Battery hedge trimmer.

Discussion in 'Tools And Equipment' started by Vibrant, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. Vibrant

    Vibrant Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    I was thinking of buying a Bosch battery powered hedge trimmer, see here:

    Has anyone used one? Does the charge last a reasonable time?
    I cut quite a few short runs of conifers and hedges, will it be up to the job.
    Or does anyone have any better suggestions, I looked at petrol trimmers, but they seem rather heavy (what a wimp :p )

    Vib. :)
  2. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Ive only ever used petrol machines but from my experience of cordless drill etc if poss get one with two batterys and if poss a li ion battery.

    The battery power is comparitvly low and the tooth spaceing small therfore it would only be good for regularly cut hedges ie leylandi done 3 times a year not once a year cuting.
    By spending more you should find something two batterys:

    This would be better:
  3. Little Miss Road Rage

    Little Miss Road Rage Gardener

    Jul 1, 2008
    Don't do it. They don't last long and my hubby said he'd be better off using my sharp tongue as it would work better. We got a bosch cable one now and its excellent.
  4. Hec

    Hec Gardener

    Nov 1, 2007
  5. Vibrant

    Vibrant Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    Thanks for all the suggestions everyone.
    I popped into Homebase on the way home tonight and had a look at the Bosch trimmer (the two battery version), the battery is very small, I assumed it would be the same size as the battery in my Bosch strimmer (which is very good), but it's only about half the size.

    I also saw the Flymo Sabre Cut, which looks very similar to the trimmer you suggest, but with a 24v battery pack. It looks good for trimming the tops, but what is it like when trimming the sides. I waved it around a bit in the shop, it wasn't heavy, but did seem a bit unwieldy.
    Flymo Sabre Cut
  6. Hec

    Hec Gardener

    Nov 1, 2007
    I find it ok so long as I cut regularly, because it is so light it is pretty easy to use with either hand at either hold IYKWIM. My hedge was very over grown. I got someone to cut it right back for me and am cutting it regualrly in order to thicken it up and it's going well. It's good that it extend for doing the top of my beech hedge down the other side of my garden.
  7. Iceni

    Iceni Gardener

    Mar 29, 2008
    Battery hedge trimmer normally have a 50 min running time.
    They are best used for just trimming, they are not powerful enough to cut back old growth. However I have an older version of the Bosch one you were thinking of and its still going strong.

    I find as it no hassle to get it out and use, I use it more often and cut the hedge before it gets so long.

    If possible get a Li-on battery version - if you wait a while Bosch will be bringing out a new one. Then this one will be cheaper (or you can buy the new one - its something special so its worth waiting for!)
  8. Vibrant

    Vibrant Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    I have splashed out and bought the Bosch cordless trimmer, with two batteries, for £69.99.

    And I'm pleased to report that it did a very good job this afternoon.
    The blades cycle slower than with the corded model, but it cuts perfectly well, despite sounding a bit weedy.

    I cut both sides of a 25ft line of conifers and then about 20ft of the top, before the first battery started to run out of charge (although if I had only had one battery I would probably have babied it on to the end).

    The conifers hadn't been cut since the middle of last year, so had a fair amount of growth on them. They had previously been regularly trimmed, so the side growth was dense, but with fairly fine stalks, which the trimmer managed with no effort.
    The top growth was thicker, with a few branches needing to be lopped, but the trimmer coped well with branches up to about 10mm.

    The trimmer was surprisingly good and easier to use than my corded Bosch, being slightly lighter and not having to worry about the cable.
    The only downside is the battery charger, which unlike my Bosch cordless strimmer, has no charge indicator light. The instruction booklet advises charging for 3 to 4 hours.

    I would like to thank everyone for their helpful advice and suggestions.

    Vib. :)

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