A yummy selection of annoying questions - like the left over nutty Roses

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Whiley, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    I've spent the last hour hanging out of my front room window pondering things. Its dangerous ground when Whiley begins thinking because things begin to occur to her, and in turn they end up here, accompanied by attrocious photos, in hope of remedies and advice.

    I'd get a cup of tea first.

    Numero Uno.
    In here somewhere is a honeysuckle. At least i'm pretty sure its honeysuckle - *googles quickly so she doesn't look stupid* ... yay it is! :]

    Eitherwho, its tangled up in a huge mess of other stuff too, and its callapsing the fence with its collected weight, so its all going byebye in the next few weeks. But i loves it. :(
    You can't see very well because i refused to go out in the rain to take a better picture, but it has reeeally vivid hot pink areas, not the same as mums which are very pale.
    I would love to get a jumbo pot with a cane structure and grow it up it, is this possible? And in turn, is it possible to take a cutting and grow honeysuckle that way? If so, how?


    Why is my Peterpan rose this colour
    instead of like this like it said on the label?


    This rose also, its a Wildfire. But, its... lanky and not very leafy... Whats it up to? Is it poorly? Its really shot up since we planted it at only like 6 inches high in May.

    Okay. Lily, gooorgeous while in bloom <3 I love them and i want more. This one was the orangey yellow one and i was so pleased with it.
    Are these ends seed pods of some kind? If not, why is it bloating? Whats it up to? I'm suspicsious of the whole thing personally.

    Okay nearly there.
    These 3 miserable looking chaps with multiple stuff planted with it, what should one do with them, as they're really weed ridden too. Does one keep them and try to remove and replace the soil around the rooms ooorr??


    I think the centre one with the big leaves did this in April.

    The little alpine looks so miserable. Its so sad! If i kept him i might plant something perennial with him.
    The one on the right has the the company of an iddle biddy snapdragon, which previously i wasnt fussed about, and thought were annual, but these have come back for years apparently, and i want lotsh of them now :D :D

    So there we have it. Whileys rambling questions which would help in plant health and planning whats happening in the near future out there in its development.
  2. SidSpider

    SidSpider Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 28, 2008
    Hi Whiley

    I'll have a go at answering your questions or at least some of them.

    As to your 1st question about the honeysuckle, yes it is possible to grow honeysuckle in a large pot, but try to position the pot so that it isn't in direct sunlight as they like their roots to be cool. You can also propagate honeysuckle by cuttings, or by layering it, but if your going to dig it up, layering is out of the question. The best type of cutting is probably a leaf bud at this time of year.

    Leaf Bud Propagation Tutorial

    As to the rose, it was probably miss labelled, I used to work on a plant nursery and early in the year it can be awkward to tell different cultivators apart when they aren't in flower. Especially when the boss takes customers around and they remove the labels.

    The second rose probably just wants a cutback to make it bush out.

    They definatly look like seed pods to me on your lilly. If you leave them on they may self seed, but it can take a couple of years before the new lilies flower, and they may not be the same colour.

    As to the three sickly plants, the middle looks like a rhododendron of some kind. If it is, it needs ericaceous (acid) compost which you can pick up from your local garden centre. I would be inclined to give it a hard cut back to 4 or 5 buds up from the base, and then knock it out of the pot and remove a few inches of compost from around the edge so that you can re-pot it into ericaceous compost. Once re-potted keep it well watered, which shouldn't be too hard in the current weather conditions.

    I cant quite tell what the yellow one on the right is. It could be a yellow Euonymus or a Hebe or something else. In any case I'd give it a bit of pruning and a feed. You can buy plugs of slow release fertiliser for potted plants that will release food over a period of about 6 months or so.

    Osmacote Plant Food Plugs

    Euonymus japonicus 'Aureo Marginata'

    Hebe franciscana 'VariegataĆ¢??

    As to the conifers, I'd personally get rid of them and plant something else, I'm not a conifer fan. But I'm sure someone else will have a more constructive suggestion.

  3. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    That tutorial is brilliant! I'm going to have a go at that later today! I know it'll probably take a while to get biiig but its worth a go! I'll look into honeysuckle care and see whens best to plant them into pots etc and if younglings will survive the winter, etc. Unless someone answers on here before i reach that point!

    With my Wildfire, when you say cut back, where am i cutting back to? Theres so little of it there i'm concerned i'd cut the wrong bit!

    Interesting about the lilies, but i can't help thinkings that its a bit early for me to do long term ventures with growing from seeds, plus i'm not patient enough to wait for beautiful lilies that long :D
    If i learned to collect the seeds would anyone like any? This is the citronsomethingarather variety i believe. Otherwise i'll just let them do their thing and self seed in the pot or whatever, if its not unhealthy for them?

    After a bit of googling for images i'd say you're right thats its a rhododendron and i shall take your advice, cut it back and repot with some appropiate compost which i'll pick up later today if i can nag Darren into getting me to a garden centre.

    Thank you for those two possible IDs, i'm inclined to say its a Euonymus as apposed to a hebe on closer inspection with those photos. But i'll go out and get better photos in a moment.

    Not sure about what to do for mister conifer, might get him some fresh soil and plant him up with wintering violas or something for an excuse for winter colour.
  4. jjordie

    jjordie ex-mod

    May 24, 2005
    Hi Whiley
    Just couldn't resist editing your 'numero uno' pic - honeysuckle :D


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