Rescue pups

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by forget-me-not, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. Rosiemongrel

    Rosiemongrel Gardener

    Feb 18, 2008
    I am a rescue dog

    So am I

    We are both delightful members of society, and much loved. If our parents had bought puppies instead of adopting us from rescues, we'd still be stuck in concrete kennels, barking all day long :(

    Rescue dogs rule!
  2. redstar

    redstar Total Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    Domestic Goddess
    Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
    They look so happy. I am sure they thank you every day.
  3. forget-me-not

    forget-me-not Gardener

    Aug 13, 2008
    Aw everyones pictures are awesome. so cute. My boy is just over 2. He's recently started tryin to hump the kitten. Ive been told I should get him chopped because he shouldnt have his watsits...

    I dont really know what to do tbh. I dont ever intend to breed from him so thats not an issue. There are enough unwanted cats and dogs as it is
  4. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Hi FMN-

    I say, if it isn`t there it can`t cause any problems re cancers etc. Get `em off!!
  5. redstar

    redstar Total Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    Domestic Goddess
    Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
    Yes is my vote too, off with them. It is a simple one day procedure, in the morning deliver pick up in the evening a little groggy and that is it. Vets are good today with the stitches, you don't have to take back again to have removed they are internal.
  6. forget-me-not

    forget-me-not Gardener

    Aug 13, 2008
    Poor boy, its a good job he doesnt know what we're discussing lol
  7. eleagnus7

    eleagnus7 Gardener

    May 31, 2006
    Hi Redstar and Forgetmenot (Hi! to a fellow vegetarian!)
    As a perpetual cat rescuer (never had the right premises for a dog until recently , when we immediately rescued our little Milli - Jack russell/ridgeback) and at times I had as many as 28 which were often recovering rescuees from the local RSPCA who needed some nursing. Of course after they were left with limps, mangled ears etc and no-one being interested in them they joined the clan! I practically NEVER had a problem with behaviour (Except for the odd peeing tom!) but always had them neutered as a matter of course. ( Mostly they lived to16 and often 20). An un-neutered female dog or cat can suffer terribly with disease related to the genital area and it prevents all of this. People used to remark on the non-smelly house and the happy atmosphere with the totally un-enclosed animals peacefully laying everywhere. I can tell you that this required huge amounts of cleaning on a daily and sometimes hourly basis to keep them all flea free and happy. I just used to expect each newcomer to react to the happy atmosphere and the older members used to accept them.
    As far as guinea pigs go and similar animals - it is well to remember they do need daily handling to make sure they have no sores or infestations especially in hot weather and also I always clean out daily and use a nice hay and straw mix so that they can chew after they finish their food and they won't chew their hutches.
    I often found that hutches sold in pet shops did not allow nearly enough room for the animal they were supposed to house and even a large hutch is best with an enclose run on grass as well! After all this care it is a great joy to see an abused or "thrown away" animal happy and peaceful and trusting. Enjoy your little charges.
  8. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :thumb: All my dogs have been rescue dogs... Some had been abandoned & some badly treated.. One particular one I built up a fantastic friendship with, had been shut in a shed with only a hole at the bottom of the door where they pushed food & drink in since they got him...!! He spent 9 months like that & never let out or shown any love or affection..!! The RSPCA took him away...! I have had them all from this same place.. He had been at the home a long time as nobody wanted to take him...! Well we did & although it took him a year to understand about love & affection, we went to the local dog training club, where he came out of himself... We went on to win many obedience cups & rosettes together..!!:thumb: He was the only dog I ever took to training, but he needed to learn about life & other animals & as he was so withdrawn it worked for him along with allot of love.. Was a fantastic dog & lived a full & happy life, although in the end developed a medical problem that stemmed from being shut in for the first 9 months of his life.. We tried fixing it, but it didn't last long & although the vet said he could do it again I couldn't bear to put him through that pain & suffering again.... He was too good to do that too... It broke my heart to do it but I had to have him put down.... I never let go of him until he was completey gone & then brought him home.. (you could in those days) We are very lucky to have a fantastic vet. I still see the same one today.. So we have rescued6 all together & I know many others who have had the same success & joy I have had...:thumb:

    :thumb: Charley is the latest one, he has been with us 8yrs now & was around 2yrs when we got him.. Had been abandoned at a popular spot for doing such things & had been on the run for 3 weeks before they finally caught him.! They think he was abandoned as he was too "nutty" for gun training..:mad: Very common for then to be kicked out at that age if they were like that..... :mad: Strange really.. They pay all that money & then "just throw the dog away"..! He was very thin & frightened when we got him, but that changed within a few days & he has definitely been the "happiest & fun" dog I have ever had..!! Never looked back since.!

