work for your benefits

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by intermiplants, Aug 7, 2008.

  1. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    I agree with you there.
  2. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    think this bloke has had enough, i didnt write it:D
    Lazy friends become a liability

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    [align=left]Having been through a tough time, I know what it is like to struggle on low income. However I have always endeavoured to keep in touch with my friends as I advance my own career.

    An old friend began seeing a woman who already had children, and he moved into one of the housing association properties with her. At first, it was nice to keep in touch but as I made progress in my career, the friendship changed and was not as it used to be.
    This woman is a depressed and worried nanny, smoking excessively because beggars usually require nicotine! His personality changed and they both began to sponge off me big time.
    When I was down and they were low on shopping I contributed as expected. I also loaned them some more cash on top, just to help out as a friend. They were having financial problems so naturally I was sympathetic to them. Well I was at first anyway!
    I noticed over the visits I made they would offer to pay a little bit back, only to ask to borrow even more a day or two later. I felt that things were getting out of hand so I refused to lend them any more money.
    They still tried their best to get money out of me though! [/align]

    [​IMG] [align=left]Apparently the womanâ??s daughter received a demand for unpaid council tax that accrued when she was staying with her former boyfriend, and during that time the residence was in his name. The amount was several hundred pounds and I told her that she was not liable for this. I even offered to go down the council to sort this out for her, or write a letter explaining the situation so that she would not have to pay what she did not owe.

    Of course this wasnâ??t the way the wanted me help was it; it was just a pack of lies.
    Social Security stopped payments to them, because of a neighbour misleading them apparently. I offered to go down to the office to help sort it out. Again, this wasnâ??t exactly what they wanted either; it was just another pack of lies to try and extract money from me.
    They were beginning to see that their excuses had backfired on them and that they werenâ??t going to get any more cash. This is where the friendship went downhill. They really only wanted me for my money and when I didnâ??t play ball, thatâ??s when the truth would come out.
    Our friendship finally deteriorated irreparably when they tried to sabotage my reputation through a string of false allegations. It transpires that this was all a plot so that they didnâ??t have to see and could therefore avoid paying me back what was owed.
    I am no longer welcome their house anymore - persona non-gratis!
    This friend whom I have known for over twenty years, had never behaved like this to me before. All this happened after he moved in with this trashy council estate scum of a woman.
    Beggars will go to whatever length they can to gain at your expense. These spongers on benefit who havenâ??t got the capability to earn a living are out to bring down others. So sorry spongers, you only deserve the minimum! [/align]
  3. plantlife

    plantlife Gardener

    Jun 4, 2008
    Ah, the worst is when people try to scam you out of money :(
  4. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Thieves aren`t identifiable by their employment status.

    I know a guy who always has cash-always, drives a Bentley his other car is a Range Rover, rolex`s for him and his missus, New York at least 4 times a year to go shopping, spends hundreds of thousands on gambling each year etc etc etc, I was given a piece of advice about him from someone who knows him very very well-give him a fiver and tell him, "give it me back next time you see me." You`ll never see him again and that fiver will save you thousands in the end.

    You can`t judge a book by it`s cover, and some people are wolves in sheeps clothing.
  5. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Evening lolli ... there are many, many reasons why I left the UK ... too many to go into .... but mainly because I worked my off for so many years and gained nothing unless I did it myself. No one gave me anything ... it was work, work, work night and day.

    Although we both had high-flying jobs (two company cars) we worked evenings and weekends doing 'piecework' jobs. I was out in Hozelock's factory at 6am on a Sunday when during the week I did four hours after office hours in the factory even though I was their Personnel and Pensions Administrator ..... so that we could retire early.

    Life is a b*tch and then you may appreciate it .... I am now. :thumb:
  6. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Hi Chuck,

    It`s outrageous that you just don`t get rewarded for hard work in this country, for doing the right thing.

    This chap I told you of above doesn`t have it in him to be proud of something unless it has cost him a mint. He`s one of those that knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. If he has a tenner in his pocket then someone must be missing their jewellery. And you just would not know it from looking at him. Suits, detached house, laptops phone everything to give the impression he is just a normal everyday well-to-do kind of chap.
  7. Little Miss Road Rage

    Little Miss Road Rage Gardener

    Jul 1, 2008
    Crappy illness in exchange for good health so I can return to work.

