwile Flonking. So sorry guys to let you down at such short notice. I shall be there to cheer you all on. Im gutted. . cant have a scottish wine for nine days!. Robert
Oh sorry to hear that, wish you well soon. I am sure someone else will join in if you are donating the falling down water..........this lot will do anything for a drop of the hard stuff. :D
I do Robert, I suffer a similar problem and have to take Lansoprazole and Metoclopramide daily to keep my problem at bay otherwise like you would be creased up in pain with it. Hope yours wont be long term like mine. :( :thumb::D
Moyra So sorry to hear your news. Doc has given me Cefalexin and Metronidazole. They both have some wicked possible side affects! I dread to think whats going to happen as I am mixing the two! Robert
I do worry about the number of medications I take and what the long term effect is. I have been on most of them now for a good number of years and it is only so often the doc says think we ought to change them for something new. Still if it keeps us going and relatively free from pain that's something. I think you will find it will take about a week before you get the benefit of them though. I hope you can get over the side effects sometimes they make you feel worse for a while. Now back to the dwiles. I want the team to put some of Shiney's porridge balls into the dwile mops so that they have a harder effect on the other team, must be subtle about it though! :thumb::D
Tweaky. Diet has not been mentioned yet.. That may change on tuesday when I see my own doc. All I know at the moment... its no fun. Robert