    Meet Charley if you haven't already..!
  9. Rosiemongrel

    Rosiemongrel Gardener

    Feb 18, 2008
    Charley, you're a handsome lad. :)
  10. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Ah Marley,

    Almost the same with me and my Tessa, getting blurry eyed just reading it. She also took a while to completely relax around us, but it was my (then) little boy who won her round. He was three when we got her-a great big rescue german shepherd. Had all the nonsense about how can we trust her near our boy-all from people who hadn`t seen her with him. They chased each other around the house and garden-particularly fond of going under the dining table knocking everything flying. When he was in trouble and sent to the stairs she came and sat with him-no punishment at all. She slept outside his bedroom door, although I often woke to find her in bed with him. There were times when I wasn`t sure when one ended and the other started. Like yours she had medical problems which couldn`t be overcome, and I experienced real pain for the first time in my life the day I told my boy she wasn`t coming home again. The lad broke his heart. See I`m choking again!
  11. accidentalgardener

    accidentalgardener Gardener

    Jul 13, 2007
  12. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    Charley's Lovely Marley. [​IMG] [​IMG] and you made me cry....Dee..
  13. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :o:eek::( Oh I am am so sorry...! I really didn't mean to upset you both..!!!:o:(

    :thumb: Thanks Paula & everyone..!

    :thumb: It was reading your post Lollipop, that made me think about writing about Charley...!! All my rescue dogs have had a sad tale of some sort behind them.. But I think I gave them happy lives while they were with me.. I have held every dog I have ever had as they drew their last breath, with the exception of one... He was knocked down & is a very sad story, so won't tell you or you will be balling your eyes out Lollipop & YDD....;):(

    :thumb: Lollipop, The day after we brought Charley home my 3yr old grandson came over for the day... I thought it was very quiet so looked in the lounge, only to see the 3yr old fast asleep on the floor with his head resting on Charley like a pillow & Charley spark out..!!:D Those two now have a very special bond..!:thumb: I have never had a dog settle in as quick as Charley.. He is great fun..!!:D All the kids this side of the village all know Charley... They all call out "Charley" & thats it..!! He is off over to them doing his silly sideways crab walk & singing at the top of his voice...!!!:D:D Kids love it..!! :thumb: Charley also greets the old boy next door the same way..!! Bill loves it, says it makes his day sometimes..!! So Charley boy brings allot of happiness to lots..!!:thumb:
  14. chinquest

    chinquest Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 19, 2008
    Fantastic photos, my late father adopted a GSD (having just lost one) when he was nearly 80, they had 4 fantastic years together and the dog was totally devoted to him, sadly we had to return him when we lost Dad last year, as I work, but happily he found a new home. We used to have some great walks together so I hope he is ok now

    All my pets (7 chins + 2 Degus) are rehomes some from rescues some directly from owners who couldn't keep them. All being well I should retire in a couple of years and then hope to foster a dog or three, adopt some ex battery chickens and hopefully help our chinchilla rescue out a bit more. I'm very much of the why breed when there are so many pets looking for homes mentality.
  15. redstar

    redstar Total Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    Domestic Goddess
    Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
    Eleagnus---I am also a cat rescuer, up to 9 now. All are fixed. Most are feral. I live out in the country in a very safe area (re-traffic). I have a heated cat condo for them in the winter. Dry food is put out daily.
    They all hang out around our house. Four of them do come inside through a cat door. My poor OH is allergic. But it is good for the most part they stay outside. Each year through my other cat rescuer friends I hear of the shelters being full of kittens and the no-kill cat agencies overloaded. If people would just fix them at 14 weeks old the population would be decreased.---it is frustrating.

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