Finally my tomatoes are starting to change colour :D:D:D They've gone from being green to an orangy colour not just on one but on 3 out of my 4 plants. 2 are unknown as to what variety they are, 1 is a cherry, the one thats still green is a beef tomato. I'm so chuffed, as everyone seemed to have tomatoes to eat and mine were still green (I don't like chutney either). I also cut a cabbage, expecting it to be totally inedible - full of slugs etc; but it's not so with our chicken tonight we're having carrots, runner beans and cabbage (thank god I've not much of a sense of smell :thumb: ) and my teenager will be pleased as I've pulled her some more beetroot. My sweetcorn are growing well, I've got 11 cobs (hopefully) on my 5 plants, they're not ready yet though. I'm like a kid thats just been given a candy store, my neighbours all think I'm mad as I'm whooping around the garden with my toddler saying "look they're going orange!" Thought I'd share as I was so pleased.
Well done, Katherna, in a few weeks you won't know what to do with all the ripe tomatoes and you'll have runner beans coming out of your ears
LOL, all the tomatoes will get eaten, runner beans can always be frozen, heehee, hopefully they'll not actually come out of my ears - ohhh new jewelery range vegearings, :P
It is actually, heehee. I keep telling my mum that my tomatoes are ripening and hers aren't although I did say I'd share the first few with her.
Katherna you're not alone both Bob and I run down to the greenhouse when ever one of us finds that a new a seedling has germinated and you should hear the noise when we see a new tomato! We are a right pair of nutters but then again you have to be to play in mud and enjoy doing so!:D
well done mine are still green and I'm not sure if I like chutney lol. I'm lovin the feeling I'm getting with growing my own veg
OH and I are just the same, a right pair of kids, we just find it so exciting especially when we get to eat something :D:thumb:
Hi Katherna, Sweet corn's develop always surprises me. I planted 80 year plants in May. In Late-July, they started to put out the fluffy tassels and I really started to panic - there was absolutely no sign of any cobs! 3 weeks on however, the cobs have formed and are all now of a considerable size. I can't believe it. Amazing growth in a matter of weeks!
Well, my toms are only just going into flower :-( Do you think my plants will be any good? At the moment, I only have a few flowers on them.
The sweetcorn cobs seem to be bigger everyday (hopefully thats a good sign). An extra cherry tom has started to change colour even though it's done nothing but rain for the last few days (maybe they're resigned to the fact it's wet all the time and cloudy), the weeds are shooting up and it's difficult to keep ontop of all the weeds, the beans have loved the wet weather though and have been sending more and more shoots out in all directions (I'd been good and stopped them growing so they didn't form a mat like structure but it's all gone to pot now, have to lift a great swathe up to get to the beans that I knew were there ready to be picked), and the lettuce are holding their own against the slugs - well so far anyway.