work for your benefits

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by intermiplants, Aug 7, 2008.

  1. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    response to leonora

    I most certainly will NOT apologise.

    Answer me this...........Which one are you?

    Are you the single mother who queue jumped her way into a council house over and in front of working families on the list for YEARS? And I don`t care how they have become a single mother-I HAVE BEEN ONE!!-there is a queue-JOIN IT

    Are you the smackhead who claims he can`t work because of a drug addiction he BROUGHT ON HIMSELF? Why are they not IN PRISON?

    Are you the lazy kind who cant`/ won`t get a job even though you are perfectly able bodied? I have NEVER had a problem getting a job EVER EVER EVER!! If you weren`t responded to-brush up your interview skills.

    OR as you said yourself-Are you incapable of work as a result of crippling arthritis and asthma-because if you are USE YOUR LOGIC and finish reading a post BEFORE responding to it you would have noticed the point I was making.

    Be very careful when climbing on a high horse-it might be lame!

    So just to be very very very clear I will repeat that I am not a doctor and therefore cannot comment on those claiming incapacity benefit! AND I will not apologise for airing my views, no matter how much political correctness is thrown my way.
  2. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008

    And on this point you are just WRONG. At 19 yrs old I fell pregnant, went to the council and got given a list of houses to look at. that is a fact-NOT a fable. It happened I`m afraid, TO ME.

    I met a woman at the baby clinic-IT HAPPENED TO HER!!

    Unfortunately Leonora, you are wrong.
  3. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008

    Too right Tweaky,

    I grew up in a part of Bolton you will know-Breightmet, on the council estate there. I don`t steal or con people-yet this guy I was talking about earlier is the most untrustworthy dishonest person I have ever come across-he lives in a big detached house, nice cars, holidays etc, and the most outrageous part of it is that he of all people makes denigrating comments about so called "council house" types!

    I haven`t had it easy, I haven`t got the things I have now by any way other than hard work and sacrifice.
  4. tweaky

    tweaky Gardener

    Jun 7, 2008


    Dont really need to say anymore do I. I know these to be fact...and not read in the papers.

    I'm with you Clair. Everything I had or have, I worked for sometimes through blood sweat and tears.....Council houses were a great thing for the less well of, but somewhere along the way the system became overrun with abuse and then Maggie destroyed the whole concept.

    Still, never mind eh...we survived.
  5. tweaky

    tweaky Gardener

    Jun 7, 2008

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but please do not make statements, if you can't back them up please.

    Non of us are perfect and opinions are well received by everyone I am sure...but statements must be followed with evidence, otherwise they are just speculative.

    Can we continue with a good discussion, but try to keep it impersonal......

    Sorry folks and members, but that's the way I feel, so I had to say it.
  6. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008

    The last time I was called disgusting I was definitely being very personal LOL.

    I know what you mean about council houses-aside from them being fine houses in themselves, the atmosphere was brilliant. Long summer holidays spent playing with the rest of the estate kids on Leverhulme Park-( I know you know it, it`s where I began my deep love affair with wildflowers), in and out of each others houses. It is a great tragedy they have in the main become something associated with something undesirable, that way of life was very desirable and I really pity my own children not having that in their life.
  7. tweaky

    tweaky Gardener

    Jun 7, 2008
    No one should be called disgusting.

    We moved into our council house on my 7th birthday...nooooo it was not the 1800's:rolleyes:

    Most of the people on my avenue came from terraced houses in Eccles and they kept the same attitude...door's never locked, neighbours in and out etc...was great.

    All us kids in the same avenue all went to the same schools and continued into the same secondary we were mates already. Wonderful years.:thumb:
  8. elainefiz

    elainefiz Gardener

    Oct 17, 2005
    I know i should just shut up and bite the bullet but i did read the post a couple of times and i did think to myself.."you can`t be serious?" and "no, i won`t bite" but my blood started pounding in my lugs and i just couldn`t think or see straight.I took it personally.
    The fact that i grew up,live, on a council estate is neither here nor there.I would still have had the same parents and i would still be proud of myself and the fact that i`ve managed to keep my son off benefits and out of jail.It shouldn`t matter where we live.We all breath the same air.
  9. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    I went to all my schools with girls and boys from Council house backgrounds,and do you know what we Never Ever thought anything of whether they came from a Council house as opposed to me being from a home which belonged to my parents.To us we were just friends through infants,Juniors and then Senior school.Not once did any of us ever think that one was better than the other because as children we thought like children,not like adults.We were always in and out of each others houses because to us a house was a place to eat and sleep,just a brick buiding with walls, windows,a front and back door and not much else.:)

    We all seemed to be in the same boat with not much money or toys but we all played together in school time and outside of school time,and if anything I was slightly envious of them because they had holidays each year with their parents and went into the working mens clubs whereas because there was so many in my family and my parents worked round the clock to provide for us there was never enough money for holidays and days out etc.:rolleyes:

    My Mums front door was always open and every one used to drop in for a cup of tea and a natter whether it was the postman,milkman,gasman etc,everyone was welcome and it didn't matter what their background was or what type of house they lived in everyone seemed much happier than they are these days.Perhaps it is because people are more materialistic these days,but who knows:rolleyes:
  10. jjordie

    jjordie ex-mod

    May 24, 2005

    This thread is being closed for a cooldown

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