    I'd quite happily give my illness to someone that wants to stay at home all day. It's just not fair all these people wanna doss and I wanna work. I couldn't even go help Dorsetmike today with his roses as I'm not feeling too good and I wanna go to the shop but I'm not sure I can make it.

    Sorry feeling low and off with being ill. rant over
  8. elainefiz

    elainefiz Gardener

    Oct 17, 2005
    Trashy council estate scum of a woman.That`s very broad minded talk intermiplants.
    I`ve lived on council estates all my life and i`ve heard some in my time but you take the biscuit.
    We don`t choose the life we`re born into and i grew up rough.My Mother was an alcoholic and died young but she taught me to read and write before i started school and when i wasn`t visiting her in mental hospitals i was looking after my abusive father and 2 elder brothers.School was a place where kids took the cause i had holes in my knickers. I had a saturday job before i left school at the age of 15 and i`ve worked ever since.My Son who is now 16 and has been learning a trade for the past 2 yrs in his spare time would not stab you if you smiled at him nor would he have done when he was 7 while i was out working double shifts in God forsaken bars getting bottles thrown at me so as i could take him to Light water Valley for the day.
    So please, i`m asking you nicely, don`t tie us all with the same brush.
  9. leonora

    leonora Gardener

    Sep 29, 2006
    Retired (translator)
    I have to register a protest against this right-wing ranting, I will try to keep it as reasonable as possible, although I am responding to unreasonable claims and accusations.
    *I* am unemployed, and in receipt of Incapacity Benefit. This is because I suffer from arthritis and asthma. I have also been re-housed in a ground-floor flat because of my disability.
    And I take VERY STRONG EXCEPTION to being insulted by right-wing ranters who know nothing about me and have not bothered to investigate the situation. I can assure you that no-one CHOOSES to be unemployed, it's not "fun" and it's not "socially acceptable". Do you think it's "fun" to be caught in the poverty trap FOR ONE'S ENTIRE LIFE because of illness?
    And it's NOT "easy to get a job" - trust me on this, before I became to ill to work I lost track of the amount of jobs I applied for. Most of the time they don't even bother to acknowledge your application, let alone invite you for interview....and then people have the gall to accuse the unemployed of "not wanting to work".
    EVERYONE wants to work......
    I think you should apologise.
  10. leonora

    leonora Gardener

    Sep 29, 2006
    Retired (translator)

    And what evidence do you have for this??? Some article in the DAILY MAIL??
    I am claiming Incapacity Benefit because I am disabled. I get summoned by the Benefits Agency every so often to demonstrate that I haven't made a miraculous it happens, I suffer from asthma and arthritis, which are degenerative conditions from which you don't recover.
  11. leonora

    leonora Gardener

    Sep 29, 2006
    Retired (translator)
    this is a complete myth. Single mothers do not get to jump the queue. As you say, "we are British, after all". It DID used to happen in Eastern Europe in the COmmunist era - it was understood that people got married very young, so they could get accommodation separately from their parents. So it was young COUPLES who got council accommodation.
  12. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    elainefiz if you had read the post you would have seen me write that i didnt write i lived in a council flat myself from 1990 -1998.. it was an article in the local paper that i had to read twice to make sure they had actually printed it..but it was one mans the next time you go off on one read the full post it does help:thumb:
  13. elainefiz

    elainefiz Gardener

    Oct 17, 2005
    Ok.Got it.I apologise.Maybe i did go off on one but maybe if you`d written it in the same text with a sentence beginning with capital letters and a full stop i would have understood.:thumb:
  14. tweaky

    tweaky Gardener

    Jun 7, 2008

    I would have challenged your posting, but I chose not to, as you explicitly said it was not yours and you were passing it on.

    However, had it been a personal message...which it wasn't, I don't really give a dam what the individual thinks about my way of life, or my background. Unless they said it in the pub to me, then I could register my displeasure of their comments by means of a fist......

    I moved into a council house when I was 7 years old...with my parents of course...and bloody proud and grateful that we at last had our own home.

    I lived in that house until I was 23 and only moved out because I got married and wanted to buy our own house, which we did.

    Council House Mentality????? You can find the same kind of people who own their own homes yea. But it's a sad fact these days, that people who live in council houses are viewed as 2nd class citizens in every way.

    I think that view is pathetic, misguided and totally wrong. But that's the media and tele for you. All the crims and dross come from council estates....don't anybody believe that for one minute.

    It's a fallacy.
  15. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne

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